What is your worldview?

Please excuse using Baptist as a reference point for God ownership. Religious groups and their followers are the same as anyone else, with the exception of possible religious pride. Generally speaking religious seem smug or almighty over nonmembers and distant observers. Many people who view fundamentalist groups as social clubs have either had a negative experience in the gathering and admission into groups as these or perhaps religions that support these kinds of social activities.

The Bible says when two or more are gathered together. I don't like religious groups because I find fault in them. I'm not overly fond of church either, but I go and sometimes I get something out of it, but I don't expect to be blown away into higher godliness in every church sermon I hear. I go to church in support of other people who attend, My church is very small and most of the members are retired or near retirement and because attendance is low the church needs support from everyone.

I don't evangelize, although there was time in which I was led to believe I should but it's not my thing. Most new Christians are energetic and want to set the world on fire by the intensity of their faith. I am too old for that now.

I like who I am, however, back when I started I may not have approved the game plan that got me here.
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Many people who view fundamentalist groups as social clubs
Not social clubs. It's more. SOUL clubs, perhaps?

"We're the only ones who have the key to paradise."

And so it goes on: "Well, you know, we do so much want you to be able to go to our paradise too -- just like us -- therefore we have the right to employ whatever means necessary to make you be like us," etc.

Same ole', same ole' ...
A common error regarding Christian faith is the assumption everybody should want to be Christians like them. The evangelistic paradox tells Christians should SEED the nations and reap a good harvest of fellow believers. Not everybody is called or chosen for salvation and secondly, people ultimately arrive at their ordained destination within the designated time.
I believe all things happen in accordance to plan that cannot be described or understood by me. Life is more complicated than we can imagine. Faith does not necessarily explain life to me, instead faith assures me of my safety and freedom to be.
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A common error regarding Christian faith is the assumption everybody should want to be Christians like them.
But that's people, not just Christians, it's common to all belief systems, religious, political, whatever.

I wonder how much the above view is perceived differently in Europe to how it is in America?

Not everybody is called or chosen for salvation ...
Personally, I don't believe that. I think we comfort ourselves with that idea when we fail to convert others ...

and secondly, people ultimately arrive at their ordained destination within the designated time.
I doubt that as well. It's another one of those comforts, we have no way of knowing who doesn't arrive ...

I believe all things happen in accordance to plan that cannot be described or understood by me.
I believe the cosmos is contingent. I don't believe everything is scheduled and micro-managed. Saints get hit by buses or cancer just like sinners.
But that's people, not just Christians, it's common to all belief systems, religious, political, whatever.

I wonder how much the above view is perceived differently in Europe to how it is in America?

Personally, I don't believe that. I think we comfort ourselves with that idea when we fail to convert others ...

I doubt that as well. It's another one of those comforts, we have no way of knowing who doesn't arrive ...

I believe the cosmos is contingent. I don't believe everything is scheduled and micro-managed. Saints get hit by buses or cancer just like sinners.
I cannot confirm or deny but I believe there is some kind of order regarding life; faith directs my understanding to God. I cannot prove this based on faith but I believe it to be true.

" Not everyone is called or chosen for salvation" Theologically speaking salvation is the deliverance from sin and its consequences believed by Christians to be brought about by faith in Christ. I used to try converting people, but as far as I know any impact I had on people came from daily living, not preaching the gospel. God works in curious ways and at times we are completely unaware of.

I wish to retract my statement people ultimately arrive at their ordained destination within their designated time. I withdraw this statement due to lack of knowledge on this matter. This statement may or may not be true, I don't know.
I wish to retract my statement people ultimately arrive at their ordained destination within their designated time. I withdraw this statement due to lack of knowledge on this matter. This statement may or may not be true, I don't know.
In my worldview this statement applies to heaven, hell, hereafter, G!d, et al
My worldview is that the point of origin of all creation we see is c o s m i c. So I see all living beings: plants, dogs,and humans alike, as intergalactic and interdimensional aliens. Aliens in the truest sense of the word, because the mind (what we call soul, aatman, anatman, etc) is an interdimensional Being with a definite purpose (purpose being; serve creation. The purpose of creation: the experience of love and unity.)

I think creation is a cosmic warehouse, and that dimensions, galaxies, and all beings, are built off previous creations and infinitley perfected. Its a self referential, self sustaining system of creation.

So none of us are what we think we are (mere humans, or animals.) Similarly, nothing is what we actually think it is. This is why the only way to understand the creation is to enter into that state of cosmic consciousness/unity consciousness where we enter the realm of infinite possibilities.

Thank you :)
My worldview is that the point of origin of all creation we see is c o s m i c. So I see all living beings: plants, dogs,and humans alike, as intergalactic and interdimensional aliens. Aliens in the truest sense of the word, because the mind (what we call soul, aatman, anatman, etc) is an interdimensional Being with a definite purpose (purpose being; serve creation. The purpose of creation: the experience of love and unity.)

I think creation is a cosmic warehouse, and that dimensions, galaxies, and all beings, are built off previous creations and infinitley perfected. Its a self referential, self sustaining system of creation.

So none of us are what we think we are (mere humans, or animals.) Similarly, nothing is what we actually think it is. This is why the only way to understand the creation is to enter into that state of cosmic consciousness/unity consciousness where we enter the realm of infinite possibilities.

Thank you :)
Does your worldview have a name?
Does your worldview have a name?

No, because no one told me this. I learned this experientially. But I actually dont hold that view though, I held it for a second while writing, then realized that in fact I have no world view :)

But one thIng I am sure of (and can reason with logic) is that We are not what we think we are, and life is not what it appears to be.

So, what about you? :)
But that's people, not just Christians, it's common to all belief systems, religious, political, whatever.

I wonder how much the above view is perceived differently in Europe to how it is in America?

Personally, I don't believe that. I think we comfort ourselves with that idea when we fail to convert others ...

I doubt that as well. It's another one of those comforts, we have no way of knowing who doesn't arrive ...

I believe the cosmos is contingent. I don't believe everything is scheduled and micro-managed. Saints get hit by buses or cancer just like sinners.
could this be the origin of the ubiquitous "doubting Thomas"?
No, because no one told me this. I learned this experientially. But I actually dont hold that view though, I held it for a second while writing, then realized that in fact I have no world view :)

But one thIng I am sure of (and can reason with logic) is that We are not what we think we are, and life is not what it appears to be.

So, what about you? :)
For one thing you and I think alike, the most important moment in life is the one you are living. Present is now, present is everything, present is change. Time and life is sometimes flow and sometimes turbulence, but all in all life is sorta the God is. Nothing more nothing less only IS. I love and I live in the same time and space. If I am sad, life is me, and everything I am. Love gives me permission to be and no one but me controls me like me
I am all for living in the present ... that's the essence of Christianity for me.

But then when you listen top what neuroscience tells us ... sheesh!

Happy New Year, all!
I learned about in the cosmic sense in the 1970s, however, love was incomplete without eternal foundation. I invited Jesus into my life perhaps out destitute, remorse and guilt. Whatever prompt-to Jesus became one with me and now in the image Christ I am adopted into God's family as His own.

As with any new birth growth and maturity takes dedication, time and practice. i don't think all things will be revealed to us in this lifetime or otherwise, however, whatever is asked will be revealed. If we are tested, adversity creates growth and character, not a bad thing, but necessary.

It does no good to complain or worry, negative behavior inhibits our connection to God. Good works are nothing without a pure heart. New to the Christian faith I wanted everyone to have what I had, but not everybody i talked to wanted what I had so overtime I leaned restraint and the peacefulness God.
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My view of the world is that people can be hateful and some can care, but as I experience as I'm going through this uncertain phase in life, it's not about me it's about others.