Who Is Our God?

Well, it takes a creation to recognize a creator, or what would you call a creator who created nothing? (and money is a very recent creation indeed)

It does not always take a creation to recognize a creator; But the Appreciation of a Maker. Taking it a different route then intended to write: Does it take a Child to recognize a Parent? Does a Parent Do nothing in The Due to Cause that Child/Infant to be born? Count the Steps and Lay out the Conclusions; How many Months is a average Pregnancy? What does it take to Keep that infant alive in the Belly, Does a Male and Female Need to be Born to Cause that Pregnancy to Even Happen? Does this Count their Ancestors, How does a bias stand up to that; if mankind doesn't even know how it got here on earth.

Is G-d then a Creator who takes Care of a Creation; Is their then an Appreciation of a Maker? Regardless of How Your Believes are or Disbelieves unintended and Disregarded; Their is still a Link to the Source that Created all Things Prior to the Scientifically Unassociated Claim of Big Bang Creation. So Where is the first Molecule Creation if not in the Vastness of Space. Is Mankind ever so Dull to Recollect themselves Greater then the Maker? These Realities are True to them Who Thusby Consider, and By No Means of Necessity to be Persuaded; But for the Sake of Dialogue i will indulge. What is the Maker of Mankind? How did Creation Come About. What is the Definition of Life.

If all is written out You won't grasp the meaning without a Maker; Because the Signature of the Creator is in All Thing Visible to them Who Seek; But invisible to them Who Disregard; Thus to their Each individuals Demise (OR) P.
As a Mystic You Should know that their is an underlying theme to all Things Living; Yet the Scope of a Mystic Only Goes that Far. It takes an Enlighten; Enlightenment to See Farther. This is the Broad aspect of Which i'm Writing

Perhaps that is the question?

For Definition of Term Takes Witness of THE Reality; For Reality is but Witness in their Consent. Without Enlightenment My Words will Make Less Sense. But Ultimately In Human Terms i may Place a Matter to Rest.

The idea may be difficult, but why must the writing be difficult too? All the more reason for the writing to be clear. What is the purpose of capital letters? Of punctuation?

Do You Understand the equation of General Relativity? Are you able to Read a Mathematical Equation? Why is it so Difficult? The Idea That all Spiritual matters pertain to spiritual Things; and Natural Matters to Natural Things is an Easy Equation. The Premise of which it stem's is that Without Enlightenment All Things be Difficult to Grasp. Hence is Life a Journey to the Awakening. To them Who seek Thus it will be Opened. To them who Knock - Find. Is This Reality to hard? Then Life is All around it too Simple to be Left alone. If the Journey to Enlightenment is to Hard, then Fix your life on the Natural Manner; so that You May be Perfected in One Thing, Rather then imperfect in many Dual of Things.

It has been said that achieving enlightenment is the most difficult thing we will ever attempt to do.

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Do You Understand the equation of General Relativity? Are you able to Read a Mathematical Equation? Why is it so Difficult?
The equations are to enable people to understand relativity. If someone starts moving the brackets around and inserting terms and capitals where they shouldn't be the equations become meaningless -- or much more difficult to understand -- unless someone wants to bother to try to work out what the jumbled equations really mean?
The Idea That all Spiritual matters pertain to spiritual Things; and Natural Matters to Natural Things is an Easy Equation.
Agreed spiritual laws are not always the same as natural laws. But there is crossover. Spirit 'weaves' nature. Spirit contains and surrounds and permeates nature/us, but is not limited by the constraints of nature.

The dimension of nature is like just one room in an infinite house of spirit. The walls of the room are walls of time. My Father's house has many mansions. The greater wheel of spirit turns the lesser wheel of nature but is not turned by it. Imo
If the Journey to Enlightenment is to Hard, then Fix your life on the Natural Manner; so that You May be Perfected in One Thing, Rather then imperfect in many Dual of Things.
But is perfection to be found in nature? The lovely rose must die? I do understand what you mean though.
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Hi @SæEagle
You remind me so much of a previous poster! He also wrote long and convoluted texts and argued endlessly over every little thing. It's too bad every one of his previous accounts were banned because you two could probably entertain each other to the end times. But if you stick around long enough I'm sure he'll be back, it's usually just a matter of time...

Hope you enjoy your stay!
Hi @SæEagle
You remind me so much of a previous poster! He also wrote long and convoluted texts and argued endlessly over every little thing. It's too bad every one of his previous accounts were banned because you two could probably entertain each other to the end times. But if you stick around long enough I'm sure he'll be back, it's usually just a matter of time...

Hope you enjoy your stay!

Thanks, I'll Try; But i like diversity, not long post. So i'm Frequent able to read other posters regardless of the length of posting. So Whether Poster X be back or not, is little to the regard, Such is to the Degree of the Makers. I'm Pleased with it :)

Yes! If I am childless, nobody will recognize me as a parent.

So Wir Verstehen uns...

Die Frage war Ausgespoken so that we may realize that in the natural we can see how things house themselves into each other, like the big bang being house by individual laws that pertain to the reality which we foresee/see in the premise of our Existence. Science has a formality that understands this notion; Yet unable to grasp the reality itself of these laws, because they are not pending on the Conditions of General Relativity; But are Pending Prior outside of those Law's (Which) Human individuality has calculated but unable to face. So is G-d a Maker of These Realities Which are Befitting to his Make; The Creator of Creation that simply dropped a Seed of Creation into the Ground (Space). The Big Bang was the Cataclysm in Which Reality Saw These Law's Pending; Like Gravity or Weak Strong/ nuclear force. We Can go into the Depth of Elements to See These Very Forces Working; But to Actually Bend them; That Which was already prior to Creation Needed a Housing; And This Housing of the Big Bang was the Perfection of the Conditions of Creation itself. So we Can Always See a Maker Putting These Things to Work to Have the Conditions in Perfect Harmony to the Creation of, and the Circumstances to... That Mankind a Race is able to Examine these Very Laws and Elements in a Bizarre Observatory Measure; Even of the Position of the Earth in the Cosmos to be able to See the Star Correlation of Constellation in it's Utmost Depicted Form. I Could Go on With these Formalities of Settings; But We are Most known of them if we pay attention. To This Tho we See Correlation in Which i intent it to be of Maker to Format it into Existence. Like the Creation of a Child. 9 Months and Prior; and After to Cause Life to Exist; if the Big Bang was the Conception; Then Life Existed before and the Laws of it, and Afterwards so to Cause Life to Exist; This Very Law is like the Law of Creation, Pre-Existing so that we May see Birth and Conception of the Human Earth.

Thanks for Posting [Back].
Hi @SæEagle
You remind me so much of a previous poster! He also wrote long and convoluted texts and argued endlessly over every little thing. It's too bad every one of his previous accounts were banned because you two could probably entertain each other to the end times. But if you stick around long enough I'm sure he'll be back, it's usually just a matter of time...
Me thinks he has..... ;) Oh, Steve..... :rolleyes:

Reminds me of another great orator:

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