You dont think it is nourishing to be compassionate in a non material sense? How is being compassionate material?
To answer the question; what you are calling material and striving is merley sitting down by yourself and being undistracted from the concentration of present awareness. Calmly breathing. Not hurting anyone, not thinking wrong, not doing wrong, not feeling wrong, etc. How is sitting down alone a materialist thing?
When we speak of the spiritual life we are talking about all these peaceful qualities like goodness and compassion which make the world a better place.
The spiritual path, or simply put, the correct living path, is about connecting with god. To even approach that you have to know how to live, how to use your body, how to think, how to breathe, how to eat and drink, etc. This is not even spiritual, its just basic instructions on how to live; dont hit a tiger on the head cause it will bite back, dont put the fork in the plug; dont kill, dont rape, dont rob, dont take whats not given, dont judge, forgive, be pure hearted, virtue...very basic, this is just basic Knowledge (knowledge meaning Knowledge of Life, there is no other knowledge with a capital k)
Then, after this 8 fold path, this good living, then one is pure and further connects with god. But its not something that can be talked about, because the path teaches you things, just like there are things you didnt know as a boy that now as an adult you know because life has taught you. It was not a decision "I will become an adult and grow" its just the nature of things, just like impermanence is the nature of things. Things grow with the passing of time. You GROW old. As you said, you dont find X nourishing. If you desire nourishment, the meaning of the word nourishment is
the food or other substances necessary for growth, health, and good condition.
Life is progress, as each day of your life builds on the previous day. If anyone wants to live by going round in circles, or down, or backwards, or up and down endlessly, she is free to do as she wishes, no one is commanding anyone in this world at all, in fact very few give a helping hand to the fallen in this world. The heroin addict saves himself, he helps himself. You do a great disservice by telling the heroin addict that he is a spiritual materialist because he wants to do better with his life. Let him save himself, encourage his restraining of the senses, give him the knowledge that the agregates are not the heart, that in the heart "The Kingdom of Heaven" lies.
To the same extent, we are conditioned, we are disconnected from nature, from reality, and we believe our senses are our lives. We confuse the agregates with the reality. Yet each day we can decide weither to do good or ill. The heroin addict decides weither he takes that whiff of the china white or if he restrains his senses and does not run away from himself by filling his senses.
Each day we are confronted with suffering and pleasure. We chose how we react to these.
We can hurt people or do them good.