Last Things


Big Love! (Atheist mystic)
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What are your views of the Last Things, the End Days, the Day of Judgement, the End of the World, Finis Terra, the Twilight of the Gods, the Singularity?

Is it a time or a place?

Will there be seven suns? Dragons and jet-powered scorpion locusts? Giant wolves? A final reckoning? A new deal? "Not a bang but a whimper"? Eternal reward and punishment? Can we all go home finally?

Is it within ourselves, rather than far away, that all plot threads are neatly tied up in a satisfying ending?
It is a time.
Some of the signs leading up to the last days include:-

Competion amongst the bedouin in constructing tall buildings - happened
Children become more powerful than their guardians - happening
Floods, diseases & other catastrophes increase in number - happening
Jesus of Nazareth (Messiah) will appear - not happened

He will usher in a time of global peace after much bloodshed
Some generatons later, believers will decrease
The End :(
Hi Cino.

What are your views of the Last Things, the End Days, the Day of Judgement, the End of the World, Finis Terra, the Twilight of the Gods, the Singularity?

Is it a time or a place?

I would go with a state of existence not subject to time as we know it. It's not a thing to fear, IMO. We lose nothing of ourselves except that which is our sorrow and hindrance here in the phenomenal realm. I would say we will be more ourselves in that state than we have ever been here.

Will there be seven suns? Dragons and jet-powered scorpion locusts? Giant wolves? A final reckoning? A new deal? "Not a bang but a whimper"? Eternal reward and punishment? Can we all go home finally?

Yes, we can go home. :) I'd have to get a new handle because I would be no more a stranger. :) I'm probably going to get in trouble for this one, but I think the legalese which necessarily veils the heart of God as presented in the letter would be long gone, having served it's purpose. (IMO)

Is it within ourselves, rather than far away, that all plot threads are neatly tied up in a satisfying ending?

Within, without... such designations, which are mostly a matter of perception, would no longer matter. All questions are rendered moot through direct experience. We're home, love which never ends is there. It would be like a blazing fire in the heart that never goes out.
In truth I do not know. I am Christian, however, I do not for certain. Whatever happens I am not afraid, I look forward to the change
I get proved to have been right all along, and there's some monumental arse-kicking!



(And ... relax ... )
Reader's Digest condensed version of the end time: Satin comes first posing as Christ. Many will be deceived, especially those always asking for proof of God's existence as Satin's parlor tricks will likely be seen as such. Eventually, the actual Christ appears and all hell breaks loose! The judgement, Satin and his cohorts are cast into the lake of fire and even memories of them are blotted out forevermore. Heaven is re-established here on earth and all will be as originally intended once again.

Oh, that noise outside heaven's gate... that'll be Thomas pounding to get in! -:D
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I am Star-dust. I have been there for 13.78 billion years. There is no end of time for me. I (or what constitutes me) will pass on to billions of things. Each of my molecules will have a new life, and I will endure till the end of universe - or probably beyond it.
It is a time.
Some of the signs leading up to the last days include:-

Competion amongst the bedouin in constructing tall buildings - happened
Children become more powerful than their guardians - happening
Floods, diseases & other catastrophes increase in number - happening
Jesus of Nazareth (Messiah) will appear - not happened

He will usher in a time of global peace after much bloodshed
Some generatons later, believers will decrease
The End :(

IIRC another sign of Judgement day approaching is that "Males and females will be indistinguishable from one another", this is also happening on more than one level.
7:187 - They will question thee concerning the Hour, when it shall berth. Say: 'The knowledge of it is only with my Lord; none shall reveal it at its proper time, but He. Heavy is it in the heavens and the earth; it will not come on you but suddenly!' They will question thee, as though thou art well-informed of it. Say: 'The knowledge of it is only with God, but most men know not.'
Thank Allah. It will be sudden whenever it happens. Perhaps in my life-time or in the life-time of my 33rd generation (if my seed lasts that long). I do not have to worry about it right now. :D
What can I do? He has hardened my heart and blinded my eyes to his glory for no reason. :)
"lā ḥawla wa-lā quwwata ʾillā bi-llāhi": All change and power is from Allah.
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