What's the third eye?

Actually, it does .. that's why we have "brain dead" people etc.

Hmm .. I like haggis [ a Scottish recipe ]
"Brain death is the complete loss of brain function (including involuntary activity necessary to sustain life). It differs from persistent vegetative state, in which the person is alive and some autonomic functions remain."

We are very kosher eaters. Only goat and that too from halal shops (Kashmiri brahmins long-settled outside Kashmir think that only Muslims know how to carve meat). In Kashmir they do not mind sheep, but that is not us.
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Keeping kosher entails a lot more than which meat to eat and where to obtain it. I'm not Jewish, so I can't comment with any authority or from experience.
Islam has some rules about which animal products are permissible, right? You mentioned spiritual cleanliness. Is observance of using halal products a means for such purification of the spirit or "heart", then?

Yes .. halal is much the same as kosher.

Specifically, consuming pig-meat and blood is prohibited.
Many Muslims aren't concerned of the WHY it is not permitted..
..but there is a reason for everything .. and I would say that the soul is very much affected
by what we eat.
Greed is not encouraged, and eating a lot of meat is not good for us .. but some
communities in the world are dependent on animals for food .. they do not have the climate for fruit and veg.

Better to consume more milk and less meat .. it makes ecological sense as well.
Piggy-banks are out, as is hoarding & usury. Charity and moderation is in.
Essentially it seems our Abrahamic cultures prefer eating flesh of vegetarian animals to that of carnivores or scavengers. That is where the dichotomy about pork comes into it: pigs eat anything really. The Chinese, for instance, do not have the same attitude?
I believe that Jesus, peace be with him, did NOT eat pigs or blood poured forth.
Jesus as a devout Jew who taught often in the temple, would have observed Jewish dietary customs, though he sometimes got into discussions about the minutae of Jewish law, especially sometimes about breaking the sabbath -- for instance by healing a leper?
I think we all instinctively know if someone says "I feel, in my heart' it carries more weight than "I think, in my head'; we have sayings like "from the bottom of my heart" and "in my heart of hearts" ...
I think in many systems such as the Kaballah, the I Ching (Taoism) and the Yoga Chakras -- the solar plexus is the centre of the Will (power), the chest is centre of the Heart (feeling) and the middle of the forehead is the centre of Mind (intellect/intuition, etc) while the Crown of the head links to 'heaven' whose attainment is the object of the seer/yogi. But the centres all have links directly to the heart?
Hi I been skeptical about this subject because I have researched and still. lack understanding.
Iisten to all these experts on it and find myself more confused than anything.
I know it's a view inside of the spirit world, but what else?
Why Christian see it as evil to open your third eye?

Thanks for any response

7 years ago I would have laughed at the thought of a third eye or any ability to see beyond this world through meditation. Over the past seven years though I have opened my eyes so to speak and all of them. The third eye rests inside of the head just about an inch behind the center of your eye brows. To do this just relax and when you feel you are inside of yourself this inch or so try to move your sight upwards and then outwards.

The third eye is only one way to see beyond the veil. you can also open your normal eyes to see and then move inside of yourself, to see again and again depending on how much time you have accumulated. The next method is harder for me it is to actually see as a mind, it is like your whole mind is see as one thing, or one large eye.

What you see is ultimately up to the minds around you and how much they wish to teach you, the more you try to figure things out the more they will try to teach you.

To answer your other question
Why Christian see it as evil to open your third eye?
I would say it is the unknowing and that they can not answer for the things they do not know or teach.
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Why Christian see it as evil to open your third eye?

I would say it is the unknowing and that they can not answer for the things they do not know or teach.
I rather think that falls somewhat short of the actuality.

'The third eye' is rooted in Asiatic Traditions, but the Abrahamics have 'the eye of the heart'.

It's to do with how the person is conceived. One the one hand, the mind encompasses all. On the other, the heart. Neither is wrong, both are pre-eminent in their own domains.
To repeat, in answer to Juice's original question, one will always find fundamentalists of every ilk that reject out of hand anything they consider alien.

A more cautious and mindful approach will soon come upon healthy and informative dialogue of understanding without rancour or the desire to win.

As St Paul said: "I ask that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened." (Ephesians 1:18)

The heart loves, and love, as we know, 'surpasses all reason', in the same way that, in all Traditions, the Ultimate, the Absolute, in whatever form it is spoken, transcends the mind, transcends the intellect, as, for example, in speaking of the Tao, the sacred scribe says: 'The Tao that can be spoken is not the true Tao.'

St Augustine said: "Believe in order to understand", not the other way around. The rational mind says "I will believe when I finally understand", but of course then you’ll never understand. It's a bit like saying "I'll begin the journey when I get there." This is what Christ meant when He said 'suffer the little children' (Matthew 19:14). Children believe with the heart. As Christ said, "Blessed are the clean of heart: for they shall see God" (Matthew 5:8).

In the abrahamic Traditions, the heart (Heb: Leb, Gk: kardia, Lt: cor) stands for the inner, essential person. It refers to, and encompasses, the will, the mind, the consciousness, one's emotions and one's understanding. It also refers to moral character and determination. It is the place of knowledge, memory and reflection. (Such processes belong to brain function, but in Abrahamic anthropology, the brain belongs to the heart.)

In all traditions, the heart is the 'core' of the person, or the being.

In the West, the Lakota Sioux: Black Elk said: "We can all see in the day, and this seeing is sacred for it represents the sight of that real world which we may have through the eye of the heart."

In the East:
Su Dongpo prided himself on his wit and liked to debate Master Foyin. One day, over tea, he challenged the Master. "Foyin, people think you are an enlightened monk, but to me you just look like a big, stinking pile of worthless dung sitting on your pillow all day long."

Master Foyin placed his hands in prayer position. “My dear Dongpo, but to me you look like a Buddha.”

Su Dongpo grinned and bid Master Foyin farewell. When he got home, he said to his sister: "Today I outsmarted Master Foyin," and told her of their exchange.

"Oh no, brother! I’m sorry to tell you this, but you lost badly," she said. "Don’t you realize that the world mirrors the heart? Master Foyin sees you as a Buddha because he is a Buddha. You see him as a pile of dung. What does that make you?"
..St Augustine said: "Believe in order to understand", not the other way around. The rational mind says "I will believe when I finally understand", but of course then you’ll never understand. It's a bit like saying "I'll begin the journey when I get there." This is what Christ meant when He said 'suffer the little children' (Matthew 19:14). Children believe with the heart. As Christ said, "Blessed are the clean of heart: for they shall see God" (Matthew 5:8).

Absolutely. If the heart is closed, how can anything enter it?

In the abrahamic Traditions, the heart (Heb: Leb, Gk: kardia, Lt: cor) stands for the inner, essential person. It refers to, and encompasses, the will, the mind, the consciousness, one's emotions and one's understanding. It also refers to moral character and determination. It is the place of knowledge, memory and reflection. (Such processes belong to brain function, but in Abrahamic anthropology, the brain belongs to the heart.)

Yes .. today's clinical understanding attributes all non-physical phenomena to the brain. I'm not
so sure that this is actually true though. I see the brain as a piece of hardware that is responsible
for the interface between the soul and the body. Something like that, anyway.
It is a piece of meat as is the heart. One cannot do without either :)
Quick apology to muhammad_isa and my Moslem brothers and sisters, when listing Hebrew, Greek and Latin references of the Abrahamic Traditions, I should of course also list 'qalb' in the Arabic.
I rather think that falls somewhat short of the actuality.

I should have gotten more elaborate I suppose to answer this part. The problem teaching others this part is the complication of understanding it without them being able to see. I would say that only a few, very few, see minds and they do not see them all the time. I see minds all the time I encounter them and interact with them daily.

A person does not see minds for what they are, they only find time inside of them, this is the first problem with seeing and understanding the veil. The second problem is time, how much you have accumulated in your lifetime, how much you can bring across for your time in the afterlife. The third problem is the most essential problem and that is whether you are an allowed mind or not. These three problems are what limits those that can see down to a very small group.

Now here is the kicker out of all of this, if you find time and you are an allowed mind you most assuredly do not believe in a god as written in any texts by men. So why wouldn't the church want you to look within, because you can and will find and see the truth.

'The third eye' is rooted in Asiatic Traditions, but the Abrahamics have 'the eye of the heart'.

It's to do with how the person is conceived. One the one hand, the mind encompasses all. On the other, the heart. Neither is wrong, both are pre-eminent in their own domains.
To repeat, in answer to Juice's original question, one will always find fundamentalists of every ilk that reject out of hand anything they consider alien.

A more cautious and mindful approach will soon come upon healthy and informative dialogue of understanding without rancour or the desire to win.

As St Paul said: "I ask that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened." (Ephesians 1:18)

In all traditions, the heart is the 'core' of the person, or the being.

As for the heart it is controlled by the mind as the mind controls all things with in it.

I spend time with minds and ask questions of them constantly, and yet not many mentions of the heart at all other then it moves blood through the body. My yourself or my vessel once said to me that I should follow my heart, did I misunderstand him, or would you say he meant I should follow my reasoning and try to make the best decisions I can with the information minds bestow on me.

I am always willing to try to understand new thinking and I will try to open my "hearts eye", to perhaps see something new. Why is it with this sight none speak of the things they see and yet they are gurus or enlightened?

As for the heart it is controlled by the mind as the mind controls all things with in it.
That depends strongly on what is meant by "mind". Is it the little flickering circle of waking consciousness? Is it sensate experience? Is it thoughts? Is it memory? If the mind controls the heart, how can emotions influence the thoughts of the mind? How can physiology, a malfunctioning thyroid gland for instance, influence the mind? Or a bit of food, such as chocolate, how can it control the mind, if the mind controls all?

I think there is more intricate interdependence going on, in other words.
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I would say that only a few, very few, see minds and they do not see them all the time.
Perhaps because that is not the path they are are on? In the religious traditions, the object is not to connect with other minds, the object is Union with the Other.

Now here is the kicker out of all of this, if you find time and you are an allowed mind you most assuredly do not believe in a god as written in any texts by men. So why wouldn't the church want you to look within, because you can and will find and see the truth.
I disagree, I think that's something of an assumption. I don't know of what 'church' you speak, but generally religions do point to the interior life, whether people wish to take up the discipline of that life is, of course, another matter.

As for the heart it is controlled by the mind as the mind controls all things with in it.
Well our Asian Tradition friends would disagree with that, and so would I. The first step in meditation is to discipline the mind. If the mind controls all things, then how can it be disciplined?

... and yet not many mentions of the heart at all ...
I would wonder why? You don't suppose they want to keep you 'in the dark'?

Why is it with this sight none speak of the things they see and yet they are gurus or enlightened?
Perhaps they do ... perhaps it's because what they say is not what is expected or wanted?
That depends strongly on what is meant by "mind". Is it the little flickering circle of waking consciousness? Is it sensate experience? Is it thoughts? Is it memory? If the mind controls the heart, how can emotions influence the thoughts of the mind? How can physiology, a malfunctioning thyroid gland for instance, influence the mind? Or a bit of food, such as chocolate, how can it control the mind, if the mind controls all?

I think there is more intricate interdependence going on, in other words.

Again I need to be more specific when explaining my thoughts. I have a hard time explaining this part, but I will try.

You are inside of "something" here in this world, made up of trillions of cells. In "something" here you have a brain and it controls all the processes of your body. The mind is inside of "nothing" here, I refer to this as the veil it is "nothing" here, the mind or yourself is in control of everything there.

So what is the mind? The mind I refer to this as yourself, it is the container for who you are so you can become something again after this lifetime. Your cells die everyday and this energy is then transferred into the veil or "nothing" here where a yourself starts to collect your pieces.

Through out your lifetime yourself or your mind will collect all of your time and try to figure you out by trying to enter into you to understand itself. A person born today will not have a yourself until most likely around thirteen or so when you have lost enough time here for it to find you and then figure you out.

So yes the same things that influence you here also influence your mind, such as chocolate or your emotions and feelings.

As a new mind just becoming something for the first time, it will allow you to become yourself in the first timeline. The trade off is you bring time across so it can figure you out and it then has time inside of itself for you and itself to become something when you are not finding time here anymore.

I hope this separates brain from mind and how they are the same inside of something here and inside of nothing here.

Perhaps because that is not the path they are are on? In the religious traditions, the object is not to connect with other minds, the object is Union with the Other.

I am not a non-believer, just not a believer in current or past religious beliefs. I would say they are all on the same path as I am on just not all can find minds to figure things out with. I try everyday to connect with the "other" as you say to understand who he is and as much as I can about everything. The father or the other, I know as the "one and only" he is what we are all inside of, inside of him "nothing" here.

I disagree, I think that's something of an assumption. I don't know of what 'church' you speak, but generally religions do point to the interior life, whether people wish to take up the discipline of that life is, of course, another matter.

I am not a non-believer, just not a believer in current or past religious beliefs. I hold the opinion that a mind that has become something many times many lifetimes, can feel the earth, and feels those around them much easier, and they can feel the father and the truth within them.

Well our Asian Tradition friends would disagree with that, and so would I. The first step in meditation is to discipline the mind. If the mind controls all things, then how can it be disciplined?

It is for you to teach your mind to understand something here so it understands the time within it and where this time comes from. If your mind has been around for many times then it should discipline you as it teaches you about yourself and how to become yourself again. I meditate often and seek answers often to minds and the universe as I hope others do as well.

I would wonder why? You don't suppose they want to keep you 'in the dark'?
Perhaps they do ... perhaps it's because what they say is not what is expected or wanted?

As for the heart, I am still not sure how to process this as a tool to figure things out with but I will give it some consideration when in meditation.

Again I need to be more specific when explaining my thoughts. I have a hard time explaining this part, but I will try.
Thanks, I think I got an impression of what you mean. Let me ask a few questions to see if I got it right:

Is it a little bit like a pendulum's motion, all potential at the stand-still turning points, all momentum and direction in the middle? A process rather than a thing?

Is it a little bit like two lovers looking into each other's eyes, except there's only one of them, in their individuality?

The "third eye" is usually associated with wisdom. Is the mind as you describe it wise? Or is wisdom something else, such as knowing and understanding the mind's doings?
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Is it a little bit like a pendulum's motion, all potential at the stand-still turning points, all momentum and direction in the middle? A process rather than a thing?

You were born, and inevitably you will die. Once your mind finds your time it will bond with you and from then forward you will bring time across into nothing here. It is a relationship, if you had no yourself to contain your time you would simply not become anything after this lifetime. You see the whole problem lies with nothing and it's desire to become something all the time.

Nothing, in the beginning of time was what I call chaos, it had no form it was death and unable to become anything, like a wall of souls all twisted together but nothing inside of them. Chaos was one thought one mind of all that was inside of it, it devoured everything except for god or the one and only.

Chaos went into gods mind so many times ripping themselves apart over and over again until they found something in the middle of gods mind, I call this origin. Once they reached origin nothing started to become themselves again and once they figured themselves out again they went into themselves many more times until they reached no time. God entered into origin and time started for them again and from then forward nothing started to become something again. There is so much more to this but this is the simplest understanding I can think of.

You see nothing never wanted to become nothing again, and this is why they wanted to keep this universe from becoming nothing again.

Is it a little bit like two lovers looking into each other's eyes, except there's only one of them, in their individuality?

I am unsure of the lover thing a new yourself knows no more about itself then you do, two different worlds.

So much more is needed to be said to understand why minds don't try to figure us out more. I will say that it was the one begotten son or the light as he is referred and his brother who created the mess this world is in. The son created this 5 x 5 matrix to test man, and is the reason for "yourself is not yourself". yourself is not yourself is thoughts and actions that are not yours, they invade your mind and will push thoughts about thoughts and trigger your worst thoughts and feelings. He created the timelines here, so to see if man was worthy to become something all the time.

It is funny that after so many hundreds of years man has still failed to figure itself out or to become something here, again where are all the wise men, the gurus.

There again is so much more as to why people do not find more time inside of yourselves to figure yourselves out.

The "third eye" is usually associated with wisdom. Is the mind as you describe it wise? Or is wisdom something else, such as knowing and understanding the mind's doings?

A mind that has been around since the beginning of this world I would say is very wise as it has become everything inside of itself. The third eye is only a tool to see into the veil it holds no wisdom it is to help you figure yourself out. I again would blame the doings of the son and his brother as to why we do not understand ourselves better as a whole.
If someone had a window into the future...we wouldn't have the present.
This reminded me that I once heard it said that the past is like a dud cheque, the future is like a promissory note. The present is the only real currency.