I've been in a questioning place for years.
It is intereating I've read for years about the observer, and observing the observer. I feel my health issues made it understandable. From initially waking up 2 weeks later, to not being able to talk (breathing tube) or write (Rh side stroke issues), dealing with attempts to communicate,.and the relearning to swallow, walk, hold a spoon, chopsticks, deal cards..till now still day to day how many breaks will I need to walk around the block, can I learn to juggle clubs behind my back... for almost two years I have been observing my physical progress, my mental acuity and lapses, my TIAs and occasional vision, motor skills and equilibrium loss...or BP/hr, O² and now temp checks 3x per day...it is like I am my own guinea pig... is this a stroke, or afib, or flutter, do I have to call my docs or 911, will this go away if I adjust meds and wait?
Observing the physical aspects of this vessel, and then observing my reactions to the stimuli...I find myself watching my reactions to the situation rather than trying to change the situation AND without changing my reactions.
Pile that onto the quarantine opportunity for self reflection of the things I should have done differently and then switching back to contemplation without condemnation.
My confusion good, bad or ugly is that I've basically taken the easy road most my life...the available road, the path of least resistance....
Paddled downstream...
Thanks for asking and making me allow this stream of consciousness to wander by...