Happy Summer Solstice


Big Love! (Atheist mystic)
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Slightly delayed by a bit over a week: I hope all who celebrate the Summer Solstice in some way had a good time!
And belatedly to you!

Summer Solstice is always bittersweet for us — we recall the 'gatherings' at which my pagan father-in-law used to celebrate the event. In the end they wee mini-festivals, with about 3-400 people attending, local bands played, a local troupe put on plays, the local pub keep the beer flowing ... there was a ceremony to the spirits, the firing of the burning arrow into a sunwheel, fireworks, a procession round a maze, songs round the campfire ... my daughters grew up with them, and we let them 'do their own thing', and the memories are all rather special.
Ah, summer - Trips to the beach.... Maybe not such a good idea. Ah summer - Sightseeing in an exciting city.... Maybe next year. Ah summer - Journeys up into the mountains.... Probably safer to stay at home.

Ah, summer. With apologies to Gershwin - Summertime and the livin’ ain’t easy!
Summer Solstice is once again upon us, it will be late tomorrow night here where I am, I expect it will be very early Monday morning for our European friends.
Father's Day, with daughters, grandchildren ...

I feel for you. :( Having none of my own, I enjoyed silence instead. Once in my life, a long time ago, I loved one and protected her, in many ways as if she were my own daughter. (She had lost her dad early in life.) Looking back, I always am worried whether I did the right thing or not. But I did love her, and I did what I thought was right at the time. She haunts me, always. The memory shatters me even now. I keep it buried most of the time, the memory of that little wanderer.
Once in my life, a long time ago, I loved one and protected her, in many ways as if she were my own daughter. (She had lost her dad early in life.) Looking back, I always am worried whether I did the right thing or not. But I did love her, and I did what I thought was right at the time. She haunts me, always. The memory shatters me even now..

I have a daughter with 3 grandchildren from a previous relationship when I was 24.
I haven't seen them for ~ 10 years now, despite them living only 8 miles away.

I would never turn them away, but neither would I harrass them :)

Happy Summer Solstice, to all who celebrate!
Good one! What else did you do to celebrate the equinox?