I was directed here by Brian Turner (who originated
IO) from the busy Science Fiction and Fantasy Chronicles Forums that he now runs:
They don't allow faith discussions there, so he directed me here and advised me to look up a few posts by
@Thomas and I stuck around.
I joined Religious Forums for a while:
But I was immediately set upon an aggressive wolf pack of fierce new atheists basically demanding: 'If God exists, so prove it'. Some of them were ridiculously self opinionated. It was not a good experience for me.
I lasted there a while but eventually closed down my account because the admin couldn't seem to get themselves sorted out about flooding my email inbox with email notifications. No matter what they tried to do, the notifications would stop for a while and then start up again, and really the debates weren't worth the trouble.
I check out the forums there now and again, but I don't find many sensitive debates there with give and take on both sides. However they do allow the prophets and the visionaries and literalist preachers to have their say there.
They have certain "safe space' sections for members of individual faiths to discuss without being attacked by the aggressive new atheists, where those who don't belong to those faiths are allowed to ask respectful questions but not to interrogate or argue.
Perhaps we should let more new members speak here without shutting them down? As long as they're not out just to troll us, or spam us?
Then there are the ones who really just post unintelligible walls of text which most people cannot make head or tail of. All the same, imo they should just be allowed to do their thing without interference? It doesn't hurt anybody to let them have their say?
I'm a bit uneasy about having had to ban that last new member
IAMinyou. I realise my mistake was to respond dismissively to his first post, which immediately upset him of course.
All internet sites and services require applicants to tick a terms and conditions box.
But why do existing contributing members disappear? That seems to really be the problem? What's happened to people like
@KnowSelf and
@Devils' Advocate? Why have
they left us? Why don't they actively contribute to debate here?
I myself am responsible for having driven someone away: the Thomas Merton pure land Buddhist guy. I regret that.
People like
@bhaktajan no longer post, and Baha'i and Theosophist discussions have disappeared from the boards.
(post edited ... sorry it was mostly dictated by voice so had to make corrections)