Telepathy and discarnate intrusions

They sound a bit like the discarnate 'minds' that @powessy talks about, in the below thread and other threads too:

"A mind that has been around since the beginning of this world I would say is very wise as it has become everything inside of itself. The third eye is only a tool to see into the veil it holds no wisdom it is to help you figure yourself out. I again would blame the doings of the son and his brother as to why we do not understand ourselves better as a whole."

This quote from your link supports the theory of "pure love and happiness" being a myth because love and happiness is not defensive. As a defensive position the 5th dimension thrives in anonymity.

Youth is not defensive; a baby in a crib is without defenses; the scantily dressed females in the girls dorm where I delivered pizzas gave unescorted access to men bearing food. The wise recognize their human frailties however and over time have more to hide.

Hey, this reminded me of your avatar:

What are discarnate intrusions?

I've enjoyed the enlightening contact via telepathy but the schizophrenic on medication would view the discarnate intrusion as offensive.
I've enjoyed the enlightening contact via telepathy but the schizophrenic on medication would view the discarnate intrusion as offensive.

(Commonly, the intrusions regard the medication as offensive and try to get the patient to stop taking it.)
Yes, but it's not about social acceptance and functionality. Those may be the badges of society, but perhaps God is more interested in the soul of man, than whether other people like him or that he fits in?
It's usually safer to stay silent and say nothing, but there are some people just cannot do that?
Agreed. Functioning for the sake of it is not healthy, physically or spiritually.

"Social acceptance and functionality" has an important corner case I am strongly inclined to accept as valid, though: not harming oneself or others. Medication can really help here. Some of the voices patients experience are highly destructive.
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I think it may be a bit like dreaming: it's just movement of thoughts and that's why we are lucky to have an incarnation here in the natural embodied dimension, to understand how to fix ourselves in some position and so to learn that the thought goes out from us, and not ourselves to always be moved by the thought?

Something like that. I learn a lot from the people here ...
Oh? I was under the impression that you were the caregiver in those pictures.
I'm conditioned. But at least trying to be aware of the fact. Trying to be open
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"Would @@Thomas and @@Miken or anyone else be interesting in giving their opinion about the difficult passage where Christ predicts his own return before this generation has passed away?"

When we allow for immortality in the 5th dimension that may be construed as the generation in question.
I'm conditioned. But trying to be aware of the fact. Wanting to be open

In my opinion that's what Jesus was on about when he said "Deny yourself"...deny our human instinctual defenses when following the path of 'Do as you would be done by'. That's why he recommended selling all our possessions because the ownership generates responses in opposition to 'forgiving 70x7'. (Matthew 18: 21-22)
Walking thru the valley of death without carrying heat is a tough row to hoe.
You've got me interested!

What are discarnate intrusions?

Telepathy then, in the context of disagreeable thoughts that can be diagnosed as schizophrenia, is one form of what can be termed as a discarnate intrusion.

Another form is inserted into dreams. I confess that I have not had many of these that I can remember except one that appeared to generalize a form that might be illustrated by the lyric "A walk-on part in the War" between the sexes.
A walk-on part in the War
A line from Pink Floyd's 'Wish You Were Here' about founder member Syd Barret who was driven insane by too much LSD, I believe?