Telepathy and discarnate intrusions

Telepathy then, in the context of disagreeable thoughts that can be diagnosed as schizophrenia, is one form of what can be termed as a discarnate intrusion.

Another form is inserted into dreams. I confess that I have not had many of these that I can remember except one that appeared to generalize a form that might be illustrated by the lyric "A walk-on part in the War" between the sexes.

But neither of your examples is discarnate, really: Telepathy would be an intrusion of one incarnate entity's thoughts into another incarnate entity's. Dream personalities are produced by the same incarnate brain as the dream experiencer's.

Or perhaps your understanding of telepathy and dreams differs from mine?
I suppose you could be right about intrusive thoughts and dreams being transmitted from incarnated beings. If it was spirits hopping from one 'possession' to another and transmitting between times then I could be right.
About "being right": I tend to feel the need to be right about materialist concerns, such as equal rights and so on. I can hold idealistic concerns like discarnate intrusions much more lightly. So: no worries about me going all New Atheist on you. I'm genuinely interested in exchanging ideas and understandings.

So if telepathy can work between incarnate and discarnate beings, could one spirit being posess another one? Or can incarnate beings posess each other? Can it go both ways, in a kind of co-dependent, co-posession type situation?
So if telepathy can work between incarnate and discarnate beings, could one spirit being posess another one? Or can incarnate beings posess each other? Can it go both ways, in a kind of co-dependent, co-posession type situation?

I have no idea. I've never been visited by a succubus so I tend to doubt their existence but I could be surprised.
So I'm familiar with the experience of getting into strong "moods" which come with their own characteristic patterns of thought. For example, sulking after an argument, I tend to get into a less mature, even childish inner voice and even exhibit this in interacting with other people.

Would you characterize this as an intrusion , or something else entirely?

Which investigator can honestly claim not to have an interest in the 'still, small voice'? OK, you haven't heard it * neither have I. But would it be disincarnate? From 'God' of course it would. Would it be intrusive? Yes if it counters your aim. Is it really God? Ahh now there's a question. What rank of authority can claim to be God or is it just another delegate? Really, how many higher courts are there? We may never know. In my opinion the still small voice they hear is a delegate while the true officers of the crown are occupied.


"For example, sulking after an argument, I tend to get into a less mature, even childish inner voice and even exhibit this in interacting with other people.

Would you characterize this as an intrusion , or something else entirely?"

Well it wouldn't be intrusive if it catered to your will.
What rank of authority can claim to be God or is it just another delegate? Really, how many higher courts are there?
I understand you perfectly.

Even the highest angel still looks upward to something higher. There is no limit to infinite light. Whereas to myself, an encounter with the angel will be divine.
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At the highest, all is from and returns to the One. The true meaning of divine love: "I am the vine you are the branches"
What rank of authority can claim to be God or is it just another delegate? Really, how many higher courts are there? We may never know. In my opinion the still small voice they hear is a delegate while the true officers of the crown are occupied.

I see it as a network rather than a hierarchy.

Well it wouldn't be intrusive if it catered to your will.

Yeah... That's another concept which can be understood in many ways.

Is "my will" another intrusion? How to tell them apart? Is will the same as intention? Is it the same as the small, still voice? If it is just one faction in my internal commitee, what are the other ones if not wills in their own right?
"Is "my will" another intrusion?"

The selfishness of the ego? Yes, I expect it is, thus requiring a hierarchy of judgment deciding just how far our selfishness may proceed.

"How to tell them apart?"

Nice question. I propose a compendium of principles of conduct that we might hold up our actions against for our own judgment in whether we are being steered into perdition; I just happen to have one:

preamble: Conduct is determined by personal goals, we get from here to there thru temptation.

Faults to beware of:

1) Contempt

2) Sadism

3) Assignments

4) Accusations

5) Warfare

6) Spite

7) Insults

8) Gratuitous references to violence

9) Flippancy

10) Irresponsibility

11) Judgments based on fear, vanity, jealousy, greed, hate, resentment, distrust.

12) Gloating - self satisfaction over another's woes

13) Bombastic - intimidating thru rhetoric

14) Arrogance - overbearing selfworth - self importance, authoritativeness, superiority

15) Egotistic - selfish, self centered, conceited, boastful

16) Quarrelsome

17) Using expletives - attention grabbing

18) Dishonesty

19) Exaggeration

(this is a subjective reasoning that may encounter differing opinions)

A Proposed Prime Directive:
You can come and go as you choose and if you get what you give (karma) then I suppose you will eventually learn to give what you want = Peace, Love, Compassion, where peace = due process; love = inclusive; compassion = making the argument for the opposition.
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"Is will the same as intention?"

Arguably, yes.

"Is it the same as the small, still voice?"

I'm confused. Does the still small voice argued by the Christian scientist to be God's have will and intention? I assume so.

"If it is just one faction in my internal commitee, what are the other ones if not wills in their own right?"

Oh, like a will of the flesh versus a will of the mind and a will of a psychoactive compound for example, I think I get it.
Oh, like a will of the flesh versus a will of the mind and a will of a psychoactive compound for example, I think I get it.
Yes, those too.

How about across time? Family history, trans-generational trauma?

Or even karmic effects? Could those fit the "disincarnate intrusion" mold?
Yes, those too.

How about across time? Family history, trans-generational trauma?

Or even karmic effects? Could those fit the "disincarnate intrusion" mold?

Sure, I can perceive karmic intrusion as objectionable and the chip on my shoulder I may be carrying around for a family history associated with slavery or the holocaust.
Thanks for this speculative excursion.

So back to your own experience which you indicated. Does it fit in with anything we just discussed?

You said you don't have first-hand experience of the small still voice of the Christian Scientists, but you did have an enlightening contact.

Would you go into more detail? I'm genuinely interested.
Thanks for this speculative excursion.

So back to your own experience which you indicated. Does it fit in with anything we just discussed?

Yes thanks I noticed and tried to classify a feeling of resentment as a will of the flesh which competed against the will of my mind
(feelings of unrewarded effort versus the principle of not holding grudges)

You said you don't have first-hand experience of the small still voice of the Christian Scientists, but you did have an enlightening contact.

Would you go into more detail? I'm genuinely interested.

It all started @ the turn of the century while I was involved with Shirley MacLaine's forum. I experienced deep depression and planned to end it, so I prayed "If there is a God I need to know it" BAM! Extraordinary events! For some time like a year I felt augmented, yeah I was more than I was, and then it ended suddenly, like Jesus I was "Why have you forsaken me!" and then sometime later I received an urge to pick up a pen and write, and I asked questions of this urge but it wasn't a voice, and like the previous occasion it ended leaving me disappointed and yearning for it for 20 years.