One seeks to rise by bringing the other down.
The other seeks to raise the former despite themselves.
In the unfathomable depths of mystical encounters, a ghastly
apparition often materializes, assuming the form of the
Anthropos archetype or the Self in human semblance. This
eldritch entity embodies the sinister essence of the
unconscious, an otherworldly principle that entwines itself
with our very essence. It manifests as an abhorrent guide,
donning myriad guises such as Poimandres, the shepherd of
lost souls, Agathos Daimōn, the dread harbinger of secrets, and
Hermes-Thoth, the twisted messenger from forbidden realms.
In the dread alchemical abyss, it slithers as Mercurius, the
serpent-like interlocutor, while in the dark corridors of Islam,
it reveals itself as Khidr, the enigmatic harbinger of occult
كتاب العواء في ليلة الصحراء
Kitab Eawa' fi Laylat Alsahra'
The Book of Howling in the Desert Night
by 'Amir Alzzalam