Thanks for clarifying your intentions.
Interesting question. Before we dive in, let's agree on what "to explain aesthetics" means in this context. Explain to whom, do you mean it like explaining color to a person blind from birth? Or do you mean something like critique of art, why one work is more or less aesthetically valued or even justified as art at all? Or do you mean it in the sense "to derive from other causes"?
Those would be rather different discussions.
Back for a moment only:
This is the precise question: You smell a rose perfume. It invokes a poignant bittersweet emotion in you.
You respect numbers, the Fibonacci sequence, the prime number sequence, it feels like the universe, reality itself, has a "mind", and this mind culminates in us, as the universe's desire to know itself a la Sagan (actually we have a hadith precluding this, that says God was a hidden treasure and desired to be known so he created creation).
Does this core mystery of numbers that you predicate your Mystic Atheism on, explain your reaction to the rose perfume? How?
If not, then l would wonder how you would explain the reaction to rose perfume.
I mean, how do you explain the concept of bittersweet. And the answer to that, how do you explain that? And the answer to that, how do you explain that? Eventually l predict you'll have to confront the spiritual.
You might say it's to do with neurochemicals. Sure, it's the brain's olfactory detection of aroma chemicals. But where does the bittersweet emotion itself come from? A jar full of dopamine doesn't feel like breaking down in tears nor does it feel glad or uplifted. It just sits there inert.
My solution: there's a soul, it's all predicated on the soul. The soul defeats materialist dialectic, it surpasses physical explanations.
I'll try to be back in a few days.