The kingdom of heaven may be compared to what? (Mt 13:24)


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The kingdom of heaven can be compared to a man (son of man)(Matthew 13:37) who sowed good seed in his field, the testimony of Yeshua, but while men were sleeping, his enemy (devil)(Mt 13:39) came and sowed tare seeds in the same field (New Testament). The slaves of the landowner came and asked, 'do you want us to gather up the tares', and the landowner said no, for you will disturb the good seed (testimony of Yeshua) in doing so. Let them grow together until harvest, and then the tares, the lawless, the "wicked"(Matthew 13:41 & 49) will be gathered first and burned, and then the wheat will be gathered into the barn. The lawless refers to the false prophets of Matthew 7:13-23 and their followers. This gathering happens at the "end of the age" (Matthew 13:39), which is upon us. You will know them by their fruits. (Matthew 7:20)
Factors of 30, 60, or even 100, if I remember correctly. How are you doing with yours, so we may know you?

You will know them by their fruits is with respect to Matthew 7:20, which is with regards to the false prophets and the rotten fruit attached to being lawlessness/wicked (Matthew 7:17 - 23), which leads to death and disease. Your 30/60 fruit of Matthew 13:23 is another type of fruit. The parable of the man who sowed good seed in his field is from a different perspective and is imaged toward the "end of the age", whereas the tares, the wicked, will be gathered first and burned. It is more focused on Ezekiel 3:17, whereas the son of man, Ezekiel, was to warn the "wicked"/lawless of the coming judgment of wickedness. (Ezekiel 3:17-21). The son of man, Yeshua also called on the wicked to repent or be thrown into the fire (Matthew 3:10). Good fruit, the fruit of righteousness, doing what is right, is required to escape being cut down and "thrown into the fire" (Matthew 3:10). Wickedness/lawlessness, leads to disease and death. The "angels" of God are coming, and unless one repents, one will be gathered "first", and burned with fire (Matthew 13:40). The devil's advocate would be the false prophets, which the false apostle Paul, with his false gospel of the cross, would be foremost among them. He leads the "many" to follow him to "destruction" (Matthew 7:13-15). Not that his demon spirit is to remain silent (Revelation 16:13).