Well indeed, but again, if this is lost, it's npot the fault of the temple, but a flaw in human nature.
As regards the temple itself – a precis from my essay The Rended Veil:
The exoteric understanding is of a sanctuary as a sacred place, from the Greek sacare 'to set aside' and thus denotes a place set aside, by man, for the worship of God and for no other purpose. The esoteric dimension of 'sanctuary' is that within it one is outside of ordinary time and space.
Here below it is the temple alone that is acccorded this meaning of 'universal centre' because it 'solidifies' the idea of a principial centre as such. According to the Talmud (Yoma 54b) In it is found the 'foundation stone' (eben shetiyah) around which the earth was created and upon which the whole world rests. In the Kabbala (Zohar: Terumah 157a) the Holy of Holies is the centre of the temple, the temple is the centre of Jerusalem, Jerusalem of The Holy Land and the Holy Land of the world. As foundation of the world the temple stands in direct line of the vertical axis of creation and thus represents the locus of the influence of the Divine, which determines its exterior and functional aspect as spiritual centre for the people of Israel.
According to Greek myth Zeus let fly two eagles from opposite ends of the earth, and they flew towards each other and met over the town of Delphi, and this point at which they met was thus determined as the centre of the earth. The point was marked by the Omphalos stone in the temple of Apollo. When Harmonia wove the veil representing the whole universe, she started with the Omphalos stone at the centre and from there worked outward. For the Pythagoreans, the Omphalos symbolised the Monad, the seed of the universe. In Egypt their omphalos was the Ben-ben at Heliopolis, the theological centre of their culture, and prototype for the pyramids and the obelisk. Dedicated to the sun, the soul of the sun-god Ra, in the form of the Phoenix, would often alight upon it. There is an omphalos in Ireland, at Tara, the seat of the High Kings of the Gaels, and the Stone of Scone sat beneath the seat of the kings of Scotland. Of course, there is the Dome of the Rock in Islam. The notion, both of centre, and of foundation, finds its expression in all traditional cultures.
In Jerusalem, the Holy of Holies is where God resides in His Isness. Outside or 'below' was the Holy, wherein stood the symbols of the Jewish Tradition and here was enacted the ceremonies and rituals of the liturgical life. Finally 'below' the Holy was the Outer Court, and it was from here that man commences his journey back to God. Here was the altar and the basin and oral tradition informs us that sacrifice and purification were (and still are) necessary dimensions of spiritual realisation. Buddhist temples conform to similar principles.
To the Christian, it goes without saying that this ternary structure of the temple prefigures the Trinity. This is not to imply that the Doctrine of the Trinity is an extension of the temple tradition, in fact the reverse is the case, the form of the temple is itself founded in revelation, "According to all the likeness of the tabernacle which I will shew thee," (Exodus 25:9) and follows a Divine pattern, not a human one.
The Temple 'fixes' this relationship in time, by the procession of its liturgical calendar, and also in eternity, or more accurately in the eternal, in the transcendant, by the remembrance and thus continuance of the given covenant upon which tradition is founded, a contract which springs from the eternal and is the sapiential life and being of the temple itself.
The human alone cannot signify these essential truths, although in effect as God is everywhere, He is a centre without periphery – every soul stands under the vertical axis.
Your response to my esoteric/exoteric was simply outstanding good sir! THANK YOU so much for responding so adroitly. I have to say I shall reassess some things without question, always a good thing. It is exactly what I was looking for. Am I off base (usually, but where? You show me where in your response).
This essay here is quite good. I for one would enjoy seeing your entire essay if its available.
I'm still trying to figure out how to offset your and my comments, sorry. I shall do it this way:
The exoteric understanding is of a sanctuary as a sacred place, from the Greek
sacare 'to set aside' and thus denotes a place set aside, by man, for the worship of God and for no other purpose. The esoteric dimension of 'sanctuary' is that within it one is outside of ordinary time and space.
I shall refer to myself as SS:
Very good! Yes, the study of temples by Lundquist, Patai, Seaich, and especially Margaret Barker all have noted this angle. Joseph Campbell also agreed and added a note of caution however that the sacred center is everywhere, wherever you are...
Here below it is the temple alone that is acccorded this meaning of 'universal centre' because it 'solidifies' the idea of a principial centre as such. According to the Talmud (Yoma 54b) In it is found the 'foundation stone'
(eben shetiyah) around which the earth was created and upon which the whole world rests. In the Kabbala (Zohar: Terumah 157a) the Holy of Holies is the centre of the temple, the temple is the centre of Jerusalem, Jerusalem of The Holy Land and the Holy Land of the world. As foundation of the world the temple stands in direct line of the vertical axis of creation and thus represents the locus of the influence of the Divine, which determines its exterior and functional aspect as spiritual centre for the people of Israel.
Yes, the stone as foundation is also said to reside in man - it is our soul. This is thought in some traditions to be the Philosopher's Stone of the alchemists. The earth stone was the analogue to the more eternal Philosopher Stone in man's eternal soul. It is a fantastic image all around. LOVE your Zohar quote. Margaret Barker has shown the numerical and interesting symbolism of the Tabernacle as well as the First Temple. It is her major focus in her mammoth text "The Great High Priest." She has written numerous books on the temple that are really interesting. Now that I know you have an interest in this, I can get my bearings and begin dialoguing with you more on it as I have time. This is an excellent observation and good overview of so many cultures you bring out.
The Temple 'fixes' this relationship in time, by the procession of its liturgical calendar, and also in eternity, or more accurately in the eternal, in the transcendant, by the remembrance and thus continuance of the given covenant upon which tradition is founded, a contract which springs from the eternal and is the sapiential life and being of the temple itself.
The human alone cannot signify these essential truths, although in effect as God is everywhere, He is a centre without periphery – every soul stands under the vertical axis.
Here I will gently disagree, but perhaps I am misunderstanding and am certainly willing to talk this idea out with such an one as thee.
I agree with the idea of the building as you present it. But the human alone CAN signify those essential truths. Else what does Paul mean when he says we ourselves are temples? True, the outer (exoteric - sorry, couldn't resist my friend! LOL) building can be physically aligned, but it this more valuable, more important than a man being internally and spiritually (esoteric) aligned? God doesn't save buildings, he saves people, yes? And I may have to doublecheck this, but in my thinking, man out-symbolizes a building anytime, because we are part of the eternal building, not just a physical one. I may have to reword this after seeing what you think. The entire cosmos is built within man, not a mere building. In my thinking you are properly elevating the sacred buildings, but of course, but beyond what man is? I don't follow that intellectually, perhaps not even spiritually. And yes, yes, I am open to being told I am misunderstanding, this is a discussion, not an argument. I am really enjoying your posts! Thank you for sharing so much cool stuff to read. I shall try and return the blessing...