As we are at the end of the age, the era of the 8th head of the beast (Revelation 17), it seems only right to lay out the beginning and the end of what is to be, and point out an escape mechanism.
The play book of Christianity starts with the prophet Hosea, in Hosea 3, being told to purchase an adulteress for the equivalent of 30 shekels of silver, and to remain with her for "many days", after which the "sons of Israel" will return to "seek their God and David their king". The process in effect was carried out by 3 shepherds of Zechariah 11, in which one was called "Favor", as in his false gospel of Grace (lawlessness), meaning to be in God's favor.
The second shepherd was identified in Matthew 27:9 as Judas Iscariot. The 3rd shepherd called "Cords"/"Union", Peter, was named "the worthless shepherd". According to some sources, they were all cursed, and hung from a tree, such as Peter tied to a cross by his own clothing cord, Judas by hanging himself, and apparently the favorite source of killing his enemies, Nero probably had Paul killed by a wooden handled garrote. Yeshua's description of Peter was "Satan" and a "stumbling block to me" (Matthew 16:23). His description of Paul was "least" (Matthew 5:19), such as least being a superlative of little, and the derivative of the name Paul is little.
The narrative is further carried by Revelation in that it was the 7th head of the beast of Revelation 17, the Roman emperor Constantine, who convened the Council of Nicaea, which set the foundation of his Roman church, which combined the religion of his soldiers, paganism, with the religion of his mother, Christianity, and set the Trinity doctrine as their standard. Later, in 380 AD, the Nicene Trinity religion was to be decreed the "legitimate Imperial religion", and the only one entitled to call itself "Catholic" (Universal Christianity).
The Catholic religion had a daughter religion, known as the Protestant religion, and like mother, like daughter. They both comingle the tare seed sown by the devil with the good seed, sown by Yeshua, all generally based on the canon established by the Catholic bishop of Alexandria in 367 AD. Athanasius was also known for his support of the false Trinity doctrine at the council of Nicaea.
The interesting part is the "end" of Christianity. At the "end of the age", the angels will come and "first" (Mt 13:30) gather out the "tares", the lawless and the stumbling blocks, and "cast them into the furnace of fire" (Matthew 13:39-42). Is there any hope for these sheep led down the path to destruction (Matthew 7:13-15) by the "false prophets". Well yes, they can repent and produce good fruit (Matthew 3), or be "thrown into the fire". They would do well to follow Proverbs 7:2 and Ecclesiastes 12:13, and keep the commandments, for these apply to "every person".
The play book of Christianity starts with the prophet Hosea, in Hosea 3, being told to purchase an adulteress for the equivalent of 30 shekels of silver, and to remain with her for "many days", after which the "sons of Israel" will return to "seek their God and David their king". The process in effect was carried out by 3 shepherds of Zechariah 11, in which one was called "Favor", as in his false gospel of Grace (lawlessness), meaning to be in God's favor.
The second shepherd was identified in Matthew 27:9 as Judas Iscariot. The 3rd shepherd called "Cords"/"Union", Peter, was named "the worthless shepherd". According to some sources, they were all cursed, and hung from a tree, such as Peter tied to a cross by his own clothing cord, Judas by hanging himself, and apparently the favorite source of killing his enemies, Nero probably had Paul killed by a wooden handled garrote. Yeshua's description of Peter was "Satan" and a "stumbling block to me" (Matthew 16:23). His description of Paul was "least" (Matthew 5:19), such as least being a superlative of little, and the derivative of the name Paul is little.
The narrative is further carried by Revelation in that it was the 7th head of the beast of Revelation 17, the Roman emperor Constantine, who convened the Council of Nicaea, which set the foundation of his Roman church, which combined the religion of his soldiers, paganism, with the religion of his mother, Christianity, and set the Trinity doctrine as their standard. Later, in 380 AD, the Nicene Trinity religion was to be decreed the "legitimate Imperial religion", and the only one entitled to call itself "Catholic" (Universal Christianity).
The Catholic religion had a daughter religion, known as the Protestant religion, and like mother, like daughter. They both comingle the tare seed sown by the devil with the good seed, sown by Yeshua, all generally based on the canon established by the Catholic bishop of Alexandria in 367 AD. Athanasius was also known for his support of the false Trinity doctrine at the council of Nicaea.
The interesting part is the "end" of Christianity. At the "end of the age", the angels will come and "first" (Mt 13:30) gather out the "tares", the lawless and the stumbling blocks, and "cast them into the furnace of fire" (Matthew 13:39-42). Is there any hope for these sheep led down the path to destruction (Matthew 7:13-15) by the "false prophets". Well yes, they can repent and produce good fruit (Matthew 3), or be "thrown into the fire". They would do well to follow Proverbs 7:2 and Ecclesiastes 12:13, and keep the commandments, for these apply to "every person".