'THE TRUTH' reality based belief system explanation.

I should be sleeping but couldn’t resist. In occult teaching, the only thing doing anything is sunlight; that everything is light. So sunlight is texting these words; sunlight is thinking these thoughts (that I mistakenly think I am thinking) and sunlight is the thoughts. Sunlight drives down the street, flies through the air, walks down the side walk - it takes form as everything that exists and is the doer of all. We think that we are all doing our own thing, with our own agendas and plans, but That which moves the heavens with all the rotating revolving spinning cycles and systems and seasons and times, is That Which is moving in us as us (we aren’t doing anything- we only think we are).

Another occult teaching is to unite everything with its opposite. In this spirit:

From the point of view of the sunlight itself, nothing ever happens, it never goes anywhere because it is already always everywhere, every path is the shortest and most effortless, and there is no before or after.

(this is not to mock or be contrarian, but to complement our perspective with that of the light)
Another occult teaching is to unite everything with its opposite. In this spirit:

From the point of view of the sunlight itself, nothing ever happens, it never goes anywhere because it is already always everywhere, every path is the shortest and most effortless, and there is no before or after.

(this is not to mock or be contrarian, but to complement our perspective with that of the light)
Ha, no worries of mocking.

There is only light, limitless light. At times I have wondered if we ever really do anything and it’s simply consciousness that changes. I will think on the no movement at another time (gotta be in the right headspace).
A few quick thoughts on next section of the OP. IMO as always, and look forward to others' thoughts:

In this section I will refer to the Sun as God simply because it is our supplier of God's purest energy.

What drives photosynthesis? God.
What stops Earth from dropping close to absolute zero? God.
What creates weather? God.
What do we orbit? God.
What would we be without God? Dead.
What makes up roughly 99.89% of the whole of the matter in our solar system? God.
What releases more energy in 1 second than all the electrical energy ever produced by mankind in our entire recorded history? God.
What is 4.5 billion years old? God.
What do some say God once said? 'let there be light' and then there was light.
Of course the sun supports life on earth. There are other planets with different suns, and possibly different life forms. God is assumed to be universal, not limited to this planet alone? When someone you love is in pain, do you turn to the sun for (spiritual) help?
We all have or at 1 time have had a mother and father but I like to believe we actually have 2 mothers and 2 fathers, your real mother and father then Mother Earth and our Father who art in heaven, God.

I see planets as female, the fertile ones like Earth contain all of the ingredients needed for life to occur but only with the injection of the male seed, Starlight.
It flies
I went to a church of England primary school in the UK, I had trouble believing what was read to me from the bible.
On a literal level?
Who first brought Christianity to millions of people? The Roman empire.
Did the Romans believe in Christianity? No.
Why did the Romans spread Christianity? To control the masses.
This seems to be the fashionable early 21st Century view but it’s not quite accurate, imo. There are several threads here on the subject of Constantine, who did in fact believe in Christianity. Christianity bought and still brings a huge amount of good – a point ignored by those who would do away with it. Not you @SidT
Who was Jesus Christ? A renowned being.
Do I believe it would be fair on all the other renowned beings who've lived if I worship just one but not them? No
Many will agree. Many will disagree.
Do I believe Jesus Christ was the son of God? Yes, I believe we are all the sons and daughters of God.
Does that mean we are equal to Jesus Christ?
Do I pray to God? Sometimes, when I enjoy feeling the Sun's warmth or watch a beautiful sunrise/sunset or look at the clouds or hear a bird singing or gaze at the Stars or even when I just sit and think indoors sometimes, I say how I appreciate it all but not verbally, I just think it and I have sometimes felt as if my thoughts were received, when got a buzz from thinking it.
Never when you or someone you love is in distress?
I don't know much about other religions but I will say that no matter what religion anyone already believes in, they could also believe 'The Truth.' If their religions do not permit that they sounds to me like prisons for their minds.
Is this a religion or just a belief? I'm not sure if it could be called religion because it doesn't require I have do anything other than understand it and believe it so I'd say it's not religion but just belief, it's definitely belief because I believe it.
I suppose 'a religion' implies more than personal belief -- religion implies scripture and place of worship, etc?

To sum it up 'The Truth' means to me I should firstly appreciate and respect the Earth (and everything on Earth, all made of it's elements and part of it), the Sun, the Moon, the Universe/God/'The All,' in the knowledge they are all made of the same stuff and also understand that photosynthesis is the number 1 process we all depend on.
Undeniable, imo
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Of course the sun supports life on earth. There are other planets with different suns, and possibly different life forms. God is assumed to be universal, not limited to this planet alone? When someone you love is in pain, do you turn to the sun for (spiritual) help?

I believe God is everything, all the starts, planets, life etc combined but the Sun is the star/part of God that affects us the most, I ask nothing from the Sun, in my opinion it is already doing all we need it to, I don't expect any more. When someone I love is in pain I don't turn to the Sun for help.

On a literal level?


Does that mean we are equal to Jesus Christ?

I believe we have this in common, we are all beings. We are all equal on that level but at the same time, we're all different therefore not completely equal in my opinion.

Never when you or someone you love is in distress?

If there's any way I can help them I do this first. I don't pray, I worry about them while I think and hope they will be alright.

I suppose 'a religion' implies more than personal belief -- religion implies scripture and place of worship, etc?

Yes I agree with that.
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