Is Islam peaceful and a good religion for everyone ?

Strange. How come Almighty God only forgives those that believe in Christ?
That has nothing to do with "original sin". least, that's what it appears to mean. Otherwise the whole of mankind would be going to paradise :)
There are similarities between Islam and Christianity in this topic. The Holy Quran asserts that all who believe and do good work will enter jannah, and the Quran also asserts that those who do not believe and do evil have no place in jannah; believing Jews and Christians who do good work are explicitly included. There is no word on those who don't believe but do good work; warnings are pronounced to those who believe to believe, but do not do good work. God knows, we don't.

But it is evident that this cannot apply to children, the younger the less. Their guidance is instinctive. Their faith is in mum and dad. From Whom is this guidance? Indeed, they are more in God than we are because they can't sin and discard His guidance. God knows best, and I believe that God knows well this what I said.
..believing Jews and Christians who do good work are explicitly included..
Yes, I agree with you about that.
Allah SWT knows best about each and every one of us.
There is no guarantee, and we all rely on G-d's mercy.

But it is evident that this cannot apply to children, the younger the less..
Mmm .. it is easier to be an 'angelic' choir-boy, than a mature choir-man. :)
Highest Quality of Life countries to live in are Atheistic
Lowest Quality of Life countries are ALL Muslim

It is obvious that religion, particularly Islam offers nothing good for human beings

Highest Quality of Life countries to live in are Atheistic
Lowest Quality of Life countries are ALL Muslim

It is obvious that religion, particularly Islam offers nothing good for human beings

This is the Islam forum
Do you believe that the Torah and the Injil were also inspired by Allah?

I have been reading the Quran and comparing Surahs to Hadiths I am finding important and serious contradictions. I am just barely understanding the concept of abrogation and the fact that all Arabic to English translations are frustrating to me as they all differ depending on what sect of Islam is responsible for it. I guess it's much the same with Christian translations as I personally prefer the textus receptus versions. I also noticed that denominations of Muslims are also similar to Christian denominations. They vary.

I'm continuing my studies. Wish me luck! 😍
Whose interpretation of the Qur'an are you reading?

As for wishing you luck.......well....the more diligent - and well founded - your studies, the luckier you will be! 😉

As far as if children go to Jannah or Heaven I firmly believe God is good and His justice is fair and He is always merciful. I also believe in the age of accountability. Regardless, I expect to see many many children when I go to heaven.
Whose interpretation of the Qur'an are you reading?

As for wishing you luck.......well....the more diligent - and well founded - your studies, the luckier you will be! 😉

I don't even know whose interpretations I'm reading. I would prefer a good Sunni version as that is mostly who I'm speaking to. I am surprised at the similarities of denominations as I believe Ahmadiyya Islam is looked down upon by Sunnis and Shia Muslims look down upon Sunnis. We have the same problem in Christianity. The wars between them as with Catholics and Protestants. I'm profoundly fascinated that crimes are committed in the name of Allah just as in the name of Jesus that we cannot blame on God.

"Is Islam peaceful and a good religion for everyone ?"

No, not for everyone - as the many other paths being trod by billions shows.
I replied to the Original Post . . .

Is Islam peaceful and a good religion for everyone ?​

Ok. I must admit that I stopped watching the video after I heard the first guy speaking and noticing the Muslim didn't even have a microphone.

Finally, I took the time to listen them. In fact I partly agree and partly disagree with either of them (where, surprise, I feel more with the Muslim).
I don't even know whose interpretations I'm reading. I would prefer a good Sunni version as that is mostly who I'm speaking to. I am surprised at the similarities of denominations as I believe Ahmadiyya Islam is looked down upon by Sunnis and Shia Muslims look down upon Sunnis. We have the same problem in Christianity. The wars between them as with Catholics and Protestants. I'm profoundly fascinated that crimes are committed in the name of Allah just as in the name of Jesus that we cannot blame on God.
I recommend two works:

For general reading: ‘The Qur’an’, by Muhammad Abdel Haleem, King Fahd Professor of Islamic Studies at the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London.

For serious study: ‘The Study Quran; a New Translation and Commentary’, by Shaykh Sayyed Hossein Nasr.

Both are available in hard copy (of course – my favoured medium), but also on Kindle’; and as free PDFs from the Internet Archive website:

Both provide far more effective insights into the Qur’an than either Pastor Google, or Imam YouTube.

There is, indeed a background in the deeds of Muhammad (p.b.u.h) who finally fought against the polytheists who had previously chased him away.
Still, I don't agree to any act of violence unless it is evidently self defence.
We should edify the "temple" in ourselves. Nobody who is doing that would tear down a building or even be hostile to those who build on the ground of another tradition.
I'm not familiar with ISCKON teachings. As far as I know, they are a Hindu sect, monotheists who worship Krishna (not Brahman, don't know why), proselyting, but peaceful.
If we have a belief as a guidance, this doesn't mean that other ways may not guide to the same.
We are here on the forum to learn to know from each other, and we should compete in righteousness. That's also what jihad means if you read the Quran properly.