Thinking of India

Yesterday's news: India has vaccinated 340 million people, more than the population of US. We have our problems. We are a democracy. People indulge in various scams. There are people who oppose vaccination, people who would not care for masks. We are not like China that we can order jail or executions. But we continue nonetheless.
Medical tourism has been an industry in India for decades .. due to the disastrous state of healthcare in the US
Yeah, my son-in-law is a dentist. It will probably cheaper to come to India and get treated by him for dental problems, than to have it done in US. A visit to India comes as a bargain. :D
Yeah, my son-in-law is a dentist. It will probably cheaper to come to India and get treated by him for dental problems, than to have it done in US. A visit to India comes as a bargain. :D
That is exactly what I am speaking of.

I know folks that paid less...after travel, food, and lodging is added in! Compared to medical costs here alone.
That is exactly what I am speaking of.

I know folks that paid less...after travel, food, and lodging is added in! Compared to medical costs here alone.
