Sense of Belonging, and Being a Convert, Revert, Apostate


Big Love! (Atheist mystic)
Veteran Member
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In a recent discussion, I came across a post expressing something I know quite well:

That's true .. sigh
I suppose I will have to wait until I die before I find out who my family is.
I seem to get flack from all sides.

Black, white, Muslim, Christian etc. etc.

Being an atheist with deep interests in mysticism, I am often eyed with suspicion by atheists and the faithful alike.

Having grown up and lived much of my adult life in countries and cultures not my own, being a stranger, not really belonging fully anywhere, is part of my identity.

I imagine it may be different for someone with a strong sense of belonging to a culture and country by birth, but who adopted a different faith.

What you expressed sounds like your change of religious allegiance came at the price of not fully belonging to either community, @muhammad_isa.

How do contributors who practice a different faith or worldview from the one they grew up with, experience this?
Good question.

I don't think I am in a position to offer much.

I flirted for a long time with Messianic Judaism, and was ignored by both Christians and Jews. Culturally it was easier to simply scoot back into Christianity, though I have always flirted with the boundaries, even more since joining this site.

I married a woman from halfway around the world. It was enough burden that she took on to attempt to acclimate to my culture, I could not ask her to go kosher too on top of all else. I allow her the freedom to be herself, and since she cooks my meals I dare not quibble over what she prepares. (It must suit me, I've gained far too many inches in the waist since we married)

I watch as she becomes immersed in this culture, but she has support, not only myself, she has other family here as well...there are times I am the odd man out.

It works because I make it work, we make it work. As any marriage, both sides have to work at it.

I think we all grow over time, but depending on the spirit and the personality is how much, how fast and how far that growth goes. Some are content with their roots bound tightly in a teacup. Others need to wander to see what is over the next rise. And all sorts in between.
I feel lucky having found many families. How many brothers and sisters in this life. I have a 0 thoughts or concerns about the next life I don't expect one I don't expect to see a new family old family so if I do it'll be just like this life more bonuses. During my career I developed many Construction and architecture friends we continue to meet and discuss whatever with. I also have a rainbow family connection and have a great time when I leave Babylon and attend at any gatherings I go to. Then there is the burner family, the 10 principles and escaped from the default world. Then there are jugglers and flow artists. And my brothers and sisters in New thought Christianity. Then there's a physical family, genetic family, all of which came before me many are gone, and many more keep coming. And then this space, yet another place to discuss thought, religion, spirituality, philosophy much like the rest of my life. I realize that many religions are based on the hereafter but I have and will continue striving to just enjoy the now, as this is what I've been given and I enjoy the hell out of it!
How do contributors who practice a different faith or worldview from the one they grew up with, experience this?

Being spiritually homeless, a wanderer, I've learned to keep things simple. Or perhaps I should say, that's my calling. Take a few small things, very simple things, and do a lot with them.

Sometimes even the complex must come and bow at the feet of the simple. ;) It's the purity of the simple form that gets them.