Well the Septuagint uses the Greek term '
logos', which embraces more than the term 'word' commonly implies.
Furthermore the Aramaic speaking Jews use the Aramaic
memra, and that has an even greater implication.
There was an understanding that the One God of Israel was a transcendent God Above All, and that between God and the world was a series or succession of divine orders in, by and through which God acted in the world. There was God (ho theos), gods (theos), angels and archons, powers and so on ... but increasingly it was understood that as there was Oner God, there was one Mediating Principle, and in the Aramaic world this principle was the 'word' or
Memra of God. Every manifestation of the Divine, from the creation of the world onward, was through this intermediary who was with God before the world was made, and was indeed the instrument of its creation.
From the Jewish Encyclopaedia:
In the Targum the
Memra figures constantly as the manifestation of the divine power, or as God's messenger in place of God Himself, wherever the predicate is not in conformity with the dignity or the spirituality of the Deity.
Where Moses says, "I stood between the Lord and you" (Deuteronomy 5:5), the Targum has, "between the Memra of the Lord and you"; and the "sign between Me and you" becomes a "sign between My Memra and you" (Exodus 31:13, 17). Instead of God, the
Memra comes to Abimelek (Genesis 20:3), and there are numerous other examples.
Like the
Shekinah, the Memra is accordingly the manifestation of God.
Memra shielded Noah from the flood and brought about the dispersion of the seventy nations; it is the guardian of Jacob and of Israel; it works all the wonders in Egypt; hardens the heart of Pharaoh; goes before Israel in the wilderness; blesses Israel; battles for the people. As in ruling over the destiny of man the Memra is the agent of God, so also is it in the creation of the earth and in the execution of justice. So, in the future, shall the Memra be the comforter: "My
Shekinah I shall put among you, My
Memra shall be unto you for a redeeming deity, and you shall be unto My Name a holy people".
Memra as a cosmic power furnished Philo the corner-stone upon which he built his peculiar semi-Jewish philosophy. Philo's "divine thought," "the image" and "first-born son" of God, "the archpriest," "intercessor," and "paraclete" of humanity, the "arch type of man", and all this paved the way for the Christian conceptions of the Incarnation ("the Word become flesh") and the Trinity.