Assister suicide and medical health.directives.


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a figment of your imagination
If I had my druthers I would be dead.

Due to procrastination I never filled out a living will, or health directive.

I would have definitely checked "no extreme measures"

Well they took extreme measures...and it took 8 months for me to recover to the point of being able to care for myself. But I still cant drive or walk far.

I now think I would (but still haven't because I procrastinate) fill out to indicate I want to function, not be a burden.

And with my issues if I start.deteriorating I would like the opportunity to end my life on my terms...before I am incapable of doing so.
It is now on my todo complete the directive... I would like my friends here to voice opinions on the topic...not for me, not for you (ain't holding anyone to anything) just your thoughts in general on others making this decision.
My wife used to work with patients at various stages of dementia. Most of them had the wish to be able to end their lives while still capable to do so. It is illegal in my country (but legal in neighboring Switzerland). It is even illegal for medical staff to discuss tbe possibilities. Christian Democrat handwriting on these laws. I feel this is not just.

Clinical depression, on the other hand, is a deadly disease, when untreated. There are laws permitting taking a person into preventive custody in a hospital ward, for a short period under such circumstances, under judicial oversight. I have mixed feelings about this, but overall I feel it is a good arrangement, as many former pstients reported they were glad they received treatment, even under such extreme circumstances as being declared temporarily incapacitated and placed under guardianship.
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Chino Thx for your contribution to discussion. I know folks personal and religious beliefs often clash in this regard. I realize that it is a touchy subject and peoples thoughts change over time and situations.

I also agree that there are temporary issues sometimes with folks experiencing other issues which affect decision making of the reasons I wish to address this head on...with whatever brain cells I have left...before they revolt.
Glad you came back to us. I watched the hospice nurse put my Father on a 'mercy' drip in the last stage of his cancer death. It's too painful to talk about, but I am eternally grateful to her.
No-one else knew, just me and her. I only realized after he was gone, that she had done it for him. I bless that woman. Sorry, it's just so sad for me to think about it. I sat beside his bed for the last days
I would have definitely checked "no extreme measures"
I have expressed the same opinion: Do Not Resuscitate – but have done nothing formally.

The assisted suicide thing is such an issue: the cases where the elderly might be bullied into it, etc.

But pros and cons aside, I think the right should rest with the individual, and I am not in harmony with the Church on that issue. I do hold that the church tends to make everybody's moral decisions for them (birth control being another issue).

It should be a choice.
@Thomas yes that is popular fodder for "what ifs" and movies but as far as I know not a reality in societies that accept it.

The whole euthanasia/govt decree crap I don't believe in, but personal choices of a sane mind regarding a deteriorating condition makes sense to me.

Once again you make me both honor and respect the way you mix your faith and tradition with common sense.
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First Wil, I'm sorry to hear this is something that you feel you are at a place to have to consider. I've struggled with my disabilities for many years, the constant pain, the limited range of motion, the inability to do so many things most folks take for granted.

Mine is genetic, degenerative, is the hand I was dealt. Rather than surrender outright to it, I've pushed through to create something of a life for myself. That is my choice.

The thought has crossed my mind from time to time, especially after I fell a few years back and broke my neck. My spine is now fused from C3 to T4, I counted 19 screws in my neck. I thank the Lord I'm still upright and able to walk, I came perilously close to being paraplegic. This happened some years after we met, so I am even more stoved up, if you can imagine.

So I get it, I understand where you are coming from. I don't want to be an undue burden on my family. If I can't wipe my own behind, I don't want to be around. I'm not there yet, and I am in no hurry, but I have lived a life, all in all I think a decent life - so when the time comes I'm ready.

Don't surrender too soon, you will know when it is time. Know that you have been an influence on my life, and I'm sure on the lives of many others.
sorry to hear this is something that you feel you are at a place to have to consider.

I have always felt (and still feel) I am remiss in not having a medical directive. I am saddened by what I put my children thru...having to not only second guess my wishes but also make those decisions for me with all the pressure and impact on their health and wellbeing.that that entails.

So it isn't new (maybe a little more imperative) to come to grips with this contemplation. I feel this is something we should but don't discuss.enough...and frankly I am using this forum of friends who contain an amazing level of spirituality, intelligence and empathy to assist me in contemplating this and prepare me for a discussion with my family.

If I can't wipe my own behind, I don't want to be around

I think that might should be specified. I have most thought about my brain and inability to make decisions. But the burden on others is also a factor and this issue in particular.

Plat the cards we are dealt yes, but I also think "ya gotta know when to fold them!"

I wanna also say I honor you in your struggle and as discussed above this should never be anything someone is coerced or guilted into doing or not is a personal choice and should be imo.

An aside...last year I was in an ER and had a digestive and sphincter emergency. The nurse was swamped with other issues and said no worry...i will be there when I can. Well I didn't even know that laying in a pile of my own warm fecal matter was on my bucket list....but thankfully I got it scratched off!
