But a single coin throw (heads = yes / tails = no) is enough for a yes/no question? Isn't the I Ching a bit of an overkill for such a question?
Agreed regarding overgeneral quesitons.
I would say the I Ching will show a layout regarding the action of the superior and the inferior man. But a person has to be clear what he's asking. Often clarifying the question results in the question answering itself, with no need to consult. This is the preferable option, as the I Ching does not like trivial questions imo?
How did you compile that initial list of 500 words?
Anything will do for divination. It can be by opening a Bible at random and reading whatever the eye falls upon. Also a dictionary or Rogets Thesaurus, could be used. But divination is best avoided, imo.
How would you explain 'How' the I Ching could possibly predict future events?
It has timeline "algorithms' from past/present to future. I will post some of what it says later, if I may?
But the last act is always my own. Mostly it's less about knowing what will happen and more about how to act as a 'superior man' in a given situation. It's very vast, but very condensed. It seems so simple at first.
It's composed of 64 figures each of six lines, which are said to contain all possibilities -- like a chessboard, no two games can ever be the same.
There's the story of of someone who did a King a favour and when the King asked him what he would like as payment, he asked for a chessboard with one rice grain on the first square, two grains on the second square, four in the third, eight in the next, and so on.
The King laughed at such a small request, until he realised all the grain in the kingdom would not complete the board.
I am not into crystals, tarot, or even flipping coins, it is so interesting people try to use these methods to find answers. When I started to ask questions about things before the voices and words, I used the pendulum to figure things out with. I created a 500 word sheet breaking the list of words into eight parts, instead of spelling a word you would find it's location.After I figured out how to become myself, I then stopped using the pendulum as words started to form in my inner eye, latter developing into thoughts about thoughts.
This, imo.
Divination must fall away.
Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.
In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths
Proverbs 3
(apology for all the edits ...)