
I think we are equipped as humans with an inborn sensitivity to some extra-dimensional vibrations or intuition, or whatever word to use: through a glass darkly -- dreams and other insights
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Good question.

Intelligence would be sentient although not limited to human or animal. I think the Earth is a living entity, as are other worlds. The Earth's intelligence is greater than that of the animal life-forms that inhabit. The universe is not just a lifeless mechanical oddity created by blind chance. I think life surrounds us in the universe, but it is not anything we can recognise with our limited animal senses, unless by some people with 'special' abilities.

I think all the worlds are inhabited, but not by the carbon-based animal life forms that we are capable of recognising or perceiving.

We are only able to empirically perceive what is available to our five human animal senses of hearing, sight and so so on. All our incredible scientific microscopes and telescopes and devices are really just genius extensions of our animal senses. I have huge respect for the capacities of science and for those clever people.

But we are only able to perceive and unravel nature. And nature ends where time/space ends. We cannot go beyond that singularity. But there is no reason to think the universe is limited to what human animal senses can perceive; the universe extends in myriad vibrations and dimensions beyond what we as animals will ever be able to perceive -- even in principle -- with our animal senses.

By 'higher than man' I mean there are perhaps infinite other worlds and states and dimensions, than this timespace dimension of nature that is our visible universe and animal world and human life -- that surround and interweave and merge and permeate. There are dimensional entities 'higher' than man, that move easily between worlds, that can choose to reveal themselves, or to be hidden from man.

Along those lines, lol?

What would you take them to mean?

How could one have sentience without a bloodstream to course the hormones that cause emotions through or a brain to process them?

I would probably define intelligence as sapient metacognition, but I'm not sure I would ever use the phrase "higher than man."
How could one have sentience without a bloodstream to course the hormones that cause emotions through or a brain to process them?
That's the point. How can one limit the universe to what we as natural animal creatures can perceive?
I would probably define intelligence as sapient metacognition, but I'm not sure I would ever use the phrase "higher than man."
There are intelligences and entities lower than man too. Point is mankind is not the highest form of intelligence in the universe -- by which I do not mean intelligent space aliens, lol
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That's the point. How can one limit the universe to what we as natural animal creatures can perceive?
There are intelligences and entities lower than man too. Point is mankind is not the highest form of intelligence in the universe -- by which I do not mean intelligent space aliens, lol

I appreciate your patience in trying to explain this to me. I still don't think I quite get it. I don't really understand what you mean by higher and lower intelligences. Are you talking about IQ?

Who is limiting the universe to what we as natural creatures can perceive? And how can we claim to have knowledge of things that we can't at least indirectly perceive? And what does this have to do with the fact that emotions are caused by hormones interacting with physical brains that took billions of years to evolve within the universe?
don't really understand what you mean by higher and lower intelligences. Are you talking about IQ?
Limited and less limited. A flea has a more limited intelligence than a person. There will be discussion about a flea and a person having different but equal intelligence, according to their function.
Who is limiting the universe to what we as natural creatures can perceive?
Some people.
And how can we claim to have knowledge of things that we can't at least indirectly perceive?
We cannot.

And what does this have to do with the fact that emotions are caused by hormones interacting with physical brains that took billions of years to evolve within the universe?
Consciousness is not limited to animal brain activity, nor is sentience.
Life is not limited to natural carbon based life forms.

How do I know? Because I know by experience.

Can I explain it to you? Not if you have decided against it. It's not my duty to, anyway.
If you don't like it, go your own way.
If you want to limit existence to human emperical scientific proof, it's your life and your mind to do what you will
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By 'higher than man' I mean there are perhaps infinite other worlds and states and dimensions, than this timespace dimension of nature that is our visible universe and animal world and human life -- that surround and interweave and merge and permeate.
There are dimensional entities 'higher' than man, that move easily between worlds, that can choose to reveal themselves, or to be hidden from man.
First paragraph: Science has that on its radar, no evidence yet.
The Sentence below: There is no evidence of that. God, Angels, Satan, Jinn, Yaksha, Gandharva, Kimpurush, Apsara, Vidyadhara, Bhoota (ghosts), Pisaca, Vaitala, Vampires, Rakshasa, etc., who could perhaps move between the various worlds, unbound by physics and do whatever they want.
Science has that on its radar, no evidence yet.
Can you link the experiments to see beyond timespace singularity?
There is no evidence of that.
That's what I said: science cannot penetrate beyond timespace. Physics ends at singularity. Its ability ends at the human animal senses; all scientific instruments are extensions of our animal senses. Does this mean the universe is limited to what our animal senses can perceive? You can believe that if you want.
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The many worlds are branching paths of nature in timespace
As far as I know they originated from the big bang singularity, along with all the energy and the forces.
Anyway the inability of physics to be able to view them or interact with them in any way just helps my point.They are theoretical. There is no experimental evidence, or even the real possibility of an experiment ever happening.
There is no evidence
Now if there is no evidence, how do you expect science to accept it?
See above
Nor is it my job to make anyone accept it. Just walk on by.
Life is not limited to natural carbon based life forms.

How do I know? Because I know by experience.

Can I explain it to you? Not if you have decided against it. It's not my duty to, anyway.

Can you do so? Not because anyone is telling you to (as though they are forcing you?), just out of curiosity if you choose to do so.

What do you mean by life outside natural carbon life forms?...and how do you experience it?

I see "life" as a force or a vitality that keeps the natural world and physical universe "alive." People attempt to understand and experience it through many practices from prayer and meditation to Reiki or dancing. Whatever makes one alive.

I find many who have a spiritual belief tend to believe they have or experience something too special to share to others. Although I understand it in a personal sense, but outside of that it's a limiting dichotomy...unless we feel others will steal our experiences?

I don't know. Most mine relate to synchronicities etc. Some say they are from a higher power, God, Source, whatever...probably because they are undescribable. But it would be nice to hear some experienced none the less.
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I find many who have a spiritual believe tend to believe they have or experience something too special to share to others. Although I understand it in a personal sense, but outside of that it's a limiting dichotomy...unless we feel others will steal our experiences?
When a person meets an angel, or a spiritual being -- they know. Sometimes a person has to lose everything -- a lot -- for that to happen. God responds to sincere prayer, any time, any place, any religion. The person knows. There is no responsibility on a person to 'prove it'
God is not required to dance to satisfy human curiosity

But whereunto shall I liken this generation? It is like unto children sitting in the markets, and calling unto their fellows, And saying, We have piped unto you, and ye have not danced; we have mourned unto you, and ye have not lamented.
I find many who have a spiritual believe tend to believe they have or experience something too special to share to others. Although I understand it in a personal sense, but outside of that it's a limiting dichotomy...unless we feel others will steal our experiences?
Not meant at anyone here, but it is probably more along the lines of:

Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend you.
Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you:
For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened.

Matthew 7

Just my own thoughts and experience, obviously ...
When a person meets an angel, or a spiritual being -- they know. Sometimes a person has to lose everything -- a lot -- for that to happen. God responds to sincere prayer, any time, any place, any religion. The person knows. There is no responsibility on a person to 'prove it'
God is not required to dance to satisfy human curiosity

But whereunto shall I liken this generation? It is like unto children sitting in the markets, and calling unto their fellows, And saying, We have piped unto you, and ye have not danced; we have mourned unto you, and ye have not lamented.

Do they communicate to you by synchronicities and signs?

I know there's a trust factor involved before "seeing" communication but I don't understand how those experiences can be expressed as a person or being ..unless by metaphor for lack of better words to describe the interaction?
Do they communicate to you by synchronicities and signs?

I know there's a trust factor involved before "seeing" communication but I don't understand how those experiences can be expressed as a person or being ..unless by metaphor for lack of better words to describe the interaction?
Perhaps God meets us where we are? The communication or 'touch' will be as I am able to understand at the particular time and situation?
Perhaps God meets us where we are? The communication or 'touch' will be as I am able to understand at the particular time and situation?

How would you define the mode of communication?

Is it understanding (I read there's a 'knowing' something is true despite not being able to show it non less explain it in words)?
Gauging for more concrete terms
The more materially attached I get, the less I am able to receive