Happy Nowruz, Newroz, Equinox to all who celebrate!

Thank you and a very Happy Naw Ruz to you Cino. May you have a great, happy and safe year.

The last day of Baha'i fast finishes tonight, Sunday 20th March 2022. So we celebrate the feast of Baha after sunset and that is also the start of our New Year. Monday is a Holy day for us.

As you would know we have 19 day months and 19 months a year, all named after an attribute of God.

Baha, the first month means "splendor or glory."

Regards Tony
I wish you all the best, make Jesus your leader because the beginning of the end is upon us. The 3rd temple is going to be built, and everything is ready the sacrifices, the priests, the tools. Only the planning permission needed. Once the Antichrist is revealed which will be shortly after the built 3rd Jewish temple. We will be raptured.
The son rises before sunrise on Easter. The simple standard definition of Easter is that it is the first Sunday after the full Moon that occurs on or after the spring equinox. If the full Moon falls on a Sunday then Easter is the next Sunday.

Who is building this temple, have the permits been applied for? Has the architect started design? How many should we expect for rapture service

Or did the last post completely away from the topic and I attempt a satirical yet accurate segue back?