Found an old copy of this website from 1996

We were play in in newsgroups...when a herd of ALLCAPS Assholes On Line showed up (AOL)

Took me a.while to find I/O as I was perfectly happy with thinkarete/zaadz till the morphed on.
Netscape was the ancestor of today's firefox.

It used to include a mail and usenet client. We had it as a corporate mail client well into the 2000s.

I miss usenet, too, @wil! The Eternal September...
Netscape was the ancestor of today's firefox.

It used to include a mail and usenet client. We had it as a corporate mail client well into the 2000s.

I miss usenet, too, @wil! The Eternal September...

I used to be an advocate for Firefox but it seems that the more it updates the less privacy and control they give their users. I switched to Brave for when I need personal websites to work (like for banking, LinkedIn, or GitHub) and stick to the Tor Browser for everything else.