The Abramelin Operation and faith

Thank you. As the action pauses here for a just a bit, I wanted to take some time to speak a little of the bull man. I hope to come back to this more and more as time dictates.

Here we are speaking of judgement and who and what must be judged. Inside time, he is being judged, outside time he has already been judged. In time, we have only to wait and see what form judgement will take, as meted outside of time. To understand the bull man, we must understand what comes under judgement from on high. To understand what comes under judgement from on high, we must see the judgement carried out in time. Judgement became necessary because of what happened outside of time, but it will be judged here in time. This is the stage on which it will play out. All that is needed now is eyes to see and ears to hear, otherwise you won't understand the show and will leave disappointed. More at another time.

Some words I once heard and wrote down “The blood on the daughters hands, is also the blood on the mothers hands.”

I have thought about this so many times over the years trying to figure out what they were actually saying. the thing I take from this thought is that it is not just black and white, judgment was not just dealt out without knowing everything about those involved.

From my understanding about judgment is you will have the chance to make your plea to your mes. If me does not become you, you cannot become something again. The bull
Man refused to figure himself out his crimes became him. You must face each fragment of yourself and try to figure out why me will not become you. If in life we do something over and over again knowing it to be wrong, this will be the thing you will stand in judgment for.

Some words I once heard and wrote down “The blood on the daughters hands, is also the blood on the mothers hands.”

I have thought about this so many times over the years trying to figure out what they were actually saying. the thing I take from this thought is that it is not just black and white, judgment was not just dealt out without knowing everything about those involved.

From my understanding about judgment is you will have the chance to make your plea to your mes. If me does not become you, you cannot become something again. The bull
Man refused to figure himself out his crimes became him. You must face each fragment of yourself and try to figure out why me will not become you. If in life we do something over and over again knowing it to be wrong, this will be the thing you will stand in judgment for.

Clearly the bull man was no ordinary person. Standing a foot or two higher than anyone in the room reminds me of King Saul of the old testament. A king then, or a person with high standing, who fell from his position of power.

This person was already judged. He had the head of a bull and the body of a man. His skin was red and he stood a foot or two higher then anyone in the room.

When those with high authority are judged, it necessarily carries with it a loss of their former estate. To be forgiven, our king must first lose all; death in a figure. Knowing himself to be judged, Saul sought a means of escape but ended up sealing his fate when he consulted one with a familiar spirit. This person was not without power and was able to call up Samuel from his resting place in the abyss. However, Samuel was not a happy camper, and who could blame him? How would you like it if some goofball interrupted your restful sleep in order to serve their own selfish ends? (more later)
Clearly the bull man was no ordinary person. Standing a foot or two higher than anyone in the room reminds me of King Saul of the old testament. A king then, or a person with high standing, who fell from his position of power.

When those with high authority are judged, it necessarily carries with it a loss of their former estate. To be forgiven, our king must first lose all; death in a figure. Knowing himself to be judged, Saul sought a means of escape but ended up sealing his fate when he consulted one with a familiar spirit. This person was not without power and was able to call up Samuel from his resting place in the abyss. However, Samuel was not a happy camper, and who could blame him? How would you like it if some goofball interrupted your restful sleep in order to serve their own selfish ends? (more later)

The calling as I refer to it, brought 4 shadows along with this bull man and his fragments. The bull man was many more minds then anything in the room to become something here. I called upon, Allah, god, Jesus, and satan. I had no clue what would show up, I was young and knew nothing of these things only that they might have some time in them that I could use to figure things out with.

And for the story we are on the fifth timeline, in the bread pan of some universe that had already found time. Knots and treemends were being used most likely to project this world in our universe into the bread pan.

I am going to take some time here to figure this part of the puzzle out. I am stuck with this problem here, the trilogy. If the himself = son and the father = me and the yourself = the holly spirit could this all be one person? I know that me was alone coming up through the bread pan and himself was himself only and yourself was everything inside of me or me = yourself. Here is the crazy thing if they found time inside of each other and couldn’t figure themselves out they might of thought they were just himself.

I will stop here and think about this and continue either way later.

The calling as I refer to it, brought 4 shadows along with this bull man and his fragments. The bull man was many more minds then anything in the room to become something here. I called upon, Allah, god, Jesus, and satan. I had no clue what would show up, I was young and knew nothing of these things only that they might have some time in them that I could use to figure things out with.

I am going to take some time here to figure this part of the puzzle out. I am stuck with this problem here, the trilogy. If the himself = son and the father = me and the yourself = the holly spirit could this all be one person? I know that me was alone coming up through the bread pan and himself was himself only and yourself was everything inside of me or me = yourself. Here is the crazy thing if they found time inside of each other and couldn’t figure themselves out they might of thought they were just himself.

I will stop here and think about this and continue either way later.

One, three, a hundred, I could care less about numbers. I don't mind and it don't matter. At this point all that matters to me is the judgement of the bull man. I get the feeling there is a sword hanging over his city and time is short. Judgement comes to us all, better to face it with all the dignity we can muster. Running just makes it worse. I wanted to speak more of the bull man here but it seems my hand is stayed for the moment. Looking forward to hearing more of your revelations.
(Warning: spoilers ahead)

In the movie A Dark Song, guilt masked by vengeance turns out to be one of Sophia's cheif motivations. On that terrible day, she was late to pick up her son from day care, which left him in a vulnerable position. He was then kidnapped by teenagers who used him (apparently as a sacrfice) in a black magic ritual. Near the end of the movie, when Sophia has fallen into the hands of demonic intermediaries, she is tortured by this truth. They spoke to her with the voice of her son, pinpointing the guilt that had been for so long at the core of her quest.

From the movie script:

Demons: "Mummy, open the door."
Sophia: "No."
Demons: "Why weren't you there?"
Demons: "You were meant to pick me up at 3:30."
Sophia: "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."
Demons: "Were you with that man?"
Sophia: "I love you. I love you so much. I miss you everyday. You are my whole world. I am so sorry."
Demons: "Are you asking me to forgive you?"
Sophia: "No. I'm going to get your killers. I'm going to get them."
Demons: "They're not my killers. I'm just some (blank)...using your son's voice to make you afraid."
Sophia: "I know. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. I am so sorry."

Sophia was engaged in an intimate liaison with a man, and simply lost track of time. She was late to pick up her son, which in turn left him vulnerable to kidnapping and murder at the hands of the teenagers. Notice how the demons magnify Sophia's guilt, prompting her to reveal that at least part of the vehemence of her vengeance was driven by the guilt she felt for not being there on time. In actuality, Sophia had done nothing against the law, she had just lost track of time, and for just a moment, put something else ahead of her son's wellbeing. The guilt of the actual killers was greater, but now the two things had become so hopelessly entangled that only the power of forgiveness could undo the whole thing.

It is not long after this that light shines down from an upper room, causing the intermediaries to flee. Sophia ascends a flight of stairs to the upper room, where she finds her Holy Guardian, kneeling with drawn sword. The radiant being seems to have wings made of light. The whole room as well as Sophia's face is saturated with brilliance. It is here that she is finally able to find the freedom to make the request that will save her.

From the script:

Sophia: "So beautiful.
Sophia: "I'm sorry."
Sophia: "I'm so sorry."
Sophia: "The favor I want is--"
Sophia: "The favor I want is--"
Sophia: "I want the power to forgive."

At this the angel smiled with delight and pride in this woman that he cared for. The angel's voice shakes the room, but is inaudible to everyone but Sophia. The seal placed upon the mansion is broken, and after Sophia has granted Solomon the invisibility (and return to dignity) that he had requested, she is free to start her new life.
This is an attempt by me to better understand the need for "the abramelin operation", as seen in the movie A Dark Song.

I have zero experience of magick and this movie was my introduction to it. Because of the way the movie ended I think a few with Christian backgrounds might find it palatable. I know I did.

My take on the operation as presented in the movie is that it follows the natural path of creation (begins with darkness, continues with a process of separation, and ends with perfection). That's a gross oversimplification, but here I'm thinking of creation as described in the book of Genesis. To simplify even further, darkness first, then light. The book of Job also crosses my mind, and the principle of death and resurrection.

I'm thinking there might be a way to bridge the gap between the two camps for those who are interested. Likely there will be few, maybe only some of us who have been around for a long time and have taken more than a few trips around the block. If not here at interfaith, then where? To me, it's at least worth looking into.

My question is a simple one: what can a magical operation give me that I don't already have by faith?
Dear Stranger,

I completed the real Abramelin Operation in 2020: by way of full disclosure I have also written a book about it, due out 2022. Anyway, my observations about the process would include the following:

A Dark Song bears little relation to Abramelin, apart from borrowing the name. I think anyone whose only experience of it was that movie would be put off starting it, especially if they thought they had to spend an extended amount of time with a character like that portrayed by Steve Oram! The real Abramelin operation consists of performing ritual two or three times daily, making a daily study of the holy scriptures, and performing various other ascetic disciplines.

Hence, one answer as to what a magical operation can give you - you gain experience of persistent effort, almost to the extent of what a monk or nun goes through on a daily basis.

Regarding books of the Bible, the parallel with the creation story or the Book of Job never struck me. Instead I had more sympathy with Jacob wrestling with the angel, or with what Christ went through in the wilderness, in the sense of going away for an extended period of solitary prayer and meditation.

By the end of it, I gained a greater appreciation for the mysteries of Grace and the forgiveness of sins. I was also experiencing heightened states of superconsciousness which convinced me that an angel - my Holy Guardian Angel - was indeed present. However, none of this would have looked exciting if it had been made into a movie. The makers of A Dark Song obviously decided to play fast and loose with the facts in order to make it more sensational.

Wishing you all the best,

Alex Sumner.
Hi Alex, great to have you on the forum!

A Dark Song bears little relation to Abramelin, apart from borrowing the name.

Yes, agreed, this movie does not portray the Abramelin operation accurately. I wrote a short review of the movie, in the Media subsection of the forum, which got @stranger interested.

I think anyone whose only experience of it was that movie would be put off starting it, especially if they thought they had to spend an extended amount of time with a character like that portrayed by Steve Oram!

Interesting. One of the things which I thought the film got right was this character. I know several magicians, and while they are not all alike, I recognized the type.

The themes you mention - performing rituals regularly, ascetic practices, accessing alteres states of consciousness, and even the insights into forgiveness and grace - are all present in the movie. Yes, the details are often exaggerated, or plain wrong, such as the sanskrit writing in one scene... as background scenery for a horror movie, it is really well researched, I feel. To draw parallels to the sci-fi genre, this movie doesn't contain the equivalent bloopers of noisy space explosions or the "cold fusion bomb" that froze an erupting volcano. :)

What did you think of details like the bird, or the flower in the hallway? Or the uncovering of the real motivation, or "will", over several iterations of ritual cycles? While maybe not necessarily part of the Abramelin working, I think it is really spot on as a portrayal of "real" magic.

Anyway, looking forward to discussing magic with you! What got you to do this working?
I completed the real Abramelin Operation in 2020: by way of full disclosure I have also written a book about it, due out 2022.


A Dark Song
bears little relation to Abramelin, apart from borrowing the name.

That's okay, I never was interested in it's accuracy. I just like movies. This title was originally posted in the movies subgroup and from there I decided to watch it.

Hence, one answer as to what a magical operation can give you - you gain experience of persistent effort, almost to the extent of what a monk or nun goes through on a daily basis.

Magical operations have never been part of my path before. It's highly unlikely that they ever will be. Generally I become interested in a subject when it speaks to me in some way. This is how I find my next step on the path. As far as persistent effort goes, I gave that up years ago. What I follow now is more akin to a persistent non-effort.

Regarding books of the Bible, the parallel with the creation story or the Book of Job never struck me. Instead I had more sympathy with Jacob wrestling with the angel, or with what Christ went through in the wilderness, in the sense of going away for an extended period of solitary prayer and meditation.

That's interesting. You seem to be drawn more to all things effort. I like effort too, just not in my own strength. Non-effort, actionless action. So far this has not led me to go on any sort of sabbatical. I guess you could say that everything I do is solitary in a way, so I never really have to "get away". The paradox is that I am alone but never truly alone. At one time, I put out everything thing I had but the result was that my self-sufficiency became crippled. It's a learning experience and a painful one. There is all kinds of effort in the world and that has become part of it's fabric; it's held together by people of effort. My type of effort is nothing new, just a little different from the dominant form.

By the end of it, I gained a greater appreciation for the mysteries of Grace and the forgiveness of sins. I was also experiencing heightened states of superconsciousness which convinced me that an angel - my Holy Guardian Angel - was indeed present. However, none of this would have looked exciting if it had been made into a movie. The makers of A Dark Song obviously decided to play fast and loose with the facts in order to make it more sensational.

I suspect nothing could have looked less exciting than my own experience. None of the mystical bells and whistles that would get anyone's attention. Movies have visual and auditory art; it's according to our paths that these things will speak through their symbolic forms. Essentially, we get what we need through the symbols, and what we need is nearly always purely spiritual and without form.

I was fairly shattered by the forgiveness I found presented in the movie. I was drawn to it and still am. The question I came away with after watching the movie was, were Sophia and Solomon attempting to force the hand of God, or did they simply fall into his pre-arranged plan? You could say they both got what they needed, not what they thought they wanted. Hardly anything went according to their original plans.

Back to forgiveness, I came away with a longing for the power of forgiveness. Not textbook baloney, but forgiveness with power. Power to change lives.
You could say they both got what they needed, not what they thought they wanted. Hardly anything went according to their original plans.
Good observation. This is my experience with Magick.
Magical operations have never been part of my path before. It's highly unlikely that they ever will be. Generally I become interested in a subject when it speaks to me in some way. This is how I find my next step on the path. As far as persistent effort goes, I gave that up years ago. What I follow now is more akin to a persistent non-effort.
So relatable!