
I used to see Sherlock Holmes as a sort of role model when I was younger, precisely due to the qualities you are ascribing to him here. I became frustrated with how difficult it was to mirror his processes in real life to the same degree of efficiency. It took me awhile to figure out what the problem was.

While I could certainly stand to be more perceptive and I definitely don't have the same level of insight into human nature as Sherlock Holmes, the main issues that I came across were the ones I described above. It is an accurate inference that I was interested in him given my level of knowledge about the character.

Well yeah Sherlock Holmes is the archetype of INTP. Your profile picture is like Holmes having a light bulb moment. You might even be the type to like a book like this
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Well yeah Sherlock Holmes is the archetype of INTP. Your profile picture is a light bulb on like the light bulb that goes off on Holmes when he's got a clue. You might even be the type to like a book like this

That is a remarkably similar picture. This is also going on my ever-growing reading list, thanks.
That is a remarkably similar picture. This is also going on my ever-growing reading list, thanks.

So what do you think of this song and the singer?

Here's the lyrcs

It doesn't matter if you like the song, just if her or her lyrcs resonate with you at any level and if so at which.

She's a puzzle solver like Einstein, Spock, Lawrence of Arabia, Holmes, and possibly you too. One of her lyrcs is even called "Bridge of spies". Her archetype is Lady Synergy which is the happiest your type can be since it is the unification of all your other archetypes, so she's like Xeena the Princess Warrior and Alita the Battle Angel. Notice that she's so strong that one of her qualities is unaproachability.
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So what do you think of this song and the singer?

Here's the lyrcs

It doesn't matter if you like the song, just if her or her lyrcs resonate with you at any level and if so at which.

She's a puzzle solver like Einstein, Spock, Lawrence of Arabia, Holmes, and possibly you too. One of her lyrcs is even called "Bridge of spies". Her archetype is Lady Synergy which is the happiest your type can be since it is the unification of all your other archetypes, so she's like Xeena the Princess Warrior and Alita the Battle Angel. Notice that she's so strong that one of her qualities is unaproachability.

Not really.

I've gone several years before with only very dry contact with people who weren't familiar with my username on various discussion forums. Not talking about feelings, just talking about religious history or theology or something.

Generally, I don't really need or desire close contact with other people and I'm aro-ace. I not only have no desire for physical intimacy but even hugs make me uncomfortable.

I actually did date a few times, so it's not true that I never had anyone to love me. Those relationships all fell apart because I just didn't care enough about them. I had someone tell me that they thought my icy facade was just an act but, over a couple years of dating me and getting to know me better, they realized that I was pretending to feel more than I actually do. The only reason I entered relationships with them was so that people stopped asking me when I would start dating.

I don't really feel like I've been on my own too long. I enjoy the single life and don't really have any friends, which has been the case for about 4 years now. I'm not really desperate or looking for a prize. I actually wish I never bothered dating in the first place because it wasted my time and just hurt the people I was with.
Not really.

I've gone several years before with only very dry contact with people who weren't familiar with my username on various discussion forums. Not talking about feelings, just talking about religious history or theology or something.

Generally, I don't really need or desire close contact with other people and I'm aro-ace. I not only have no desire for physical intimacy but even hugs make me uncomfortable.

I actually did date a few times, so it's not true that I never had anyone to love me. Those relationships all fell apart because I just didn't care enough about them. I had someone tell me that they thought my icy facade was just an act but, over a couple years of dating me and getting to know me better, they realized that I was pretending to feel more than I actually do. The only reason I entered relationships with them was so that people stopped asking me when I would start dating.

I don't really feel like I've been on my own too long. I enjoy the single life and don't really have any friends, which has been the case for about 4 years now. I'm not really desperate or looking for a prize. I actually wish I never bothered dating in the first place because it wasted my time and just hurt the people I was with.

Your answer is very INTP though; openess, because you guys are the only type which is open for the sake of openess, you know feedback is valuable since it can make you better and betterment is an INTP value.

no Touch, unaproachability, solenmity, dignity, feelings a la Spock (aro-ace af, like Spock), ethics (it's an INTP value). Also saying the truth, seriousness, being unambiguous and being clear (clarity is INTP). All these qualities are present in your writing in one way or another

Those relationships all fell apart because I just didn't care enough about them

Well, assuming you are a true INTP they were possibly non-NT's so you know their heads are empty and deep down you despise them for that, so you don't care about them it's just that dumping them will make you think you're a bad person.

This is the INTP love song;
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Seeing you're into it, which Myers-Briggs type represents you best, @Francisco Gonzalez?

I'm not into it. NT types don't care what a flawed system thinks of them. Notice how @Ella S. mentioned she took the test several times over the span of years and she still didn't even care about it.

I look at personalities with my intuition, the MBTI is a metric and a marker so as to make myself understandable.


Thats my test, but I'm actually ENTJ, and can consciously play with tests so that it can give whatever result I'm acting. ENTJ's can portray other types since ENTJ's are natural born actors so are the only type that can predominantly act as other types (sometimes creating whole personas and forgetting who they even were to begin with). Since INTJ's are better than ENTJ's I portray them.
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Since INTJ's are better than ENTJ's I portray them.

I sense a bit of "Trickster Archetype" energy... Hermes, Mercury, Loki even. What do you think of the portrayal of Loki in the Marvel movie adaptations? He's certainly the most entertaining of the cast, in my opinion.
I sense a bit of "Trickster Archetype" energy... Hermes, Mercury, Loki even. What do you think of the portrayal of Loki in the Marvel movie adaptations? He's certainly the most entertaining of the cast, in my opinion.

Nope, Loki is INF and they are Chaotic Neutrals and they suck at acting cause they dont have empathy which is why they play off being akward (Margot Robbie is an INF 'actor' who plays Harleyquinn, an INF character.) ENTJ's hate them, by the way. ENTJ's are Chaotic Good. Maybe the Chaotic is were you saw the resemblence. Vito and Michael Corleone and Lord Admiral Nelson are ENTJ's. Lord is an ENTJ word, like Timelords in Dr. Who, who are ENTJ's.
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Maybe the Chaotic is were you saw the resemblence.
Yeah, probably. So, Chaos as in Michael Moorcock's works and RPGs - chaotic/neutral/lawful? Or Chaos as in fractals and all that 80ies goodness? Something else entirely?
Yeah, probably. So, Chaos as in Michael Moorcock's works and RPGs - chaotic/neutral/lawful? Or Chaos as in fractals and all that 80ies goodness? Something else entirely?

Exactly! Moorcock is an INTJ which is why he is a genius who pioneered this development in typology.

"Writers whom Moorcock cites approvingly, in contrast to his treatment of Tolkien, Lewis and Adams, include Terry Pratchett"

That might be the most INTJ sentence I've ever read. INTJ's values like those of Moorcook and Terey Pratcher far excel those of Tolkien;

Frodo Baggins, one of the little people, is too lazy to bother anyone else with the task of getting the ring to Mordor so then he fucks it up.

They cherish the ring, the circularity of life.

INTJ's invented the internet and almost all good things that advanced humanity (they have Good minds so they create Good things) so obviously they don't like Tolkien since progress is about being infinite and going beyond the beyond.

"Moorcock critiques J. R. R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings for its politically conservative assumptions and its escapism."


But I've never read or studied Moorcock. I use the further developed system of another INTJ who built on the work of Moorcock to in turn work with a system that is so much more developed than Moorcocks', Gygax, and Jung's MBTI.

If you read the whole article in the Gygax hyperlink then you see the big picture. Character Alignment can be applied to people and is the true system to help people since you're vivisecting their minds and from there REAL work in improving yourself and the world can be done.

For example, if we nail what's going on with @Ella S. then she'll know she's an INTP, so that's Lawful Good, and from there she can start solving the problems in her life.

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For example, if we nail what's going on with @Ella S. then she'll know she's an INTP, so that's Lawful Good, and from there she can start solving the problems in her life.

Mod hat on:

Even if she did ask you to solve any problems for her, this forum would not be the right place for that. No aggressive seeking of converts to anyone's point of view.

Mod hat off.
Mod hat on:

Even if she did ask you to solve any problems for her, this forum would not be the right place for that. No aggressive seeking of converts to anyone's point of view.

Mod hat off.

Let her decide if that was aggressive. Also I don't seek converts but friendship as I stated in the introduction, so you just lied about me.
Let her decide if that was aggressive. Also I don't seek converts but friendship as I stated in the introduction, so you just lied about me.
Whatever your intention, your comment implies that @Ella S. has 'problems'

If someone implied the same about you, I'm sure you would not like it? Why not just apologise and explain that was not your intention?
Let her decide if that was aggressive. Also I don't seek converts but friendship as I stated in the introduction, so you just lied about me.

*mod hat*

No, I told you the truth about our moderation policies.

Let me put it this way: No establishing of teacher-student / mentor-mentee / guru-chela / counselor-counselee / ... relationships here.

Forming friendships is fine. "Let me tell you how to run your life" however, is not.

*tosses mod hat in the corner*
Whatever your intention, your comment implies that @Ella S. has 'problems'

If someone implied the same about you, I'm sure you would not like it? Why not just apologise and explain that was not your intention?

Nope, your wrong. We all have problems. To imagine you don't is insane. I would never apologize for being right.