Yahweh kid
I am blessed!
Well, when I was a kid I was with my father while he was doing work in the garage when my 10 year younger brother came in...... he walked to the open garage door and saw something running behind the car standing outside. He thought it was a cat but when the creature came out and looked at him it looked like a dwarf, small little man and it then ran away. He was probably 6 or so. I believed him, looking at his pale face and the fact that he was in shock.... now can it be an illusion, I guess show... but my brother was not sick, sleeping or dosed..... my friend's daughter got possessed by we believe a demon when she was in school..... so he actually experienced it firsthand.What are you suggesting they were?
So I have spoke to people that experienced things which cannot be explained by the world, so they write it off saying there is something wrong with the person. I prayed and laid hands on my father in law, when he died in my car/van on my wife's birthday when we all went for dinner at a hotel, and Jesus brought him back. But then again, the doctors could not explain why my in-law's heart start beating again. So what must I believe, it is tough just to accept it was all an illusion.
So to answer your question, I would not be surprised if it was some kind of entity. Can it be an illusion, sure.....but does that idea give you peace in your heart or does it still haunt you?