I wish to share some discoveries I have made regarding Reincarnation in the Bible. To keep things simple however, I will just focus on the very first Humans to be Reincarnated. They are Adam and Eve.
Of course, the average Christian would scream “BLASPHEMY!” upon hearing this. The reason they do this is because they are 'told' not to take certain verses literally.
Here is a perfect example…
Genesis 2:17
But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.
Some are told that the word ‘Day’ is literal, as in twenty-four hours or less. The phrase ‘Surely Die’ however, is then changed into something non-literal to hide Reincarnation from the masses. Often it is changed to ‘Spiritually Die’.
Note that there is no such thing as ‘Spiritual Death’ in the Bible. Again, this is a made-up term to hide Reincarnation from the masses.
Some are taught the opposite. They are told that the phrase ‘Surely Die’ is definitely literal, however the word ‘Day’ is then changed to ‘a long period of many years’.
Thus, the Christian is allowed two choices generally…
#1) Day = Literal and Surely Die = Not Literal
#2) Day = Not Literal and Surely Die = Literal
Note that it is perfectly acceptable to choose either ‘Day’, or 'Surely Die’, as being literal. But! If you choose both 'Day' and 'Surely Die' as being literal, you will be forever deemed a ‘Heretic’ and ‘Blasphemer’, a ‘Devil’, etc.
This brings us to option #3, which is to simply believe the entire verse is literal without changing anything…
#3) Day = Literal and Surely Die = Literal
And because almost every person that studies the Creation Account never bothers to even consider option #3, they have no idea in the world that an utterly incredible lesson is being taught.
Not only did Adam and his Wife die physically after partaking the Forbidden Fruit, on that very day, but they were also REINCARNATED with new bodies that were different then what they had before.
As astonishing as all of this sounds, it is all there in the original text. Nothing added, nothing changed. No Book of Enoch or outside sources of information has been inserted.
God created human beings in the beginning of the first phase of creation (Kruta Yuga), in which all the human beings were just following the instructions of God like the robots following the programme fed in to the machine heads. In such stage, there is no freedom of soul. All the instructions from God were always exceptionally good and there is no bad information. There is no need of knowing good and bad when the brain is totally surrendered to God (
Tameva sharanam gachcha... Gita).
Once you have full faith in God, your idea will be that whatever is said by God must be good. You will not verify the word of God through your analysis and examine whether it is good or bad. God takes the total responsibility of soul in such total surrender (
Yogakshemam... Gita). This Adam and Eve represent the males and females of the humanity existing in Kruta yuga, in which total surrender from one side and total responsibility from the other side exists. They must abide to the word of God whatever it may be.
The concept of God here is that
a totally surrendered soul need not have the knowledge of good and bad when the soul is simply following the word of God without any trace of freedom. When freedom is given to the soul, then, there is a need of exposure of good and bad through exposure of scripture and the soul has freedom to decide to choose good or bad. When this situation comes, the responsibility of God goes away and this is said by God to them.
The tree of knowledge of good and bad was created by God since the time has come to give freedom to the soul. Adam and Eve violated the word of God based on the freedom of soul only. Change from continuous trend is inevitable in the nature. The change from the trend of continuous total surrender has already come in the minds of the souls and hence God wants to give freedom to the souls to relieve them from the stress of continuous specific trend. It is the will of the divine Father only to give freedom to His children on one side and on the other side is also warning them to be careful about the bad.
Giving freedom is inevitable and at the same time, the warning of God withdrawing His responsibility to protect them is also paining the heart of the divine Father. Do not forget that such tension also gives entertainment to God and do not misunderstand God as the unfortunate victim of the tension!
Full freedom and total responsibility of protection do not go hand in hand. Since freedom is decided by God, the warning is given so that human beings read the ethical scripture of God and be careful in selecting good.
In the stage of freedom, the additional problem is the pollution of scripture and deep analysis is to be done to isolate the word of God from the insertions done by human beings affected by Satan. Adam and Eve were also affected by Satan.
Satan appeared as sweet and good like the insertion in the divine scripture. They followed the advice of Satan as the word of God due to incapability in the analysis.