Although, of course, 'before' or 'after' is inapplicable to God.
Ah ... I see ...
I think this is a part of the confusion. God is prior to mind. 'Mind' is not a thing, it's an activity. God is not a thing as other things are, but in the traditional understandings, there is God in His essence, which is God in Himself, and God in His energies or activities, which is the expression of His will, which we see in 'the Book of Nature'.
If 'god is within a mind' then logically that mind is greater than god ... in which case the 'god' you speak of is not 'God' as I understand it.
We now have three things: 'god', the 'mind' that contains it, and the 'nothing' (which is nevertheless a something – there is activity there, in nothing trying to 'figure him out') – so this nothing must also have a mind, and a lesser mind than either god or the mind that contains god, because the nothing (whatever it is) is trying to figure it out ...
So now we have a hierarchy – there is a mind, there is god within that mind, and then there is nothing within god, and that nothing is subject to the 'law of minds'.
I suggest that is a close approximation of the God I am talking about. That which is, before anything was.
I would suggest the 'stuckness' is because a mind 'knows', it casts its light, as it were, and 'sees' according to what is reflected. A mind can only figure out itself and what lies below it ...if it reflects nothing, then the mind cannot know it ... I think here is where your minds are stuck, and where 'nothing' becomes confused and contradictory.
As soon as 'nothing' does something – like trying to figure something out – then it ceases to be nothing.
I hope this helps ...