Potential Evidence for the Possibility of God

3. If Enochian magic could be used to falsify physical laws
The idea behind Enochian magic is that Enochian is the language that God spoke the universe into existence with. This actually isn't too far off from some theoretical concepts of a "mathematical universe" or "mathematical monism" where all of reality is an emergent property from some sort of algorithm, essentially a computer simulation of a virtual space. If the code is written in Enochian, and we can hack the source code of the universe, then I think that would provide some evidence for the existence of God given that Enochian was supposedly given to man by angels on behalf of God. Currently, though, "evidence" of the efficacy of Enochian magic is indistinguishable from magical thinking and apophenia.
this has already been proven and documented, at least to a large extent:
The Book of Knowledge: The Keys of Enoch
by J. J. Hurtak PH.D. (first published 1973)

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this has already been proven and documented, at least to a large extent:
The Book of Knowledge: The Keys of Enoch
by J. J. Hurtak PH.D. (first published 1973)


i won't add anything more than this:
there's more from this scientific and spiritual and intellectual couple etc, the authors of above book...

I will admit that I find these unconvincing.

I meant if one could demonstrate dramatic effects beyond synchronicity under rigorous experimentation, essentially in a way that could be validated by science. These don't really give that.

I appreciate the addition, anyway.
Ella S., you mention that you don't think it's accurate that some atheists would not believe in God even if he came down to verify his existence.

I say it's very accurate. I would not believe in him if he came down because there is no way for me to know that he is God. How do we know that such a character is God anyway? It could be an alien or a multitude of other things.
Some people say that atheists wouldn't accept the existence of God if God himself personally came down to verify his existence. I don't think this is accurate. In fact, I don't think God would need to even go that far to prove his existence to me. Here are some pieces of evidence that we could discover in the future that would make his existence more likely to me. organized from most plausible to least plausible:

1. If we discover that time predates space
One of the primary issues with a Creator God is that it implies a causality either without time or before the universe. A "first cause" would still need time to exist in, as far as we know. However, there could be a "first cause" for the 3 spatial dimensions as a product of the temporal one, and this might be decent evidence for the existence of at least a minimally-defined Deist God.

2. If we discover immaterial minds
Another issue with the existence of gods or spirits in general is that, as far as we can tell, minds only exist as an emergent phenomenon from matter. How could something that predates matter and all of the fundamental forces have a mind? If we could show this to be possible, it would also provide some evidence for God's possibility. Some theories of Panpsychism like the Cognitive-Theoretic Model of the Universe might prove fruitful here, but CTMU would have to demonstrate a functional Theory of Everything to show its veracity, in my opinion. If it does that, it would provide good evidence for a Pantheist God.

3. If Enochian magic could be used to falsify physical laws
The idea behind Enochian magic is that Enochian is the language that God spoke the universe into existence with. This actually isn't too far off from some theoretical concepts of a "mathematical universe" or "mathematical monism" where all of reality is an emergent property from some sort of algorithm, essentially a computer simulation of a virtual space. If the code is written in Enochian, and we can hack the source code of the universe, then I think that would provide some evidence for the existence of God given that Enochian was supposedly given to man by angels on behalf of God. Currently, though, "evidence" of the efficacy of Enochian magic is indistinguishable from magical thinking and apophenia.

4. If we discovered that prayers somehow transmitted into space using a form of previously-undetectable wave
If we discovered that prayers specifically act as some sort of transmission on a layer of reality that is ordinarily invisible to us, then that would be evidence that prayer might genuinely be communicating with something. Whether that something fits theological concepts of God or not, I would be comfortable saying that whatever is receiving those transmissions is essentially acting in the place of God and could take that title as the object of prayer.

5. If we make contact with life after death and they affirm God's existence
While this would not be direct evidence of God, it would be good enough for me. If we somehow discovered a way to talk to spirits of the deceased, not only proving the existence of an afterlife but proving that there is a ruler of the afterlife, then that ruler could be considered a god.

6. If we proved Young-Earth Creationism
If Young-Earth Creationism could actually verify its claims, then it genuinely would provide evidence that humanity was spontaneously generated by the hand of God. To do this would be a massive undertaking. We would have to prove that the Earth (and the rest of the universe) is only 6,000 years old, that humans are a product of spontaneous generation and not evolution, and that all of humanity descended from a single pair of humans. However, if we could prove that a literal reading of Genesis lines up with the facts, then that would seem to indicate that whoever wrote Genesis probably knew what they were talking about.
This is great! I like how it goes into options of how an atheist might thing and what would alter their view.
Rarely do I see anybody take these thoughts this far. 8-D:cool:
Some people say that atheists wouldn't accept the existence of God if God himself personally came down to verify his existence. I don't think this is accurate. In fact, I don't think God would need to even go that far to prove his existence to me. Here are some pieces of evidence that we could discover in the future that would make his existence more likely to me. organized from most plausible to least plausible:

1. If we discover that time predates space
One of the primary issues with a Creator God is that it implies a causality either without time or before the universe. A "first cause" would still need time to exist in, as far as we know. However, there could be a "first cause" for the 3 spatial dimensions as a product of the temporal one, and this might be decent evidence for the existence of at least a minimally-defined Deist God.

2. If we discover immaterial minds
Another issue with the existence of gods or spirits in general is that, as far as we can tell, minds only exist as an emergent phenomenon from matter. How could something that predates matter and all of the fundamental forces have a mind? If we could show this to be possible, it would also provide some evidence for God's possibility. Some theories of Panpsychism like the Cognitive-Theoretic Model of the Universe might prove fruitful here, but CTMU would have to demonstrate a functional Theory of Everything to show its veracity, in my opinion. If it does that, it would provide good evidence for a Pantheist God.

3. If Enochian magic could be used to falsify physical laws
The idea behind Enochian magic is that Enochian is the language that God spoke the universe into existence with. This actually isn't too far off from some theoretical concepts of a "mathematical universe" or "mathematical monism" where all of reality is an emergent property from some sort of algorithm, essentially a computer simulation of a virtual space. If the code is written in Enochian, and we can hack the source code of the universe, then I think that would provide some evidence for the existence of God given that Enochian was supposedly given to man by angels on behalf of God. Currently, though, "evidence" of the efficacy of Enochian magic is indistinguishable from magical thinking and apophenia.

4. If we discovered that prayers somehow transmitted into space using a form of previously-undetectable wave
If we discovered that prayers specifically act as some sort of transmission on a layer of reality that is ordinarily invisible to us, then that would be evidence that prayer might genuinely be communicating with something. Whether that something fits theological concepts of God or not, I would be comfortable saying that whatever is receiving those transmissions is essentially acting in the place of God and could take that title as the object of prayer.

5. If we make contact with life after death and they affirm God's existence
While this would not be direct evidence of God, it would be good enough for me. If we somehow discovered a way to talk to spirits of the deceased, not only proving the existence of an afterlife but proving that there is a ruler of the afterlife, then that ruler could be considered a god.

6. If we proved Young-Earth Creationism
If Young-Earth Creationism could actually verify its claims, then it genuinely would provide evidence that humanity was spontaneously generated by the hand of God. To do this would be a massive undertaking. We would have to prove that the Earth (and the rest of the universe) is only 6,000 years old, that humans are a product of spontaneous generation and not evolution, and that all of humanity descended from a single pair of humans. However, if we could prove that a literal reading of Genesis lines up with the facts, then that would seem to indicate that whoever wrote Genesis probably knew what they were talking about.
And also, I think it's true that many people would respond very differently to religious ideas if there were a lot more empirical evidence to back it up.
I find your thoughts here very interesting. I view the world and all things known to me through a pair of glasses of my own design. Logic, science, math, conceptual thinking and statistical probability’s are of the first things I see and try to figure out.

For the first 43 years of my life I was an atheist until 8 years ago when I figured powessy out, it has been a roller coaster ever since.

The problem is they do not teach me of a biblical god as written in the Bible. I can tell people all day long that I hear voices that are trying to understand themselves and teach me thoughts about thoughts but no one is interested to figure this out. I have minds on my mind, more minds on my mind then you could ever even understand but no one can understand this, without seeing it for themselves. I have worlds and small galaxies forming inside my mind that continue to become themselves here more and more. I have descended through several dimensional timelines to find minds trying to become us to figure us out. I have moved instantaneously across space and time to look into other worlds to see and understand other life forms similar to ourselves.

Even though I do not believe in the biblical god, I do however believe in the god they are teaching me about. I have found enough proof to me that there must be a god, and why he never became something here.

I hope that all those seeking answers, truly find the answers they need, so that they are content and happy with all that they have become in life, as I have.

:rolleyes: That's Šayṭānist to you . . . anyway, the video is hosted by a bunch of new-age nutters, I can't believe anyone would take them without a grain of salt.
What is a Šayṭānist? And what makes it superior to the bunch of new age nutters?🧐
This is great! I like how it goes into options of how an atheist might thing and what would alter their view.
Rarely do I see anybody take these thoughts this far. 8-D:cool:
A long time ago on another forum I asked how anyone could use physical science to empirically prove that a spiritual being existed. The common response was seeing God in front of them. But that isn't empirical evidence, as someone already pointed out. How do we prove that this being is God? That forum is now recently gone, but nobody did come up with a scientific solution. I always wondered if someone could realistically ever answer that question.
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A long time ago on another forum I asked how anyone could use physical science to empirically prove that a spiritual being existed. The common response was seeing God in front of them. But that isn't empirical evidence, as someone already pointed out. How do we prove that this being is God? That forum is now recently gone, but nobody did come up with a scientific solution. I always wondered if someone could realistically ever answer that question.
If G!d can't prove she is G!d standing before me, than she ain't G!d.

But what could she do?

Start by explaining the ego that requires all this pomp and circumstance to stay outta hell? Why do you need worship? Oh my..

Plenty to convince me....but what would be enough that I could hold onto to convince others?
If G!d can't prove she is G!d standing before me, than she ain't G!d.
They are like unto children sitting in the marketplace, and calling one to another and saying, ‘We have piped unto you, and ye have not danced; we have mourned to you, and ye have not wept.
(Luke 7:32)
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If G!d can't prove she is G!d standing before me, than she ain't G!d.

But what could she do?

Start by explaining the ego that requires all this pomp and circumstance to stay outta hell? Why do you need worship? Oh my..

Plenty to convince me....but what would be enough that I could hold onto to convince others?
I like that last thought -- about being convinced of something, an idea or a belief, but not quite being able to hold on to enough of it to explain to others.
If G!d can't prove she is G!d standing before me, than she ain't G!d.
Not an uncommon sentiment, as Wil remarks, but the mark can be seen as the fruit of a promethean ego! :eek:

I remember a lecture about Moses on the mountain – Exodus 3.

If for one most irreverend moment, place the exchange as one between, say, a heavyweight crime boss and one of his underlings, it goes like this:
And Fingers said to the Boss, 'Listen, when I go back to our hideout, and say: The Boss sent me, they will ask, What is His name? what shall I say?"
And the Boss replied, "Tell them I am who I am, and ask them who the •••• are you?"

OK ... but just for slightly less irreverend fun, read Exodus 3:13 on, and imagine that Moses has asked God who He is, and suppose that God is just a tad piqued by the audacity of the question, and though his patience and understanding is infinite, He nevertheless is rather short and to the point in His reply, so that one might suppose it's 'a roasting'[, as we used to call it ...

Put bluntly, why should God have to prove Himself to anyone?

And metaphysically, of course, were God to do so, then God has removed humanity's ultimate freedom of expression and rendered love void.