Children's Health Defense

"In what one scientist described as an “admission of epic proportions,” Health Canada on Thursday confirmed the presence of DNA contamination in Pfizer COVID-19 vaccines, and also confirmed that Pfizer did not disclose the contamination to the public health authority.

The DNA contamination includes the Simian Virus 40 (SV40) promoter and enhancer Pfizer did not previously disclose and that some experts say is a cancer risk due to potential integration with the human genome."
I support you @Nicholas Weeks I already get a ton of sh*t for my controversial beliefs. Just to let ya know I wouldn't put that in my body if you paid me a million dollars. I'm grateful to live in Texas USA and to work for a company that didn't force us to take it and actually let me work from home for 2 years. Right before we went back to work they lifted the condition of weekly testing.

My husband is a diesel mechanic and was out in the thick of it the entire time and never contracted it. The company he works for never mandated it

I feel like the fear mongering came from the other side. I quit watching the news and mostly stayed off social media. The attacks on people that refused the jab was absolutely insane and bordered on violence. I'm grateful to live in a country that at least offers the freedom of choice in what we do with our bodies no matter how hard they tried to take that freedom away.