What is the Baha'i message in simple words?

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I see that as a sad statement about Buddha.

I am happy that the Baha'i writings show us that Buddha was a Manifestation of God.

Regards Tony
The opinion of Baha'u'llah concerning Buddhism and the Buddha over-rules the opinion of actual Buddhists? The same for Jews and Christians, etc?

I understand it's a bit more qualified, but it's not hard to see how this could be a problem: there can be no negotiation or discussion about it with the very manifestation of the infallible word of God ...

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It is understood that rather than trying personally to explain, Baha'i prefer to offer the actual writings of Baha'u'llah to clarify the subtleties of many of these points, which can then be jumped on as proselytising -- it's not easy and they are doing their best under the circumstances, imo
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I would highly recommend the following paper since you think "the Baha'i understanding of Buddhism has nothing to do with the reality and history of Buddhism":

The author's CV is no joke.

The idea that Baha'i understanding of Buddhism as expressed in its academic circles has nothing to do with the reality and history of Buddhism is unfounded. It's only Cino's biased opinion.

There is now a thread dedicated to reading the above paper and posting thoughts and comments, here:

Unless they want to inherit anything from their Baha'i parents, that is?

Unless you, as a Baha'i, do not write a will for those that are not Baha'is, that is?
Unless you, as a Baha'i, do not write a will for those that are not Baha'is, that is?

Peer pressure has always been a thing, and I don't envision it going away any time soon.
I don't man to labour the point, but if the Baha'i are working towards unity of all faiths, then it's a shame they declared the core principles of Christianity – Incarnation and Trinity – as heresy. By so doing the Baha'i have alienated the most part of the Christian world.
Can we take this further with the Baha'i spokesmen here?
The Baha'i view of Christianity appears to derive from the Quranic view of Jesus, which regards the gospel accounts as corrupted and inaccurate.

I'm not trying to stir up mud here. It is very important. There is a strong disagreement between Muslims and Christians about the nature of Jesus. It is probably irreconcilable. Where does the Baha'i faith stand on this?*

*A new thread, perhaps?
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I don't man to labour the point, but if the Baha'i are working towards unity of all faiths, then it's a shame they declared the core principles of Christianity – Incarnation and Trinity – as heresy. By so doing the Baha'i have alienated the most part of the Christian world.

OK, let's tackle this head on.

I would consider that what you have offered in that statement, is foretold in scriptures. I also offer that It is Christ, who as promised, has returned in the 'Glory of God' the 'Father', that has given Christains this advice.

2 Corinthians 4:6 "For God, who said, “Light shall shine out of darkness,” is the One who has shone in our hearts to give the Light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ."

History proves undoubtedly that mankind always rejects and persecutes the Messengers of God.

What else can be offered? A Baha'i offers naught but Love peace and unity under One God, that is what God has asked of us in all past Messages. No one has to change their faith for this to happen, if they choose not to, they just have to practice that Faith.

So, if doctrines prevent Christians, Muslims, or others embracing all God given Faiths, then why is it the Baha'i being blamed? How else will there be one fold with one shepherd? God has given us diversity for a reason.

How is a Christian going to embrace the Quran and the Message of Peace it contains?

In turn, how is Islam going to embrace people of other Faiths?

Is it not now apparent the world needs to again embrace God and Love, not exclusively, but with more understanding of what it is to know and Love God?

Regards Tony
The opinion of Baha'u'llah concerning Buddhism and the Buddha over-rules the opinion of actual Buddhists? The same for Jews and Christians, etc?

I understand it's a bit more qualified, but it's not hard to see how this could be a problem: there can be no negotiation or discussion about it with the very manifestation of the infallible word of God ...


Could we not Just change the names in your comment and then it becomes apparent how mankind has not let learnt from the past?

It is God that gives the Messages, it is mankind that rejects the Love and guidance contained within.

Did not each Messenger, in turn, offer the Faiths gone before that new frames of references were required?

Jesus said to the Jews in John 5:46, "For had ye believed Moses, ye would have believed me: for he wrote of me".

If change is required, why are we so stubborn as to refuse to look at the required change?

The world currently reflects our neglect of God given Messages. I am but one soul on this journey of life.

Regards Tony
History proves undoubtedly that mankind always rejects and persecutes the Messengers of God.
But does it, Tony? And is persecution enough to prove Baha'u'llah was not just a fine and spiritual figure, but actually the Christ? In fact Christ in the second coming comes in power and glory, trumpeted by angels, etc.
I am but one soul on this journey of life.
Well, that's the all of it, imo. Greetings brother. If the message of Baha'u'llah works for you, that is God speaking to your own soul. You know I personally believe this world will never change, as a testing ground -- or womb -- for the soul.

The greater wheel of Spirit turns the lesser wheel of nature, but is not turned by it.
Unless they want to inherit anything from their Baha'i parents, that is?

Not sure how you came up with that from what was posted?

None of my 3 Children have practiced the Baha'i Faith, to date. They will still inherit what we leave behind.

Regards Tony
Not sure how you came up with that from what was posted?

None of my 3 Children have practiced the Baha'i Faith, to date. They will still inherit what we leave behind.

Regards Tony
It's in the Aqdas.
But does it, Tony? And is persecution enough to prove Baha'u'llah was not just a fine and spiritual figure, but actually the Christ? In fact Christ in the second coming comes in power and glory, trumpeted by angels, etc.

It is all about the truth, truth that is relative to our chosen frames of references.

Its all about our Choices.

Regards Tony
But does it, Tony? And is persecution enough to prove Baha'u'llah was not just a fine and spiritual figure, but actually the Christ? In fact Christ in the second coming comes in power and glory, trumpeted by angels, etc.

That is the choice we get with each Messenger sent by God.

Jesus offered this 1 John 4:1 Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.

Baha'u'llah asked us to do just that, to enquire to determine if He is one that speaks the truth.

Regards Tony
Jesus offered this 1 John 4:1 Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.
Well, do be careful because these are not the words of Jesus, but the advice of the 1st letter of 'John' from the Johannine school, supposedly -- long story
That is the choice we get with each Messenger sent by God.
Jesus offered this 1 John 4:1 Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.
Baha'u'llah asked us to do just that, to enquire to determine if He is one that speaks the truth.
Is there a God? Is there a message? Is there a messenger?
1 John 4.1: That is what makes me wary of Bahaollah. He had no evidence to provide for his being the messenger. Just his sweet talk.
What does a layman know about truth? God is incomprehensible even to Bahaollah. Why then, Bahaollah is asking a layman to check the truth? Wjere from that poor person will know truth? Quite a silly statement.
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