Re:Hell ala Seige
Here's my vision of hell, somewhat influenced by what I've heard from Christians I agree with, but mostly my own combination of prayer, thought, rationalization, and guesswork, heavy on the guesswork and rationalization.
If hell/a place of punishment must exist, I see it as being separation from God. It is not what God wishes for us, and it is not eternal; it is something which comes about by an act of the soul in question's own will.
My best guess at how a soul would wind up in hell leads to a few possible causes.
- In the case of a hard-core Atheist, separation from God could come about very easily. After all, how could one be in the presence of something which doesn't exist? In this case, I'm not sure it would be a form of punishment. In fact, in the case of one Atheist I know who said he wished for oblivion after death, it could be an alternate form of heaven.
- A person could have done something for which he cannot forgive himself, thus rendering himself unworthy of the Presence of God in his own mind (soul?).
- Finally, a person could choose separation as a form of reaction, i.e. "If so-and-so's in there and she's a lesbian, and so-and-so's in there, and he's a Wiccan, then that cannot be heaven and I'm not going!"
I am a Christian, and I do believe that Evil exists. I also have a history of clinical depression, so I know what it's like for the soul to be in agony. I cannot accept the concept of a Deity who would take pleasure in other's suffering. On the other hand, I know full well humans are very good at being willfully blind. Heck, I'm almost an expert at it!
I once told a Fundamentalist that, by her definition of who got into heaven, most of the people I love were out, and Pat Robertson was in. Given a choice between spending eternity with Pat Robertson and without
WHKeith, among others, or spending eternity in a lake of fire (presumably with
WHKeith, I told her the lake of fire was looking kind of good! (Ultimate hot tub party, anyone? ;D) I refuse to believe God would condemn the thousands of years of people who came before Christ, or that he would condemn the throngs of genuinely good people who don't happen to be Christians. If I'm wrong, I think technically I've got the Christian Get-Out-Of-Hell-Free Card, but I'm still prepared to suffer the consequences.
Sorry if I sound a bit defensive. For some reason, my position wasn't always all that well received when I posted it on an explicitly Christian message board. ???