Current suppression of Baha'is in Iran

One could consider why such a peaceful message has received such persecution. How Love can be so hated.
It is not love. It is a different religion which says that what all other religions believe is wrong.
You too want to have a Bahai militia to make those who object fall in line.
Perhaps Justice is better served by understanding their situation.
Our understanding their situation is not going to help them. We already understand their situation.
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Leave the country? Since you are so concerned about what they should do, then why don't you give those that want to leave the economic means to do so? What about those that cannot afford it?
They have to make their decision. Either live in persecution or seek new life in a different place.
During the Indian partitions, we too made such a choice. Hindus and Sikhs who came to India have flourished, those who stayed back are suffering.
Why not help them to settle elsewhere rather than building grand temples and monuments to Bahaollah and his descendants?
They have to make their decision. Either live in persecution or seek new life in a different place.
During the Indian partitions, we too made such a choice. Hindus and Sikhs who came to India have flourished, those who stayed back are suffering.
Why not help them to settle elsewhere rather than building grand temples and monuments to Bahaollah and his descendants?

In order to exit Iran, my friend, one needs to sign a form that just so happens to ask for your religious affiliation. If you write Baha'i, you will not be allowed to exit . . .
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