

Well-Known Member
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Somerset- England-UK

An inspiring film about Dennis Kailing (from Germany) who travelled 43,600 km (27,000 miles) through 41 countries on 6 continents to circumnavigate the planet in 761 days.

He went through many places and showed a different view of those places via interacting with the inhabitants.
Really worthwhile watching.
It's on Netflix and probably elsewhere.
Quite the movie...the kid was.dedicated. some drove me crazy...wither he occasionally had a team...or he would ride up a hill...place the camera....ride back down so he could video himself while saying how hard it was to ride up the Andes or himilayas..Himalayas... I had issues with that reality TV aspect.

But some of the interactions between he and people reminded me of hitchhiking around the US...getting invited to homes and dinners...learning the joy of interacting with other people and squelching stereotypes and preconceived assumptions.

Quite enjoyable movie to Netflix and chill with someone. We enjoyed it muchly.

I think I/Americans would have it a little rougher at some borders and with some people due to our aggressive stance in world politics...but that is a preconceived notion which would probably be dispelled with experience.

I highly recommend folks here watch as it has similarities to our purpose...interaction, exposure, discussion...and would like you to consider us moving it to media for more discussion.