World events are preparing us for peace.

Is Peace now possible

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They were convicted
Of jumped up charges by an authoritarian government pledged to get rid of Baha'i in Iran
Do you know that they were innocent?
They were guilty, of being Baha'i
Were they charged with sedition? I had forgotten.
It's difficult to have a discussion with someone who keeps forgetting what has already been discussed
"The nine were previously sentenced to one year in prison on a charge of "propaganda activity against the system through the promotion of Baha'iism."

August 03, 2022
Iranian Officials Restrict Movement Of Baha'is As Pressure Campaign Builds

Three Baha'i women -- Shaghayegh Khanehzarin, Zhila Sharafi, and Negar Ighani -- were arrested in Shiraz in June.
The Iran Human Rights Organization says Iranian authorities have installed electronic tags on nine Baha'i followers and is restricting their movement in another sign the government is increasing pressure on the group.

According to the Human Rights Activists News Agency (HRANA), the nine Baha'i members are allowed to travel within a radius of 500 meters of their residence for 304 days, effective August 2.

The nine were previously sentenced to one year in prison on a charge of "propaganda activity against the system through the promotion of Baha'iism."

The move comes amid renewed pressure and harassment against the Baha'is, with security agents arresting dozens of Baha'i followers in recent weeks and raiding the homes of hundreds of others.

The representative of the Baha'i community at the United Nations, along with several human rights groups, say a number of Baha'i houses in the village of Roshankooh in northern Iran were destroyed while agricultural land of several other Baha'is in the village were seized.

This village, where most of the residents are Baha'is, previously has been the scene of attacks by government forces who destroyed many homes.

"Following the attack on Tuesday [August 2], more than 200 Iranian government agents gathered the Baha'is in Roshankooh village, and they took their cell phones to prevent filming," Simin Fahandej, the representative of the Baha'i community at the United Nations, wrote on his Twitter account on August 2.

According to this Baha'i representative, agents used "heavy equipment" to demolish the houses.

The HRANA website, which covers human rights violations in Iran, also confirmed the destruction of "the houses of six Baha'i families in Roshankooh village of Sari by government bodies."

"About 20 hectares of agricultural land of the residents of this village were also fenced off and occupied," HRANA added.

Confirming the destruction of houses in Roshankooh village, Salman Sattari, the regional governor, claimed these houses "were built outside an authorized area and some were built on national lands."

A source close to the Baha'i families denied the claim saying the lands have a "documented history of more than 70 years."

Baha'is -- who number some 300,000 in Iran and comprise an estimated 5 million followers worldwide -- say they face systematic persecution in Iran, where their faith is not officially recognized by the constitution.

Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei has on several occasions called the Baha'i faith a cult and in a religious fatwa issued in 2018 forbade contact, including business dealings, with followers of the faith.

Since the Islamic Republic of Iran was established in 1979, hundreds of Baha'is have been arrested and jailed for their beliefs. At least 200 have been executed or were arrested and never heard from again.

Thousands more have been banned from receiving higher education or had their property confiscated, while vandals often desecrate Baha'i cemeteries.

With writing and reporting by Ardeshir Tayebi
But I'm done with the subject
Of jumped up charges by an authoritarian government pledged to get rid of Baha'i in Iran
They were guilty, of being Baha'i
If you say so.
It's difficult to have a discussion with someone who keeps forgetting what has already been discussed
"The nine were previously sentenced to one year in prison on a charge of "propaganda activity against the system through the promotion of Baha'iism."
But I'm done with the subject
It's difficult to have a discussion with someone who keeps forgetting what has already been discussed

It is difficult to discuss this with a few people.

This link is useful, it is called the Iranian Press Watch.

I suspect some will offer naught but denial of all those reports as well.

Regards Tony
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208 pages of articles here.

Regards Tony
Sepera and Payam, I write their names do as to remember, I'm on a mobile.

Police arrested Sepera and took him away. Police beat Payam and his son and took them away.

I immediately wonder whether Payam resistor arrest and fought, and then his son piled in. I don't know but clearly the police didn't hurt Sepera.

They took mobiles, laptops and other gear away so the police believe this to be a communications involved crime.

No information at all has been offered about these incidents, or do you see a clear picture of what happened here?
Bahaiism is in conflict with all other religions, no wonder if they are persecuted in non-secular countries. In such countries there are rules to be followed by those who profess other religions. Bahais should not cross the threshold.
They are so few, they cannot be violent. Conflicts is about what they believe and what other religions believe. That is OK in secular countries, but non-secular countries have their regulations about believers of other faiths. Other religions should not transgress those rules, otherwise they are likely to be prosecuted.
I am an atheist, therefore IMHO, most religions which cannot provide evidence for what they claim are misleading. All this talk about God, his messages, soul, rebirths and reincarnations, prophets, sons, messengers, manifestations, mahdis, deliverance, judgment, rewards and punishment is without substance.
Sure, people can believe what they want, I have no problem with that. My country is one of the most diverse as far as religions go.
There's no point.
It has nothing to do with the OP. :)
Hi Muhammad.
It's Tony's thread and Tony has mentioned this issue involving Baha'i problems in Iran.
I'll respond to his posts about this, but I do note your point.
Hi Muhammad.
It's Tony's thread and Tony has mentioned this issue involving Baha'i problems in Iran.
I'll respond to his posts about this, but I do note your point.

It was not me that brought this subject up in this OP, or any recent OP in fact, but I have replied to unjust views on this topic, which you brought up in this OP.

Regards Tony
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There's no point.
It has nothing to do with the OP. :)

But it also shows that some do not want to be informed of what is actually happening, that some would rather have an unjust view on the topic and stay with their own preconceived predudices.

Which in the larger picture adds to the disunity that will not bring about peace in this world.

It is our own actions towards a just mindset that can play a part in the bigger movements towards peace and reconciliation.

Regards Tony
No information at all has been offered about these incidents, or do you see a clear picture of what happened here?

The clear picture I have OB is that I know it would not matter what I offered. That site could contain 101 cases, with only one case that may seem not so clear and it would be that one case that would be brought out to show an already preconceived stance.

That link contains all that you asked for, but I see you are looking to blame the victims, you desperately want your view to be vindicated.

These times have been foretold OB, I expect the injustice to get worse before it gets better, I am sad for those that do not seek true justice for all those that are oppressed. I am sad, as they do not know what they are doing, it has global implications.

All the while, those with these views sit in a country where there freedoms of speech and right to Faith or no Faith are not oppressed by a few dominating power hungry tyrants.

Regards Tony
It was not me that brought this subject up in this OP, or any recent OP in fact, but I have replied to unjust views on this topic, which you brought up in this OP.

Regards Tony
It's your thread.
Your choice
We can discontinue.

That link contains all that you asked for, but I see you are looking to blame the victims, you desperately want your view to be vindicated.
I just left this alone after reading your last post
To then read this.
That's a thread, then.
I'll do my best to research that individual case. It's interesting because it looks as if both arrests might have taken place at the same time, so I wonder if the police wanted to deter any destruction of evidence
That'll take a few days, but the USA has now opened IT communications channels with Iran so it might be possible to discover more
I just left this alone after reading your last post
To then read this.
That's a thread, then.
I'll do my best to research that individual case. It's interesting because it looks as if both arrests might have taken place at the same time, so I wonder if the police wanted to deter any destruction of evidence
That'll take a few days, but the USA has now opened IT communications channels with Iran so it might be possible to discover more

The issue here OB is you are looking to find fault with people that have been denied their basic rights as a loyal citizen, the rights that all other citizens are given under the constitution.

If a Baha'i is denied education, then they will find that education any way they can. The fact that Baha'i have had to do this, is then used against them in other fictional charges.

Be just OB, this is no conspiracy, this is plain and simple oppression of a Faith the Clergy see has great influence on people's choices and ways of life. They want unjustifiable control, which is no longer tolerated by any civilised and progressive movements.

Regards Tony
The issue here OB is you are looking to find fault with people that have been denied their basic rights as a loyal citizen, the rights that all other citizens are given under the constitution.
You have no idea who is at fault.
Bahais have been treated as traitors to Islam, they are not considered to have a divine religion and therefore, unlike Zoroastrians and Christians and Jews they do not hold advisory seats within the Iranian government. AND YET after nearly two hundred years they still live in Iran..... have families, wealthy enough to own businesses, buy land.... middle class citizens. I'm looking for some truth about Bahai claims and after 50 years of looking at Bahai claims I know that they need careful investigation.

If a Baha'i is denied education, then they will find that education any way they can. The fact that Baha'i have had to do this, is then used against them in other fictional charges.
Bahais don't want to learn in Muslim institutions, is my guess, like Bahai families that I knew in England they homeschool. Iranians girls are mostly turned away from education but you seem to think its all about Bahais.

Be just OB, this is no conspiracy, this is plain and simple oppression of a Faith the Clergy see has great influence on people's choices and ways of life. They want unjustifiable control, which is no longer tolerated by any civilised and progressive movements.

Regards Tony
Of course they want control, they see Bahai as a political institution which teaches people to leave Islam! A political institution with which even has criminal and civil legislation prepared in the event of any Bahai majority taking control of any country.

Even this month I've read about daily execution/persecution (english was poor!) of Bahais but when questioned came up with two very doubtful claims.

I will do my best to look in to the arrest of three Bahai men, the first report shown in that list.
The issue here OB is you are looking to find fault .................
Regards Tony
That's not hard to do, Tony.

So far, from the first report about Bahai arrests in Karaj, Tehran September 24th.

Three Bahais were arrested, Sepehr Ziaei at his home and Payam Vali’s at his workplace workplace where his son Adib was also arrested.
That these arrests have somehow been connected suggests that they were involved together.
That Ziaei was arrested quietly and Vali with force might suggest that Vali resisted arrest and that his son attempted to aid in this.
This is no mention of the reason for these arrests, but since items were seized at both premises including 'mobile devices, laptops and computers, bank and personal documents and some cash' this situation doesn't look like some misdemeanour that might be under investigation.

Nothing else was reported.

The report was found by the 'Iran Press Watch' which claims to have found it in the HRA-News website But I found difficulties when I researched for this report in the HRA website; no such report could be found. The HRA organisation does report Bahai arrests the most recent that I could find being back in August, and Bahai would not be likely to support the HRA in all its missions, such as:-
We oppose capital punishment including stoning. We strive to protect the environment and are advocates of women’s rights, children’s rights, labor rights, gay rights, and the rights of ethnic and religious minorities.

Bahai does not support full Gay and Women's rights, and I've never seen or heard it supporting any other ethnic or religious minorities. Bahai also supports the death penalty for various crimes.

The biggest question mark of all is the picture at the head of the Iran Press Watch article, which shows the HRA logo and name featuring Vali and Ziaei together with a Bahai logo in the background, yet I cannot find this anywhere on the HRA web site. All you IT capables out there, please see if you can locate this picture in the hra-news site.... I can't!

Vali and Ziaei arrests.jpeg
The report was found by the 'Iran Press Watch' which claims to have found it in the HRA-News website But I found difficulties when I researched for this report in the HRA website; no such report could be found.

What language did you use in your search?

“Source: Translation by Iran Press Watch
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