Do you have a place you go to sit, contemplate and alter your perception?
Is that why they call it an alter?
My brain should be like vegas...
Is that why they call it an alter?
My brain should be like vegas...
You might find your alter ego in front of an altar.Do you have a place you go to sit, contemplate and alter your perception?
Is that why they call it an alter?
2 Sacrifice 3dThe altar is for sacrifice?
Our human perceptions are very limited to the range of our five senses, and our truly wonderful scientific instruments and telescopes and microscopes and space landers are really just extensions of our human senses. Our mathematics breaks down at singularity, where time and space become infinite. We perceive what it is necessary for us as a species to perceive -- we do not perceive the full reality of existence.
There is no reason to assume that the universe is limited to what we as an animal and natural species are able to perceive -- or to conceive. It's like saying "If I can't see it, touch it, taste it then it's not there."
But we are also spiritual entities. We do have access to spiritual senses beyond our natural, animal dimension. We have been given guidance about how to find the higher, spiritual part of our being. The teaching in all religions is the choice between God and mammon. Sacrifice of attachment to the things of this world, to be in touch with a higher, eternal world of spirit, runs through all religions, IMO
IMO there is the advice to the monk, to shed material attachment, and the advice to the householder about how to try to be 'in the world but not of the world'the other hand, all religions also emphasize how it is important to deal skillfully and gracefully with everyday concerns: money, sexuality, power, friendships, basic needs... so the religious ethical advice is almost universally not limited to "don't get involved with money/sex/power..." but "deal with these things responsibly". Mammon may not be the best object of devotion, but it is good to be respectful of Mammon's power and influence, as it were.
The altar is for sacrifice?
It is total ego surrender:How does sacrifice affect consciousness?
How does sacrifice affect consciousness?
..even life itself."Those whom the gods love, they take away from them much; those whom the gods love most, they take away from them everything"
Meh. The gods of the ancients were almost always bad luck for their lovers...I don't know where I heard this:
"Those whom the gods love, they take away from them much; those whom the gods love most, they take away from them everything"
For now we see through a glass, darkly, but then face to face; now I know in part, but then shall I know even as also I am known
(1 Corinthians 13:12)
Spiritual law may seem to be at odds even directly contrary to natural law? The last shall be first ...