What do I admire about another religion or world view?
In the Jewish and Christian scriptures, the six creative days are referred to in Genesis 2: 4; as the six generations of the universe.
According to the creation story as revealed in Genesis, it was in the sixth generation of the universe, that the observer, who was not actually creating anything, but rather, calling into existence the sleeping LOGOS, which is translated in Greek as “WORD.’
The Logos, being the ‘GREAT THOUGHT’ into which all information is Gathered, and the Supreme Personality to have developed within the Logos, was ‘The Light of Man,’ all the wisdom, knowledge and insight gained from the earthly body of Man, and the Supreme Personality of Godhead to have developed within the GREAT THOUGHT=The Logos, was one with the Logos, just as ‘YOU’ the developing mind/spirit, should be one with your evolving indwelling ancestral spirit.
The root to the word “BRAHMAN” originally meant “SPEECH”, much the same as the “LOGOS” is said to mean ‘WORD.
BHARTRHARI speaks about the creative power of shabda, the manifold universe is a creation of Shabda Brahman
The Rig Veda states that Brahman extends as far as Vac (R.V.X.114.8) and has hymns in praise of ‘SPEECH AS THE CREATOR.’
Just as our words are the audible expression of the spirit that is we, the visible universe is the word=expression of the invisible ‘Great Thought.
The Greek word “LOGOS” which has been translated as “WORD”, should be seen as ‘The thoughts in the eternal mind which are to be expressed.
The term, “LOGOS” pertains to the very plan from the outset. The creation of a universal body in which a Supreme mind or personality of Godhead to that body, develops. A Universal and eternal ‘Son of God’ who, although each SON occupies its own individual position in Space-Time, is able to visit all the other universal Sons of the eternal Logos.
In Sanskrit the similar meaning is given in the use of the word 'vac.' Vac means word. But in Sanskrit teachings of the Sanatana Dharma, vac has many levels. Including where the word is first considered as being in the mind as ‘A THOUGHT,’ and not as the spoken word or speech.
John 1: 1; In the beginning was the Logos and the Logos was God. And the supreme personality or controlling mind to have developed within the invisible eternal body of ever evolving information, was “THE LIGHT OF MAN” All the information, knowledge, wisdom and insight, gained from the body of mankind, the MOST HIGH in the previous creation, who was the Light and life of that ever-growing body of information, which is called God. All things came into existence through him, by him, and for him. Without him, nothing exists.
You, the invisible mind that has developed within that created body of flesh and blood, from the information that has been taken in through the created senses of that body, are the controlling godhead to that body, which is the temporary tent of all the spirits of your ancestors, human and pre-human with which you are one being, [body, soul and spirit]. But our words or our speech, is merely the expression of the thoughts that are stored in the minds that are we.
The Logos/word, should be seen as the gathered information of past aeons that is waiting to be expressed. The LOGOS is in fact, the invisible living COSMIC mind, (THE GREAT THOUGHT) in which is gathered all of the information of every life form that it has become, and should be seen as, ‘The essential divine reality of the universe, the eternal spirit from which all being originates, and to which all must return at the close of each period of universal activity.
The Christian triad God IMO, is the Logos/Word the one and only supreme God, then Michael the saviour on his right, with Satan the destroyer who is sometime depicted as a serpent on his left, whereas the Hindu triad God is Brahman/Speech with Vishnu the saviour on one side and Shiva the destroyer who is sometimes depicted as a serpent on the other, Vishnu only destroys in order to make way for the new.
I have no intention of attempting to reveal all the similarities, needless to say that I have found much in the Hindu and Buddhist faiths to support my own Christian faith, such as the different generations of the universe and the eternal oscillating universe, with each Big Bang followed by the BIG CRUNCH. Plus the universe being the visible manifestation of the invisible creator God from whom all being originates and to who all being returns at the close of each period of universal activity.
“Universe after universe is like an interminable succession of wheels forever coming into view, forever rolling onwards, disappearing and reappearing; forever passing from being to non-being, and again from non-being to being. In short, the constant revolving of the wheel of life in one eternal cycle, according to fixed and immutable laws, is perhaps after all, the sum and substance of the philosophy of Buddhism. And this eternal wheel has so to speak, 'SIX' spokes representing 'SIX' forms of existence.” ---- Mon. Williams, Buddhism, pp. 229, 122.