Christianity the right and only religion?


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Jesus Christ came to this earth to give his teaching, these teachings have helped people over 2000 years and this is why Jesus suffered and got crucified. The burden of people fell on to him for peoples benefit. I know it will seem pretty childish of me to say Christianity is the largest religion therefore its must be the right religion. But let’s just take a look.
  • The whole of the North American continent dominated by Christianity
  • The whole of the South American continent dominated by Christianity
  • The whole of Europe dominated by Christianity
  • The largest country in the world Russia dominated by Christianity
  • The whole of the African continent dominated by Christianity
and there are small minorities in the East and Far East preaching Christianity.

The ancient Hebrew scripts prophecies of Jesus Christ stand correct. How many men turn there backs on murder? Theft? Harm? Because of the life of one man? How many? Countless people. How many people have followed in the stpes of Jesus Christ and gave themselfs to help humans? Countless.

The greatest miricle of Christianity that is the greatest due to the publicity is the one of Fatimaand the Vatican recognises this as a true miracle.
think of it like this...

at one point in time, nearly the entire population of humanity thought the earth was flat. however, they were wrong. it is a good thing that the popularity of an opinion does not make said opinion actually correct :)

however... it is the Buddhist view that Christianity is a valid spiritual refuge, so we would encourage your practice and adherence to the moral and ethical requirements of your tradition :)
That’s how I view religion too :)... Religion I would appose would be Satanism and obviously negative cults and following.

However, what if they start coming out with there way is the right way and get a large following? Like in the case of Hitler with his anti-Semitism and hate towards certain people? Domination of a good and positive faith can also be a good a thing, let Christianity, Judaism and Islam carry on.... But of course don’t forget that all these teachings clearly state they are the right way and the only way, there way or the high way.. Doesn't mean its wrong being interdenominational. If a christian loves his enemies and is interdenominational what is he going to do to you if you are muslim? This is an other reason Christianity deserves a lot of praise but for course it doesn't always get followed by people. But fundamental Christianity is very great.
Must also point out that I posted this in the Christian forum out of respect non Christians. So I'm aiming for the Christian readers or people looking for a path.
at one point in time, nearly the entire population of humanity thought the earth was flat.

Damn couldn't help myself Have to tell you this because its eating me away, The Greeks knew the world was round You see, Christopher Columbus actually, had roman maps that they got off the Greeks and Greek map makers showing a round a world :D

The Greeks discovered that the earth is round by observing lunar eclipses (i.e. when the earth blocks the sun from the moon, casting its round shadow on the moon's surface).

Also if a ship sets sail, sooner or later it would appear out of sight. But the Greeks used to go on mountain tops and then suddenly the ship appeared again. :D
Re: Christianity

Hey Postmaster. A few comments on your list...

  • The whole of the North American continent dominated by Christianity

True to an extent. However, Canada's multiculturalism policy has been working very diligently to drain Christianity out of Canada, for fear of alienating minority groups. For example, Christmas celebrations are no longer legal in public schools. Also the province of Quebec, once devoutly Catholic, has all but turned its back on the church since the 1960s. Although I agree that much of the current 40+ generation is Christian, making the younger generation of a Christian background, I think you're going to see a rising trend of people turning to other religions, or even atheism, in North America in the next generation unless a revival of some sort occurs.

  • The whole of the South American continent dominated by Christianity

South America is indeed dominated by Catholocism, but we must also acknowledge that much of this Catholocism is intermingled with pagan practices. Their history is conversion at the edge of the sword, which is never long-lasting. Although the churches uphold Catholic beliefs, I daresay that you'll find many South Americans who practice non-Catholic beliefs alongside their Catholic beliefs.

  • The whole of Europe dominated by Christianity

Europe is growing cold-- very cold, very quickly-- from Christianity's point of view. Europe is actually a very good portrait of what Canada will look like in the next twenty years or so. I have French friends who tell me that Christianity is considered lame by most of the younger generation, who are increasingly converting to Buddhism and other eastern religions. The Muslims of England are boasting that Islam will dominate the UK in the next half century. And just like any other consumerist society, the average person is increasingly more concerned with their bank account than their spiritual condition.

  • The largest country in the world Russia dominated by Christianity

I don't know much about Russia, other than it's a very cold place and that the Jews have been fleeing from it into Israel in a pretty steady stream since 1991.

  • The whole of the African continent dominated by Christianity

    North Africa is devoutly Islamic, and southern Africa (especially South Africa itself) are mainly Christian. It seems to me that these two religions are battling it out on that continent from country to country, erupting in violence in places like Nigeria and Sierra Leone. But there is a great deal of mission work there, and Christianity is indeed on the grow. There's a German preacher named Reinhart Bonke (spelling?) who is immensely popular, and who has facilitated over one million conversions in one night of preaching (no joke!)
and there are small minorities in the East and Far East preaching Christianity.

I am living in Singapore, and I can tell you this: The cutting edge of Christianity reached the beaches of SE Asia in 1945, and has been flourishing ever since. Do you know that the largest Presbyterian, Pentacostal, and Anglican congregations in the whole world are in Seoul, Korea? Per capita, Singapore has the highest number of first-generation Christians in the whole world. Churches in rural Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia are persecuted in the same way that the early church was persecuted in the Middle East.

Check out Matthew 24. Jesus says that the gospel will be preached around the world before he returns. The gospel began in Israel, spread to Europe, then to North and South America, and now to Asia, ultimately heading back towards the Middle East. It's quite an interesting trend. And equally interesting is that as the "hot gospel" (the one that has believers throwing their lives at Jesus' feet because they're so caught up in it) moves west, a trend of cooling is following on its heals, from the Middle East which became Islamic under the Ottomans, to Europe which has become cold because of capitalism, and the beginnings are showing up in North America now as well, as I explained before.

Eventually the hot gospel will reach the Middle East, where it will meet with the remnant of the church that was there previously; the one that has survived persecution and remains today. It will be interesting to see what will happen when the old meets together with the new, but I'll tell you one thing: They'll hardly recognize each other. I've been to an Anglican church in Canada, and I've been to an Anglican church in SE Asia, and let me tell you: they are two completely different places.
I commend your zealous faith but......

Christian Fundamentalists are against everything that Jesus truly stood for e..g Love your enemy as yourself, and turn the other cheek, it is the CF's that voted in the warmonger Bush, on TV at Christmas a US preacher that advises Bush said he would have sent in 500,000 troops to Iraq and wiped them out instead of only 120,000 men. I recommend that you view the Christian Fundamentalist links that I provided on another thread so that you are aware of what you are supporting. I was deeply shocked and I wept over what I found. Jesus responded 'it is not your problem child, leave it to me to sort it out'. It helped me to understand the saying 'the first will be last and the last will be first to enter the Kingdom of Heaven.

Religion as kept people in separation from GOD and GOD's plan is for them to be relinguished over time so that everyone can come into oneness with the source. In years to come religion will be a part of history.

So the choice is man made religion or GOD?

I choose GOD.

Love beyond measure

Think of This the Jews who followed this Leader Named Jesus who they claimed was the Christ where first called Christians in Antioch. This made it easier to persecute them for the jews of that era but in reality if you were Hebrew (Jew or Christian) didnt matter to the Romans. The Church came along and the decided it was the Church of Christ the Bride. It was refered to as "The Church" Not sure where Catholic came from time wise. As doctrinal changes occured differing opionions of how to do this or that we get methods and baptists and the pentacostal and holiness quakers amish etc etc etc etc etc
When at the root we were just a bunch of Jews Following a Jew who Followed Jewish Laws and Jewish Customs as comanded by His Father If we werent born hebrew we were adopted by faith into the same promise.

Now my Question in 2005 do you Know what you are?

Somewhere attatched to the Vine I hope and very much being fed from the Roots.
One more little Note Jesus said int that Day many will say Lord Lord and he will say depart from me you workers of iniquity for I have never known thee.

Christianity great
But in vain they do worship me teaching for doctrine the commandments of men

Broad is the way that leadeth unto desruction

I am Not sure say He look the whole world is Doing it is a very good sales pitch

I wouldnt want be the judge or the person counting how many of the worlds Christians were Christians by title or were Saved

We have alot of work to do both inside and out side this church before we can claim world domination.

I look at the devotion showed buy our muslim brothers by the ortadox jews
even by native tribes who pokes bones through their noses just because Grandpa's Grandpa did it and I see us as popular group but not a dominate religion not much religious about us any more we seem to allow anybody to use this tag with no requirements no set rules.
I am Glad I am not the judge
My prayer Please God Feed us from the roots.
Sacredstar said:
I commend your zealous faith but......

Christian Fundamentalists are against everything that Jesus truly stood for e..g Love your enemy as yourself, and turn the other cheek, it is the CF's that voted in the warmonger Bush, on TV at Christmas a US preacher that advises Bush said he would have sent in 500,000 troops to Iraq and wiped them out instead of only 120,000 men. I recommend that you view the Christian Fundamentalist links that I provided on another thread so that you are aware of what you are supporting. I was deeply shocked and I wept over what I found. Jesus responded 'it is not your problem child, leave it to me to sort it out'. It helped me to understand the saying 'the first will be last and the last will be first to enter the Kingdom of Heaven.

Religion as kept people in separation from GOD and GOD's plan is for them to be relinguished over time so that everyone can come into oneness with the source. In years to come religion will be a part of history.

So the choice is man made religion or GOD?

I choose GOD.

Love beyond measure

Dont you think it would be more beneficial to pray for Bush rather than hate him so? Or how about praying for these Christian fundamentalists you cant stand so much? Prayer is a much stronger force than bashing them at every opportunity you can. You claim to be a Christian.. Lets try acting like one shall we?
Off topic but: Judaism does not state "their way or the highway." Judaism only expects Jews to practice Judaism, does not actively proselytize, (in that other thread I assumed you were all very early Christians and thus Jews straying from the mitzvot) and has no hell to condemn people to. So I'll see you all in olam haba. ;)

You know what upsets me? Its stereotyping a group of people because it sounds good at the time. It would be like saying all Jews eat bagels and lox and all Muslims kill Christians.. and all Christian fundamentalists voted for Bush and all new-agers have Christ-envy. I would ask that people try to not stereotype its hurtful and offensive and shows an intolerance and ignorance of the individuality of people.
Faithfulservant said:
I would ask that people try to not stereotype its hurtful and offensive and shows an intolerance and ignorance of the individuality of people.

I agree. The majority of Americans voted for Bush; the majority of Americans are not fundamentalist Christians. It seems to be the fad these days to flame Bible-believing Christians by first labelling them as fundamentalist, and then dismissing them as fools by association. I agree, Sacredstar, that people of any religion can become over-zealous to the point that they contradict the beliefs they are supposed to be standing for, but the minority don't represent the majority, nor vice versa.

Fundamentalist or otherwise, however, I think that the point of the original posting was to illustrate the extent to which Christianity, in one form or another, has been or is being preached throughout the world. Does anyone else see a connection between what's happening now in the world and the 24th chapter of Matthew? I was astounded the first time I was shown the connection between the East-West path of Christianity and Jesus' words in that chapter. I'm sure that every believer in every era has always thought this way, but it really does make me wonder if the time is coming soon. Especially when you consider the decreasing ratio of time for Christianity to spread in each area (i.e. A thousand years in Europe, two hundred years in North and South America, fifty years in Korea and Singapore...)
Christian Fundamentalists are against everything that Jesus truly stood for e..g Love your enemy as yourself, and turn the other cheek, it is the CF's that voted in the warmonger Bush, on TV at Christmas a US preacher that advises Bush said he would have sent in 500,000 troops to Iraq and wiped them out instead of only 120,000 men.
Well I am one of those CF's that voted in the warmonger. I am also one of those CF's that try to love my enemy of course it is hard at times to love someone that is trying to hurt you and turning the other cheek only works for so long....But lumping every christian that voted for Bush into an extremist would be like me trying to lump every Brit into a group cause one of your Princes wore a Nazi uniform. It just isnt right!!!
here's a funny story about those Christian Fundamentalists...

I go to one of those CF colleges; I was brought up that way but have since moved much more left in both politics and theology. But when the election came around, everyone had Bush signs and stickers up. So I decided, as one of the few democrats and one of the few democrats here that would vote Kerry, to place a Kerry/Edwards sign in my window...

The reaction was hysterical and disgusting at the same time...

We had a homecoming parade and as I sat outside my dorm room window, people yelled, booed, and a few of the university's sports teams in the parade decided to use my window for target practice with the candy they were supposed to be giving out. Then, as the election approached, kids would come up to my window and automatically assume that I was the "enemy," here to promote homosexuality and abortion. They tried to "convert" me to the religious right side and debate me at my window.

All I did was hang a sign in my mouthing off or nothing, and all the trouble just came to me.

This attitude in politics is also mirrored in the fundamentalist view of spiritual supremacy. Everyone else is wrong, let's bother them and irritate them until they give in. I find it so proud and dogmatic that its sickening. If it was done out of love, it would be different. But the pride and arrogance associated with it will do nothing more than push people away.
I did think I had posted this earlier, yet I can find it now, Christianity is world wide as it has been enforced and those who have disagreed get deleted.
Unlike as Christ told people:

Mat 23:15 Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you compass sea and the dry land to make one proselyte, and when he is made, you make him twofold more the child of hell than yourselves.

It’s a shame they didn’t spread Christ’s teachings more then Pharisee (Paul and John). As the world would gladly accept what Christ said. It’s still not to late though as the Bible has been distributed through out the world and if the truth is allowed to be set free it could make a dramatic change in the world for the good.
You did post before, but as mentioned, it was removed because it simply tried to direct discussion into the thread prosecuting Paul on the comparative board.
I know this is off topic a bit, but I knew a few CF's that voted for Kerry, but they where like me if I'm meeting with friends of a diff political background its beter to just shut up! Becuase anytime we talked it went from heated debate to bashing... then laughing at each other. Last I checked Kerry nor Bush is Christ, and just becuase one or the other says they are Christians does not mean nothing. Its in our history Polititians claim and promote Christian policies, but not all that did this where actually Christians, but merely trying to get votes.

Anyways yes Christianity is world wide, and is growing in countries where it wasnt popular, but is on the decline in Countries that its the majority.