Mental Health


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a figment of your imagination
I am aware I am oblivious, but this generational learning is tough. I hate to say it but I am beginning to understand why older generations have a hard time keeping up.

I have completely missed learning about the information I just read..

"You cannot befriend and date people who are neurodivergent and/or disabled with the expectation that they will behave neurotypically and/or able-bodied. I don't think people truly grasp how ableist and damaging that is.

Sooo many people think this entails accepting abuse or severe incompatibility, when what it actually entails is learning about your loved one's neurodivergencies, hearing them out when they explain to you what they need, and adjusting how you interact with them + how you navigate certain situations based on this knowledge with the mutual goal of maintaining a healthy, harmonious relationship.

If you refuse to adjust in any regard, then don't insist on befriending and dating neurodivergent and/or disabled people. It's not fair to them or you, and it's also extremely unrealistic.

People act like compromise is the worst thing ever or is inherently toxic, when it's literally essential for maintaining relationships, ESPECIALLY if both parties are multi-intersectional and have neurodivergencies and/or disabilities that contrast.

It's not in-tune with reality at all to treat everybody the same way because not everybody is the same....

But since my hospitalizations my eyes are opening to the number of people that are on one spectrum or the other and dealing with stuff I have been unaware of for decades.

I referred to this to a generational change because I think previous generations had similar wakeup calls with other human understandings like race relations, homosexuality, pr as technology grows up as well...

So many changes happening hard for this boomer to keep up and he suddenly begins to understand what previous generations minds are going thru.
Good points, thanks!

One passage stood out to me:

People act like compromise is the worst thing ever or is inherently toxic, when it's literally essential for maintaining relationships

Is this a prevailing attitude towards compromise in your circles?
Our daughter has had epilepsy, from the age of about five, she is now forty two and still has regular seizures, some quite serious. She has collapsed in the road, dropped a kettle of boiling water over herself, she has many cuts and bruises from falls. She missed a lot of schooling, and is fairly autistic. Her epilepsy has given her a very strong and determined attitude to life, she knows she has to pick herself up, and keep trying.

Having said that, she has been married for 17 years to an amazing man, he is an editor for a book company in London. There is hope.