The video I watched Maria specifically said the Jesus told her He sent His mother to us. It would be like placing Abraham the Father of Israel in a divine capacity or even Moses who led Israel out of captivity.
What do you mean by "divine capacity?"
My belief is that any new revelation ended with the book of the Revelation of Jesus Christ.
Jesus was aware there'd be people who say that, which is why He dictated the following to Maria Valtorta on April 28th, 1947:
"[...] Further: if you object that the revelation was closed with the last Apostle, and there was nothing further to add, because the same Apostle says in Revelation: "If anyone adds anything to them, God will add to him every plague mentioned in the book" (22: 1 8) and that can be understood for all the Revelation, the last completion of which is the Revelation by John, I reply to you that with this work no addition was made to revelation, but only the gaps, brought about by natural causes and by supernatural will, were filled in.
And if I wanted to take pleasure in restoring the picture of My Divine Charity as a restorer of mosaics does replacing the tesserae damaged or missing, reinstating the mosaic in its complete beauty, and I have decided to do it in this century in which mankind is hurling itself towards the Abyss of darkness and horror, can you forbid Me from doing so?
Can you perhaps say that you do not need it, you whose spirits are dull, weak, deaf to lights, voices and invitations from Above?
You ought really to bless Me for increasing with new lights the light that you have and that is no longer sufficient for you to "see" your Savior. To see the Way, the Truth and the Life, and feel that spiritual emotion of the just of My time rise in you, attaining through this knowledge a renewal of your spirits in love, that would be your salvation, because it is an ascent towards perfection.
I do not say you are "dead", but sleeping, drowsy. Like plants during their winter sleep. The divine Sun gives you its refulgence. Awake and bless the Sun that gives you itself, receive it with joy that It may warm you, from the surface to deep inside you, it may rouse you and cover you with flowers and fruits.
Rise. Come to My Gift. [...]" (
The Poem of the Man-God: Vol. V)
Good to know. I couldn't find a consistent opinion on that which is why I asked @Thomas as he is a scholar and I respect his knowledge on all things Catholic.
As a Catholic myself, and who's been familiar with Maria Valtorta for over a decade, as well as owns all of her writings, I can help with any questions.