Pistis Sophia


Jack Of All Trades, King Of None
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Airway Heights, Washington State, USA
I just received a copy of "Pistis Sophie, A Coptic Text of Gnosis with Commentary" by JJ Hurtak and Desiree Hurtak.

The introduction to the book tells that the narrator for this scroll is the risen Jesus revealing teachings to his disciples. I have just started in on book one. If the oblique text is supposed to be Jesus speaking within the scroll, it does not come across as being narrated by Jesus. It sounds more like a third party.

Text like, "And Jesus said to his disciples" does not sound like Jesus talking to his disciples.

What am I missing here?


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I’m more curious what you know about the Hurtaks and their credibility.
I just received a copy of "Pistis Sophie, A Coptic Text of Gnosis with Commentary" by JJ Hurtak and Desiree Hurtak.
I think Hurtek belongs to a certain school of New Age pseudo-science, pseduo-religious authors?

I would have thought their kind was on the way out now ... their heyday was my youth.

if you're willing to believe Hurtak was taken up to the stars by Enoch and instructed there by Enoch, Jesus, Buddha and others, as he appears toi have claimed, then go for it ...

... the discovery of the "Osiris" etc., is false. Hence the quotes – it seems there's no such discovery, although this and later claims have been made.


Personally I'd try for a translation without commentary. GSR Mead seems the most common, but I wouldn't place much store by that either, as he's somewhat biased, and I don't think his scholastic credentials are strong enough.

Good luck though ... From an ancient text, 2nd-4th century 'gnostic' cosmology viewpoint I'm sure it's probably gold-dust.