Göbekli Tepe


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a figment of your imagination
Göbekli Tepe is a Neolithic archaeological site in the Southeastern Anatolia Region of Turkey. Dated to the Pre-Pottery Neolithic, between c. 9500 and 8000 BCE, the site comprises a number of large circular structures supported by massive stone pillars – the world's oldest known megaliths.

Anyone know any particulars?
I know an archaeologist, and you just reminded me that I wanted to ask her about Göbekli Tepe for ages.

Also, I think @Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine posted a few links in another thread, at one point?
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It's such an interesting site! I wish I could visit it. It was intentionally buried and we don't know why. I saw a documentary a few weeks ago where one archaeologist claimed it was a site dedicated to the memory of a comet causing problems on Earth and that it was a warning to future generations of the return of this comet. But the "scientist" who made the documentary was really stretching on his "science". I do find it interesting that the number 11 appears to be significant and that a serpent makes an appearance as a bold deity. Usually the numbers 12 or 13 are prevalent. Not sure if I'm familiar with religious significance of the number 11. We do know that the site has a lot left to uncover. I thought it was completely uncovered, but we're not even close to completely uncovering the site.

Glad you brought it up. I thought about asking about the number 11 because of this site.
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I think Gobekli Tepe upsets the timeline for early civilization by many thousands of years, from the official view. There's a theory that early civilizations like Egypt inherited many of their structures and artefacts from an earlier and more sophisticated civilization, and roughly scratched their own crude hieroglyphics onto them.

Instead of improving its structures and artefacts and time went on, the Egyptian civilization seems to have increasingly lost the abilities. There's a lot of quite whacko and conspiracy stuff out there, but there's a thread of truth about how Egyptians just could not have done much of what they are supposed to have done, with copper chisels, etc.

This subject really interests me, but its necessary to sift out the whacko space aliens stuff

I really like this guy's channel.
He is calm and scientific in his approach.

There's also a Joe Rogan clip, as an introduction to the debate:
8 minutes

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Here's an old thread by Pathless:

It references an extensive thread posted by iBrian, but I can't seem to find it
just tried the Wayback Machine and it is blocked at work
found it (old fashioned digging): https://www.interfaith.org/community/threads/242/

Here's another:
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Yes, I recall it a while ago ... all rather interesting.

I came across it in the question of whether this was a site of early agriculture ... that a temple that big would require food sourced locally.

I think it's an open question still?
This subject really interests me, but its necessary to sift out the whacko space aliens stuff
That is always the challenge.

And thus seems to challenge so much...and then it leads to atlantis...lol

It almlst.lends to the G!d made dino fossils to test us crowd!
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Just like any other day in the news cycle. Have you noticed the push in the news about UFOs lately?
It seems made to imply that aliens have been encountered or something. All that talk last year about NASA or SpaceX or somebody wanting to make sure astronauts had "light guns" and also a host of other articles with bits and pieces of ideas to make it sounds like there have already been alien encounters.
Not sure if I'm familiar with religious significance of the number 11. We do know that the site has a lot left to uncover. I thought it was completely uncovered, but we're not even close to completely uncovering the site.

Glad you brought it up. I thought about asking about the number 11 because of this site.
Something I have seen about the number 11, is related to what I think could be lumped in with New Age, numerology or an idea of Angel Numbers
The Daily Mail makes an interesting connection to the Garden of Eden (calling it a Temple of Eden). But they admit that this is pure speculation.

Something I have seen about the number 11, is related to what I think could be lumped in with New Age, numerology or an idea of Angel Numbers
Wow that website is weird. But if I want to know what angel is trying to contact me and get a Tarot reading at the same time...
Wow that website is weird. But if I want to know what angel is trying to contact me and get a Tarot reading at the same time...
You ain't seen nothing yet, lol:

The Daily Mail ...
OMG! Don't worry about that just now – the important question: DID YOU TOUCH IT?

The Daily Mail, I mean ... did you physically touch the newspaper? If so, wash your hands thoroughly, take your temperature and check your blood-pressure if you can. Monitor for three days. If nothing's rising, you're OK.

Symptoms to look out for: Racism. Sexism. Nationbalism. Trans-phobia, Gossip and Scandalmongering ... a general fear of everything 'alien' or 'foreign' to the 'little c conservative, 'Middle England' mindset... if so, seek help immediately, and whatever you do, avoid clicking on the Sidebar of Shame'.

How to tell if you have DMdisease? Just about anything and everything 'makes my blood boil'.

Oh, and a belief that everything, and I mean everything, causes cancer.

(Not sure how au fait you are with the Daily Mail?)
It's a good article, imo
I know. But the article stands on its own legs, imo

EDIT: I'm no fan of the Daily Mail, except as newspaper for kitchen use ;)
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Wow that website is weird. But if I want to know what angel is trying to contact me and get a Tarot reading at the same time...
Which one? (two websites, two links there)
To me neither seems too far off the beaten path of what you would find in New Age (broad category but the best heuristic I can think of)
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OMG! Don't worry about that just now – the important question: DID YOU TOUCH IT?

The Daily Mail, I mean ... did you physically touch the newspaper? If so, wash your hands thoroughly, take your temperature and check your blood-pressure if you can. Monitor for three days. If nothing's rising, you're OK.

Symptoms to look out for: Racism. Sexism. Nationbalism. Trans-phobia, Gossip and Scandalmongering ... a general fear of everything 'alien' or 'foreign' to the 'little c conservative, 'Middle England' mindset... if so, seek help immediately, and whatever you do, avoid clicking on the Sidebar of Shame'.

How to tell if you have DMdisease? Just about anything and everything 'makes my blood boil'.

Oh, and a belief that everything, and I mean everything, causes cancer.

(Not sure how au fait you are with the Daily Mail?)
I didn't touch it. But now my computer keeps suggesting articles that tell me to hate Brie Larson. Coincidence I'm sure. Did you know that Brie Larson causes cancer? Oh, now I see what you mean.