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South Africans call them waterblommetjies

Waterblommetjiebredie is a stew. The name comes from the Afrikaans language and literally means 'little water flowers stew'. It is made of meat, typically lamb, stewed together with the waterblommetjies (Aponogeton distachyos flowers) which are found in the dams and marshes of the Western Cape of South Africa.The buds of Aponogeton distachyos are usually ready to be picked in the southern midwinter months of July and August, leading to their use in winter stews such as waterblommetjiebredie.

The taste of the stew has been described as much like stewed green beans. Waterblommetjiebredie is a local delicacy in South Africa
In Kashmiri, Nadr or Nadru (lotus stem). A favorite, but I do not know why. It is so fibrous. Normally curry with yogurt.
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In Kashmiri, Nadr or Nadru (lotus stem). A favorite, but I do not know why. It is so fibrous. Normally curry with yogurt.
I don't think a waterblommetjie is probably really a proper lotus -- it's not so big

I don't think a waterblommetjie is probably really a proper lotus -- it's not so big.
I think Kashmiri Nadru is proper lotus stem. I am a kashmiri and I do not like it. We had it today too for lunch, but not for me though.
Unlike Africaans, Kashmiris do not use any part of the flower. I do not think we are lotus-eaters. :),
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I think Kashmiri Nadru is proper lotus stem. I am a kashmiri and I do not like it. We had it today too for lunch, but not for me though.,
South Africans eat the flowers. But they have to be washed thoroughly, like with a shower head first before cooking to get the pond beetles and things out of them
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