Why I take the Bible literally

Indeed, scientists knew it, but the church leaders (and also some Muslim leaders) were powerful enough to suppress this knowledge. This is not fiction, it's documented.
I can't speak for Muslim authorities, but the church leaders promoting a flat-earth is largely myth. I'd check your sources on that one.
Mark 2:23-3:6 has Jesus violate the law and claim authority over it which comes up at trial... if the law is valid then Exodus 31:15 says he was rightly killed and both Christianity and Islam are invalid because they uphold a criminal.
I find your readings somewhat ideosyncratic and ill-founded.

The answer to this is found in a contemplative reading of two verses:
"The sabbath was made for man, and not man for the sabbath. Therefore the Son of man is Lord of the sabbath also." (Mark 2:27-28).

The Law is there to contain and correct a fallen humanity in a fallen world. Jesus is not of this world (John 8:23 and John 17).
I find your readings somewhat ideosyncratic and ill-founded..
So do I.
I do not believe that Jesus violated 'the law' given by Moses. It was merely a challenge
by the privileged Sanhedrin, who disliked his Divine authority.

17 “Don’t misunderstand why I have come. I did not come to abolish the law of Moses or the writings of the prophets. No, I came to accomplish their purpose.
18 I tell you the truth, until heaven and earth disappear, not even the smallest detail of God’s law will disappear until its purpose is achieved."

- Holy Bible (Matthew 5) -
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This seems to be correct, they are taking various statements from the Torah and creating a label of convenience to reference it... this isn't particularly important though.

Mark 2:23-3:6 has Jesus violate the law and claim authority over it which comes up at trial... if the law is valid then Exodus 31:15 says he was rightly killed and both Christianity and Islam are invalid because they uphold a criminal.
Exodus 31:15 says,
Six days may work be done, but on the seventh day there shall be a sabbath of complete rest, holy to יהוה; whoever does work on the sabbath day shall be put to death
The episode around Mark 2:23 deals with the interpretation of "work". Jesus (p.b.u.h) said that they were eating (allowed), not harvesting (work, disallowed).
He also said (Th 27:2)
If you do not observe the sabbath as a sabbath you will not see the Father."
He didn't abolish the law, but he explained it.
Saying, "The Shabbat is made for mankind not mankind is made for the Shabbat", he explains that God gave us His commandments for our own advantage.
Muhammad (p b.u..h), who was the only prophet of the Abrahamic tradition, confirmed that the Shabbat laws have been prescribed for the Jews, but with the message that has come to him, the Shabbat need not be respected by those who perform prayers five times a day. This is a clear change from a weekly day of prayer and rest to a mindset to rest and pray in the all day life.
I can't speak for Muslim authorities, but the church leaders promoting a flat-earth is largely myth. I'd check your sources on that one.
I don't have insight to the documents but even a German Catholic publication mentions this,

Muslim authorities chased away bin Rushd, who also said that the moon is turning around the earth, but earth is turning around the sun, and tried to calculate the distance between earth and moon, and earth and sun.
For me it seems inescapable that if the Torah is valid Jesus is a criminal that deserved death according to the law.

You cannot reconcile them, they cannot both be true.

If Jesus is the Messiah the Torah must be discarded.
Please do explain. So if the Torah is valid, that means that Jesus is a criminal. I'm not seeing any clarity here. And how the Torah would be discarded if Jesus is the Messiah? How?
Please do explain. So if the Torah is valid, that means that Jesus is a criminal. I'm not seeing any clarity here. And how the Torah would be discarded if Jesus is the Messiah? How?
At this moment in time and space DaoYin is no longer a member of the forum. Your questions may go unanswered.
I wanted to address this to explain why I might be intolerant of those that take the bible out of context or pick and choose passages they like and leave out the rest.

I believe with all my heart that it's God's direct message to me. Think about how Holy and Sacred that would make it that God spoke and the written Word is the result. To deny that is blasphemy to me but I understand that not everyone believes as I do.. but when Scripture is twisted beyond recognition it would be as if I was giving permission for someone to blaspheme God by not answering back.

Ok as to why I take it literally. Question if you were wrong in interpreting it in a way God did not intend and developed a false teachings and shared that teaching with others.. the bible says their blood is on your hands. If I take it literally then when I face God I can stand on the fact that I took Him at His Word and didn't put my Self into it.

What this means. Yes the earth was created in six literal days. The earth is approximately 6000 years old. I'm more and more convinced we are not traveling around the sun 67000 mph and we are in an enclosed environment. I believe there is a place of torment Sheol and a Lake of Fire Hell. If I'm wrong then I'll find out later but by taking it literally I am secure in not fabricating based on mans teaching.

I believe the Bible is complete and doesn't need further interpretation or messengers with a different message. God's plan of Salvation is clear and that's what it's all about. How He is dealing with Mans rebellion and how He made a way for our redemption. I feel secure in my Salvation and it boggles my mind that someone could possibly try to convince me that it's wrong and they have a different truth. Funny right?

What a wild ride this is!
Thank you, I enjoyed reading that.
These are your beliefs and it's your right to have them.
But obviously you must also obey the laws of the country that you live in, even if they differ from your bible.

All the best to you.
Thank you, I enjoyed reading that.
These are your beliefs and it's your right to have them.
But obviously you must also obey the laws of the country that you live in, even if they differ from your bible.

All the best to you.
Hi Badger! Nice to see you again! You post an interesting idea. Do I follow the laws of my country if they differ from the bible? Being from the US it doesn't really impact me as our laws do not generally contradict the bible but if I were living in a country that outlawed Christianity or the meeting of Church or owning a bible I would definitely be breaking those laws. The church in the US is not persecuted like it is in other places and many believers are martyred for their faith each day.
Hi Badger! Nice to see you again! You post an interesting idea. Do I follow the laws of my country if they differ from the bible? Being from the US it doesn't really impact me as our laws do not generally contradict the bible but if I were living in a country that outlawed Christianity or the meeting of Church or owning a bible I would definitely be breaking those laws. The church in the US is not persecuted like it is in other places and many believers are martyred for their faith each day.
Hello again! It's good that you follow all your country's laws, regardless of who holds government at any particular time.
It's sad to hear that Christians (or any others) are being murdered for faith in bad countries. Do you know where that is happening at this time?

This site lists the top countries that are persecuting Christians.

This site lists the top countries that are persecuting Christians.
Thank you for that list.

I suppose some countries will persecute Christians, Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus, atheists and any others who don't follow a particular culture or religion.

I am interested in your total belief in all of the bible. I do know some strong Christians but they don't accept all of the bible literally like you do. But the majority of Christians that I know are what I would call 'social' or 'semi' Christians who only attend Christian weddings, baptisms and funerals.

Are you an evangelist? Would you knock on doors to spread your faith like JWs do? Or how do you evangelise?
Thank you for that list.

I suppose some countries will persecute Christians, Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus, atheists and any others who don't follow a particular culture or religion.

I am interested in your total belief in all of the bible. I do know some strong Christians but they don't accept all of the bible literally like you do. But the majority of Christians that I know are what I would call 'social' or 'semi' Christians who only attend Christian weddings, baptisms and funerals.

Are you an evangelist? Would you knock on doors to spread your faith like JWs do? Or how do you evangelise?
My method of evangelizing is being prompted by the Holy Spirit. If I feel the urge to talk to someone about Jesus and the good news I act upon that. No I would not go knock on someone's door or stand on street corners. I'm not saying there's anything wrong with it it's just not how I feel called.

I also do not judge how other Christians practice their faith. My relationship with my Lord Jesus is a personal one and based on my own convictions. I would never judge another's walk as it's their own. Believers are given spiritual gifts to build up the body of Christ and I use mine to that effect.

My choice to believe in the bible literally is based on my faith that God's word is inspired and God breathed. I would rather fail on that than fail on not believing it and missing the mark. To me it's the known will of God for my life and He has been faithful to me in the comfort and strength I get from His word.

Thank you for your interest!
My method of evangelizing is being prompted by the Holy Spirit. If I feel the urge to talk to someone about Jesus and the good news I act upon that. No I would not go knock on someone's door or stand on street corners. I'm not saying there's anything wrong with it it's just not how I feel called.

I also do not judge how other Christians practice their faith. My relationship with my Lord Jesus is a personal one and based on my own convictions. I would never judge another's walk as it's their own. Believers are given spiritual gifts to build up the body of Christ and I use mine to that effect.

My choice to believe in the bible literally is based on my faith that God's word is inspired and God breathed. I would rather fail on that than fail on not believing it and missing the mark. To me it's the known will of God for my life and He has been faithful to me in the comfort and strength I get from His word.

Thank you for your interest!
Thank you for taking your time.