And on the seventh day he rested.


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a figment of your imagination
This is the day that the Lord hath made, let us rejoice and be glad in it.

(Just trying to find a topic there won't be argument

Being the Christian Corral ...can we agree on this one across denominations?
This is the day that the Lord hath made, let us rejoice and be glad in it.

(Just trying to find a topic there won't be argument

Being the Christian Corral ...can we agree on this one across denominations?
Well... there are a minority of Christian denominations that observe a Saturday Sabbath. :)
But hopefully rejoicing and being glad is non-controversial😇

I thought I cobvered.sevwnth day Adventists by not saying sunday?
Ohh... I guess I was thinking of it being to the moment as posted on a Sunday
:cool: 😇
That allows the inclusivity of
Seventh Day Adventists, Seventh Day Baptists, 7th Day Churches of God (mostly Armstrong churches), 7th Day Apostolic Churches, 7th Day Holiness Churches, 7th Day Anabaptists, Hebrew Roots, Messianic or Torah observant churches...
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Any day where my mother-in-law doesn't visit us is truly a day to rejoice, no matter what day of the week it is.

If you met her you would understand.
Behind every great man is an astonished mother-in-law.
Mine is basically a selfish internet troll in the flesh. I can't have a conversation with her without thinking "nobody is that stupid!" One time she called me confused. Her credit card company was sending her to collections because she didn't pay her credit card. Her excuse? She cut up the credit card, so the credit card company shouldn't have any record of her debt. She seriously believed that some satellite orbiting our planet would notice that her card had been cut up and then send a message to the bank to cancel her debt. Every time she calls me I wonder if she's just trying to show me how much of a fool she can be.
Mine is basically a selfish internet troll in the flesh. I can't have a conversation with her without thinking "nobody is that stupid!" One time she called me confused. Her credit card company was sending her to collections because she didn't pay her credit card. Her excuse? She cut up the credit card, so the credit card company shouldn't have any record of her debt. She seriously believed that some satellite orbiting our planet would notice that her card had been cut up and then send a message to the bank to cancel her debt. Every time she calls me I wonder if she's just trying to show me how much of a fool she can be.
You have my sympathy. Sounds like a female version of a drunken redneck doing a sidewalk slalom with a skateboard and a rope tied to the bumper of a pickup truck....what could possibly go wrong???
Mine is basically a selfish internet troll in the flesh. I can't have a conversation with her without thinking "nobody is that stupid!" One time she called me confused. Her credit card company was sending her to collections because she didn't pay her credit card. Her excuse? She cut up the credit card, so the credit card company shouldn't have any record of her debt. She seriously believed that some satellite orbiting our planet would notice that her card had been cut up and then send a message to the bank to cancel her debt. Every time she calls me I wonder if she's just trying to show me how much of a fool she can be.