Lost in Trans Nation

Nicholas Weeks

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Throughout our country, atrocities are taking place in doctor’s offices and hospital operating rooms. Physically healthy children and adolescents are being permanently disfigured and sometimes sterilized. Those youth say they’re transgender, and we—their parents, teachers, therapists, and doctors—are supposed to agree with their self-diagnosis and take a back seat as they make the most consequential decision of their lives: to alter their bodies in order to, we are told, “align” them with their minds.

Medical, educational, and government authorities advise us to support the “gender journeys” of still developing kids, including medical interventions with poor evidence of long-term improvement.

This would not be acceptable in any other field of medicine. Indeed, the treatments our medical authorities and Washington call “crucial” and “life-saving” have been banned in progressive Sweden, Finland, and Britain.

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Throughout our country, atrocities are taking place in doctor’s offices and hospital operating rooms. Physically healthy children and adolescents are being permanently disfigured and sometimes sterilized. Those youth say they’re transgender, and we—their parents, teachers, therapists, and doctors—are supposed to agree with their self-diagnosis and take a back seat as they make the most consequential decision of their lives: to alter their bodies in order to, we are told, “align” them with their minds.

Medical, educational, and government authorities advise us to support the “gender journeys” of still developing kids, including medical interventions with poor evidence of long-term improvement.

This would not be acceptable in any other field of medicine. Indeed, the treatments our medical authorities and Washington call “crucial” and “life-saving” have been banned in progressive Sweden, Finland, and Britain.

Even if I agree with something, the second I hear a politician refer to "the science" on a matter, I immediately question it and don't trust it.

Throughout our country, atrocities are taking place in doctor’s offices and hospital operating rooms. Physically healthy children and adolescents are being permanently disfigured and sometimes sterilized. Those youth say they’re transgender, and we—their parents, teachers, therapists, and doctors—are supposed to agree with their self-diagnosis and take a back seat as they make the most consequential decision of their lives: to alter their bodies in order to, we are told, “align” them with their minds.

Medical, educational, and government authorities advise us to support the “gender journeys” of still developing kids, including medical interventions with poor evidence of long-term improvement.

This would not be acceptable in any other field of medicine. Indeed, the treatments our medical authorities and Washington call “crucial” and “life-saving” have been banned in progressive Sweden, Finland, and Britain.

I am a mental health counselor and I used to work with the transgender population. It was something I fell into early in my career rather than something I sought. I sympathize with transgender people and feel like I understand them a little. What I never really did understand was the assessment process. It wasn't well taught. Also, it's just not objective or systematic enough for my understanding. Now the research on any aspect of long term outcomes is really not in place at this time, for any aspect of this as modern medical interventions for gender affirming care have only been around since the 50s I think, and never in great number until extremely recently.

I feel like there has to be a lot more research and a lot more training for any and all healthcare providers involved. I think the process of assessment and diagnosis and ruling out or testing for other possible problems is just not what I think it should be. To me it felt haphazard. I don't have moral objections or judgments. I sympathize with the individuals who from early in their lives feel they are in the wrong body.

When it comes to young people it's such a catch 22. On one hand they may seem to young to make life altering decisions. On the other hand, many adult trans people wish desperately they had not "gone through the wrong puberty" (one of the most common phrases I heard during those years) and heavily regret and resent their pre-transition lives.

I don't work in that practice anymore. I don't know what it is like now. From my perspective it remains confusing and I think not well understood.
I have no idea why there are so many people who report wanting to change their gender presentation. However I do notice that many people in the general public seem alarmed and angry about it. In my experience, transgender people usually seemed to be nervous, sad, beaten down by the world around them, but resolute. I only rarely had sessions with trans kids, and in never lasted as I really don't work with kids in general. But what I did see was not something where any adult was pressuring kids into transitioning. It was usually clueless, scared parents dragged along by their desperate, resolute trans children.

I never fully understood it, and am nowhere close to any kind of activist. I just saw your post and wanted to put my two cents in, a perspective from a one-time insider (sort of)

You can ask me questions, and I will tell you what I remember. I haven't read up much on the transgender phenomenon in awhile.
The London Tavistock Gender Clinic for Children
(recently closed by government)

Clinical Damage: The Tavistock Clinic’s closure follows a damning report on ideological malpractice

The damage done is immeasurable. No one knows how years of ideological dogma, inappropriate treatment and a culpable failure to consider the overall mental welfare of the children treated by the Tavistock Clinic will affect the thousands referred to its Gender Identity Development Service. Yesterday the government thankfully brought the scandal to a swift halt. In the wake of a devastating report in March on the clinic’s reckless prescription of puberty blockers, ministers have shut it down altogether. Treatment of children questioning their gender identity will now be handled instead by established and respected regional children’s hospitals.

Disbanding the Tavistock is not before time. The once pioneering north London centre focusing on the psychiatric care of children has become an institute captured by a pernicious clique of “queer theory” trans activists, unwilling to question the reliance on puberty blockers, analyse the longterm effects of this untested treatment, or tolerate any dissenting opinion among staff.

The Tavistock failed to collect data on puberty blockers for those under 16, refused to follow up the effects of its treatments and paid virtually no attention to other common factors such as autism, eating disorders or histories of trauma and abuse. It naively confused sexual orientation with gender identity, accepted at face value all declarations by children that they were born in the wrong body and treated all complex problems through the prism of gender.

There were plenty of warning signs. A number of senior staff objected that the clinic did not follow established protocols for the safe use of life-changing hormone treatment. Unable to voice their doubts, many left. Whistleblowers were denounced as transphobic. And as discussion of trans issues became more polemical and political, the clinic saw an extraordinary rise in the number of referrals from across the country, especially among young girls seemingly distressed about their gender. Last year there were more than 5,000 referrals compared to 250 a decade ago. Parents, warned by trans activists that failure to offer early access to hormone treatment before puberty could lead to their children’s suicide, besieged the clinic, the only one in Britain focusing on the issue.

When at last the NHS decided to investigate, the report by Dr Hilary Cass was appalling. The clinic had failed to keep accurate records of all the children treated with hormones after they grew up. There was no long-term monitoring of the out-comes, no attempt to look at other factors affecting mental wellbeing, and no distinction between clinical experience and the shrill activism of those who insisted that trans rights were above all a matter of social and political acceptance …

Read full article:
Indeed, the treatments our medical authorities and Washington call “crucial” and “life-saving” have been banned in progressive Sweden, Finland, and Britain.
My daughter has been a midwife for about twenty years in the UK. She is now having to deal with neutral words like pregnant patients, pregnant people, pregnant teens these descriptions present an inclusive alternative.

To me, this sounds like madness. A hundred percent of people who give birth are women, why should they give up their right to be called a woman, in favour of being called a person. In 2023 in the Uk, a similar proportion of people who answered the sex question as female (0.52%) and male (0.56%) identified as trans. Across all age groups.

How can such a small minority dictate what the other 99% of the population want to be known as. I want to be identified as a man, and my wife as a woman. Anyone else is free to call themselves what they want.

My daughter has been a midwife for about twenty years in the UK. She is now having to deal with neutral words like pregnant patients, pregnant people, pregnant teens these descriptions present an inclusive alternative.

To me, this sounds like madness. A hundred percent of people who give birth are women, why should they give up their right to be called a woman, in favour of being called a person. In 2023 in the Uk, a similar proportion of people who answered the sex question as female (0.52%) and male (0.56%) identified as trans. Across all age groups.

How can such a small minority dictate what the other 99% of the population want to be known as. I want to be identified as a man, and my wife as a woman. Anyone else is free to call themselves what they want.
I don't understand it either. I'm too old I guess and changing pronouns? I don't care what people want to be identified as but not the level of animosity if you don't catch on to it quick enough.

I'm a woman and my pronouns are she and her.
Why not read the bona fides of the author Dr Miriam Grossman in the OP link? She has decades of experience.
But also, even if someone has decades of experience -- what? I haven't read her book yet, so I don't know what her experience is, if she's biased, etc etc. The person I worked under in those few years I worked with trans people -- she had decades of experience as well. I learned a fair amount from her, but remain skeptical of numerous things.
My former employer wrote this book

I've forgotten most of it. She did the research independently and I guess that's why she didn't get at PhD.
What I think was useful about it was that it wasn't purely opinion. But like I said I've forgotten most of it.
What I didn't like is how she thought having us read that book told us everything we needed to know.
Knowledge doesn't transfer like that.

There is so much about transgender care that made my head spin.
I don't doubt that it's a real phenomenon, but it's poorly understood and poorly assessed.
The general public doesn't understand it as the activists and powers that be have been defensive and combative and way overshadowed people who wanted to teach the public.
I wasn't motivated either way, or sucked into any of that, I was just kind of there, and wanted to do good general psychotherapy. I was no passionate advocate. That made me a real suspicious character in some eyes.

In some settings thought I sometimes DO feel like I need to defend transgender people, as they are poorly understood -- understandably so-- it's so poorly explained. I have the background to understand them a little and offer non-clinicians some information.

What I also know is when I worked in that clinical setting the whole group would lash out at me if I asked what I thought was a neutral question. So, a lot of questions I had at the time were never answered, and now forgotten. I don't search out all the research because I don't do that anymore.

The pro-trans advocates can be crazy, the anti trans activists are crazy, interestingly the average trans client is the least crazy of the bunch.
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Another helpful book - Detrans by Mary Olohan. Long interview of author by Megyn Kelly on YouTube.


Transgender activists are all about speaking up—unless you regret your “transition” and have made the journey back. Then you’d better keep your mouth shut. But a compelling new book gives detransitioners a voice. And their testimony is unforgettable.

The number of teens and pre-teens persuaded they were born with the wrong body has exploded. Goaded by a toxic online “community” and assisted by teachers, doctors, and even their own parents, they are promptly set on the path of puberty-blockers, cross-sex hormones, and gruesome “gender-affirming” surgeries.
The pro-trans advocates can be crazy, the anti trans activists are crazy, interestingly the average trans client is the least crazy of the bunch.
Isn't this always the case -- reasonable folks caught in the war between the lunatic fringe extremists on both sides?
When genital mutilation is outlawed...

American men will have whole penises again.
I think we have more to worry about than our "penises"..
..especially, at our age. :)

In any case, it doesn't seem to stop people having children. ;)
I think we have more to worry about than our "penises"..
..especially, at our age. :)

In any case, it doesn't seem to stop people having children. ;)
Exactly....we need to be of utmost concern as to what others are doing with their genitalia.

What they are doing in bed and with whom. What kind of body parts they have and what they call themselves.

Give me a break....let's feed people, love people, care for people...

If King James can have gay lovers, those who wave his Bible around....