The power of Trinity

Vasu Devan

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Threes are important to our existence. Not sure why but so many things can be reduced to basic threes. Not just our gods.

Time - past, present, future
timeunits - multiples of 3s
space - 3 dimensions
matter state - solid, liquid, gas
colors - red, green, blue
life - archea, bacteria, eukarya
atoms - neutron, positron, electron
heat transfer - conduction, convection, radiation
radiation - alpha, beta, gamma
macrofoods - carbs, proteins, fats
numbers - even, odd, prime
Plenty more....

So whats the deal with three? I dont know much about any gods of Oriental religions but both Western and Asian ones had three main ones. Seems too many examples to just be a coincidence...

Just a whimsical fact to ponder.
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Threes are important to our existence. Not sure why but so many things can be reduced to basic threes. Not just our gods.

Time - past, present, future
timeunits - multiples of 3s
space - 3 dimensions
matter state - solid, liquid, gas
colors - red, green, blue
life - archea, bacteria, eukarya
atoms - neutron, positron, electron
heat transfer - conduction, convection, radiation
radiation - alpha, beta, gamma
macrofoods - carbs, proteins, fats
numbers - even, odd, prime
Plenty more....

So whats the deal with three? I dont know much about any gods of Oriental religions but both Western and Asian ones had three main ones. Seems too many examples to just be a coincidence...

Just a whimsical fact to ponder.
You left out "three's a crowd'"...(I couldn't resist that one):)
@Vasu Devan

Taking your comment here:
One day, I just heard a voice in my head referencing me by name and saying "First, I was one, which became two, which became three, which became many things.

It is the principle of Tao from the I Ching where from the One springs the Yang (male) principle, and immediately from that springs the Yin (female) principle

It is expressed in the story of Adam and Eve from the Bible.

Also I believe from the Kabalkah, where Kether (the Crown) emanates Binah (male) which immediately emanates Chokma (female) and from this upper triangle the other Sephorith are emanated.
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I find it fascinating how there are repeated motifs, symbols, or numerical figures in human history, culture and spirituality. I think I made a post a year ago about the significance of the age 30 in major religious founders/leaders.
@Vasu Devan

Taking your comment here:

It is the principle of Tao from the I Ching where from the One springs the Yang (male) principle, and immediately from that springs the Yin (female) principle

It is expressed in the story of Adam and Eve from the Bible.

Also I believe from the Kabalkah, where Kether (the Crown) emanates Binah (male) which immediately emanates Chokma (female) and from this upper triangle the other Sephorith are emanated.
Oh I understand the meaning and symbolism of it @RJM
Just don't understand why an atheist like me heard those words spoken inside my head almost verbatim by a being claiming to be divine.
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THREE is the manifestation of One & Two.
ZERO can be seen as the Abyss, Primordial Soup, the Egyptian Nuit, that from which everything begins. It is Pure Potential.
In Musiq (metaphysics of sound), this is the time before the musician touches the instrument, when the creative urge strikes and the desire to create begins.

ONE is the singularity, spiritual perfection, our Monad. It is free from duality and rests perfectly within itself.
In Musiq ONE is the Root note, containing all the possibilities and potential of creation. This Root note buzzes with an endless palette of Pythagorean harmonics.

TWO is the first manifestation following the pure idea of creation. The Dyad, introduces duality and either compliments or contrasts ONE. This number is the energy of undisturbed harmony and the call for manifesting Change.
In Musiq TWO creates variations of consonance or dissonance depending on its relation to the Root.

THREE is the synthesis and harmony of ONE & TWO. No longer are ONE & TWO in solitude, there is meaning manifested together as a trinity. In Musiq THREE is the triad and now ONE & TWO together with THREE defines a chord and thus Emotion.
Body/Soul/ Spirit
and of course my favorite trinity 😍
There used to be a whole section a now defunct local paper called "Mind/Body/Spirit" Much of what they advertised was about health and various non Western approaches like acupuncture, or other alternative and natural healing methods and possibly some New Age approaches. When I was really trying to make sense of the Trinity and whether it was fact, and how it all worked, I used to wonder if the Mind/Body/Spirit thought aligned with the concept of the Trinity. But then I wondered if that was Modalism which is supposed to be wrong or heresy:( 🤔
And I do like the Hindu Sat-Chit-Ananda

From Yogapedia
Sat-chit-ananda is a Sanskrit term that describes the nature of reality as it is conceptualized in Hindu and yogic philosophy. Some consider sat-chit-ananda to be the same as God or Brahman (Absolute Reality). Others use it as a term to describe the experience of realizing the unity and wholeness of all existence.

It is said that sat-chit-ananda is the source of all consciousness and all perfection. To experience sat-chit-ananda is to achieve the ultimate goal of the spiritual journey in Hinduism or yoga.

Sat: truth, absolute being or existence-- that which is enduring and unchanging
Chit: consciousness, understanding and comprehension
Ananda: bliss, a state of pure happiness, joy and sensual pleasure

A common translation of sat-chit-ananda is "truth-consciousness-bliss." Sometimes sat-chit-ananda is considered to be a triple consciousness, where all three elements can be taken separately or considered as one because, in reality, each element is found in everything.

Some say that the experience of sat-chit-ananda is only accessible to a few advanced spiritual masters. Potentially, only 20 or 30 masters have ever been able to reach and remain in this state. It is easier for people to achieve an illuminated mind, but sat-chit-ananda is a higher state even than that.

In the philosophy of Vedanta, sat-chit-ananda is used as a synonym for the three qualities of Brahman. It is the supremely blissful experience of pure consciousness, unity and ultimate reality. Sri Aurobindo considers sat-chit-ananda to be the eternal and unified concept of the soul, which is beyond space, matter and time.