What are you currently reading?

A classic! How are you liking it so far? I'll admit, anything I know about Breakfast at Tiffany's comes from that Seinfeld episode about it lol. I haven't even seen the Audrey Hepburn movie. Capote was a really fascinating man though.
I enjoyed it. I picked up the book without research, although I'd heard of it. Capote creates unforgettable characters, imo
Sorry. I did not meant to hijack the thread if it's meant basically for spiritual reading ...
Sorry. I did not meant to hijack the thread if it's meant basically for spiritual reading ...

Oh, no, not at all don't worry! I'm interested in any kind of book people are reading :) I just happen to be reading a lot of spiritual books at the moment
Wow, that's fascinating. How do you mean inspired?
I'm mean inspired because I've had the Holy Spirit (al Ruh al Qudus in arabic) involved in my life for many years who taught me some of the deepest knowledge and understanding that I could ever imagine and I write it down whenever it comes to me (struggling to avoid my impulse to write everything down just because it's a never ending tap of wisdom and sometimes interferes with other things to write it but it's unbelievable wisdom.

Examples in womanism in the Bible and understanding the difference between a prophet and a messenger and also the states of matter and that humans have been counting to ten wrong for many millenniums to name a few, will give examples from the aforementioned if you wish.

ma'as salamah
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al hikmah dhalah al mu'min aynama wajaduha fahuwa ahaqqu biha wisdom is the lost property of the believer wherever he finds it he is most entitled to it

Just finished reading a book on Shi'ism in Islam and am currently finishing up a book on Islamic law by Shaykh Nuh Ha Mim Keller a great American born Sufi shaykh who lived in Jordan for many years.
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I'm looking at reading Henry Corbin's Alone with the Alone (a renamed reissue of Creative Imagination in the Sufism of Ibn 'Arabi.

If you – or anyone – wants a spooky/horror recommend, I've just read Between Two Fires by Christopher Buehlman.
If you – or anyone – wants a spooky/horror recommend, I've just read Between Two Fires by Christopher Buehlman.

Thank you, I just looked this up and it seems right up my alley! I love horror fiction in a historical setting, they don't write enough of it anymore imo. The only other one I've heard of semi-recently is The Terror by Dan Simmons, which apparently is excellent.
Yes, please! It sounds quite interesting.
First is womanism as many people mistakenly believe that the world should be male dominated when in the Garden of Eden in the book of Genesis male domination was a curse and it was due to the fall of mankind when Adam and Eve had sex (forbidden fruit, symbolic understanding ) and when God apprehended them said that as a result of the fall and original sin, lists several bad things and mentions that the woman shall long for her husband:

ESVTo the woman he said, “I will surely multiply your pain in childbearing; in pain you shall bring forth children. Your desire shall be contrary to husband, but he shall rule over you.”

New King James Version
"For the LORD has created a new thing in the earth— A woman shall encompass a man.”

"For in the resurrection they neither marry nor are given in marriage, but are like angels in heaven."

(not females being dominated by men speaking in terms of the hereafter.)

The Bible and Quran explain one another. The verse in the Quran that says

We gave Moses the Scripture and We sent messengers after him in succession. We gave Jesus, son of Mary, clear signs and strengthened him with the Holy Spirit.

The Arabic of this verse says wa qafayna min ba'dihi bi rusul this verse in the Quran is clearly referring to the Hebrew prophets in the Tanach and that settles an old dispute among Muslim scholars about the the difference between a prophet (nabi) and a messenger (rasul). Muslims believed either that rasul gets a new religion and not all nabis come with new laws but all rasuls do or it could mean that a rasul is a prophet who is commanded to preach and not all prophets are commanded to preach.

the Hebrew prophets were called prophets in the old testament and the Quran refers to them as messengers (rusul) clearly showing that the Bible helps one understand the Quran and the vice versa. Just by reading common knowledge of the Bible it solves a centuries long dispute among Muslims.

I also personally hold that in the language the two are interchangeable as a prophet (nabi) means someone with news and a rasul is a messenger and according to Judeo Christiainty a prophet or apostle is someone whom God selects to preach God's message.

Also the holy spirit shed light on the states of matter. The ancient Greeks used to categorize matter as hot/cold and dry/wet but both could be one word as temperature and moisture and also was shown that there are two other states to categorize matter with which are color and density thus significantly improving the states of matter of very knowledgeable Greek sages.

Also shown that humans have been counting to ten wrong for millennia. When it's in reverse (like in basketball games) we say 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 (shot clock) but when we count forwards, we forget to mention the 0. We should be starting at 0 not 1.

I hope I explained those points clearly enough if not please feel free to ask and I will explain.

Bestselling Author Rosaria Butterfield Confronts 5 Cultural Lies She Once Believed

Modern culture is increasingly outspoken against a biblical understanding of what it means to be a woman. Even some Christians, swayed by the LGBTQ+ movement, have rejected God’s word on issues of sexuality and gender in favor of popular opinion. In light of these pressures, it’s more important than ever to help women see the truth about who God created them to be.
Bestselling Author Rosaria Butterfield Confronts 5 Cultural Lies She Once Believed

Oh, I've actually heard of her! I think I watched one of her talks on YouTube. I think its great when someone clearly intelligent, like a professor, converts from atheism to religion, because it demonstrates that faith isn't "unintellectual" like the media sometimes suggests.
American Schism by Seth David Radwell.
It's about how the current divisions in American society and politics can be traced way back to 2 separate strains of thought in the Enlightenment

What are your thoughts on it? :) the Enlightenment is fascinating. I think it and the Reformation have changed Western society more than anything since the spread of Christianity.
What are your thoughts on it? :) the Enlightenment is fascinating. I think it and the Reformation have changed Western society more than anything since the spread of Christianity.
I'm still just getting started. I've been reading it in fits and starts between vacations/trips and other goings on. But I am deeply intrigued by their theory that there were "two Enlightenments" or at least 2 major threads of thought that came out of the Enlightenment that are still at work and still wrangling it out today. I look forward to reading how they lay out their case.

I have a bad habit of starting books and laying them aside for awhile. I really don't want that to be the case with this book. 🫥📖📚
The Complete Works of Edgar Allen Poe, Ucle Silas and Carmilla (the latter two are by Joseph Sheridan le Fanu, a contemporary of some unkown author named Bram Stoker.) I read both Poe and Sheridan le Fanu every year on Halloween/Samhain by flashlight due to open flames are prohibited due to neighbours requiring oxygen.

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
The Complete Works of Edgar Allen Poe, Ucle Silas and Carmilla (the latter two are by Joseph Sheridan le Fanu, a contemporary of some unkown author named Bram Stoker.) I read both Poe and Sheridan le Fanu every year on Halloween/Samhain by flashlight due to open flames are prohibited due to neighbours requiring oxygen.

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine

Le Fanu is such a good writer. The Woman in the Black Coat by him is excellent, I highly recommend it if you haven't read it before!